• Member Since 11th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen 29 minutes ago


A German who likes history, and WW2 technology but not war. "Within the darkness there is light and hope"


This story is a sequel to Blood in the sand

It started as a normal picnic. A picnic that becomes a journey in Space, where nopony has ever gone before.

Can they find a way home?

Anther un-canon sequel to Blood in the Sand.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 17 )

A Star Trek crossover, thought give it a try

I approve! Good work so far.

“We are the Borg. Existence, as you know it, is over. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile.”

*BEEP* resistance is futile.

Good job so far, although tbh I have no idea where the plot is going.

How the fuck did you just go from WWII to Star Trek :v

I am also a Star Trek fan and i had the idea for a while, so i thought Why not giving it a try.

Yeah, Good Thing it Never came so far in the tv Show.

In a blue flash, they found themselves on the wreck. “Magnetize.” Midnight ordered and all pressed a button on their suits and they all felt how they were pushed down, felling a bit heavy.

I feel that parts in your story such as this could use some more description - this is a bit bland, to be honest. Go into depth about what they're feeling - use J.K. Rowling's method, for example. She used metaphors and juxtapositions to describe the specific feelings or surroundings that were used in her stories.

Other than that, not bad. On a less serious note, where are the redshirts? 🙃

well, given it is a short non-canon story, it's more focused on the ponies than the star trek characters. Plus, I can't remember Voyager had many redshirts

Ah, that's right. That was the Enterprise, wasn't it?

Although I have not seen much Star Trek, I could read the story without any problem and enjoy it and the selected music quite good for its respected scenes, and the case of Gunther gave me to think of how James / Jessie died, old or for other way (curious thing in which I heard the soundtrack of the BFV you chose for "a black sun rise" there was a comment from a user with the name "james gunther" equal and was telling me at that time "what a coincidence" :ajsmug:)

Yes, that User was me and glad you like it

And a good ending. I'm not very invested in any of the Voyager-related Star Treks, but I'll take your word for it all on detail. Can't be as bad as those 60's special effect, eh? :trixieshiftright:

:facehoof: Oy. Disgusting, those were.

Glad you enjoyed it. And what you think about chapter 5?

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