• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2011


Captain Cutie on duty!

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Twilight didn’t know what to say. How easy it sounded, to just not think about things that hurt, but thoughts were all she had.

Thoughts were the only thing that were hers, for better or worse.

Special thanks to lilfunkman for the cover art and for generally being the best support I could ask for.

Chapters (1)

Luna has hidden a deep, dark secret from the ponies she watches over so lovingly. Were they to discover it, she can only imagine what it would do to the image they now hold of her. Twilight thinks it's just precious and plans to uncover it once and for all.

In the name of dapples.

Written because I was brainwormed by the wonderful art of my friends, Amarynceus and SilFoe. In turn, they were then brainwormed to make a couple contributions of their own.

Cover art by Amarynceus, because why not use something I brainwormed by the person who brainwormed me?

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer does stuff

Chapters (1)

Decommissioning comes more easily to some ponies than others. Sweetie Drops happily fell into her cover identity. Not all of her co-agents reacted similarly. Now a stallion born to risk his life for the greater good has to find a way to make that talent work with being a husband and a father.

This might be a bit complicated for fillies who are still in elementary school.

Set during late Season 5.

A revised entry in the July 2016 Writeoff Competition Prompt: "End of an Era"

Chapters (1)

When Adagio is caught wearing a rather unusual piece of clothing, Aria and Sonata can not help but ask questions about it.

(:rainbowderp: featured on October 26, 2018. Was not expecting that :pinkiehappy:)

Chapters (4)

Twilight Sparkle may have to deal with a lot of issues, but inside her, another drama plays out with her internal organs. Her spleen has fallen in love with her gallbladder, and even though their romance can never be, he pines after her every day. Maybe, with a little help from his friend, the liver, he can gain some closure. But at what cost to Twilight?

WARNING: Contains internal organ romance. Seriously. That's what this is. I'm not kidding.

Written as a commission for Majin Syeekoh who has the most insane, mad, and messed up ideas. And I am so so grateful.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia was sure that the day was going to be great. The Sun shone bright in the sky, the birds were singing, and nothing could possibly go wrong. That was, until she received some rather grim news concerning her sister.

She thought she'd been clear enough about things last time.

Polish translation by Dolar84.
Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI.
Audio reading by Pony&Wolf Productions.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's friends try to work out what to order to eat.
Meanwhile, Twilight seems... somewhat distracted by something.
If only she'd just say what it is.

Written after being given only the title as a prompt for inspiration.

Chapters (1)

You have befriended Tempest Shadow, a former arch-nemesis of Equestria; you like to spend time with her in the local park, despite her not being a big talker. Maybe she'd join you for your afternoon nap, if you asked nicely?

Based on a basic scenario by Enigmatic Otaku on a brief Blog Post Contest I held a few weeks back, and published with permission.

EDIT: Featured just a few hours after posting, early morning 10/23/18!

Chapters (1)