The birth of Flurry Heart was a bit more complicated than first thought. When she woke up the next day, it was apparent that she may or may not have had a life before she was Flurry Heart.
An average man died an average death while in a different world, Celestia has perished during the changeling invasion. Death is not the end for either of these people and with the power of a star their destinies will be reforged.
When Humanity met Ponykind, things went poorly for humanity. A Unicorn named Prancer travels back in time, and sets out to solve the "Human problem" with a magical virus that'll "take the evil out of Humanity". What could possibly go wrong?
Before her grand Invasion in Canterlot, Tempest Shadow seeks aid from some other skilled creatures under the Storm King's command. Like her, they too were promised something...
Two hundred years before the reunification, the Earth Ponies are all but slaves to the Unicorns and Pegasi. Enter Jason, a young man with unshakeable ideals and two magazines' worth of ammunition that will change the very foundations of the world.
In a universe where Equestria recently arrived on Planet Earth, Queen Chrysalis sits in chains. Now she must answer herself in front of this world's highest court - the International Criminal Court in the Hague, the Netherlands.
Josh was just trying to do his job. But as usual, they showed up. He had to get out of there. He didn't care where, just anywhere else. That anywhere else. Is Equestria. In a galaxy far different from the rest. And honestly? He's seen weirder stuff
If Ace had known of the drastic changes his intervention would have for the world he was sent to, he'd rather have been left at the mercy of the World Government.
After interrupting a ritual after being kidnapped by the people performing it, five normal students get sent to Equestria, each of them receiving a new form in the process: the forms of classic monsters.