• Member Since 15th May, 2013

Shadow of the Night

Just a big, tall dumbass that is trying to write words as soon as possible... And loves games. A lot. Also, I enjoy Roleplay. Feel free to PM me about it.

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While on a secret mission against the Griffon Empire, Spitfire is separated from the rest of her squad. Alone in enemy territory with a jammed gun, Spitfire's chances of survival are slim. What happened next could only be described as Supernatural.

Written from Spitfire's point of view.

Inspired by the Sabaton song "Camouflage" from the album "The Last Stand."

EDIT: Read by yours truly: Link (YouTube)

Chapters (1)

Some lifestyles are hard to change. For a human with no special talent, you had to stoop to a lowly position in society just to make ends meet. Tonight's customer is special. She's the only one who used to believe in you and thought you could stop.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is tired of this nonsense.

Every day, a slew of articles all focused on the minute details of her life invade her beloved newspapers. "Twilight Sparkle Eats Peaches." "Twilight Sparkle Hates Tea." "Twilight Sparkle Uses a Microwave." "Twilight Sparkle Makes Toast." All of it clogging up her precious sources of information from cities across Equestria.

But no more. The time has come to put an end to it, once and for all.

Written with thanks to Marceline from the #FimFiction IRC and for no good reason other than it sounded funny in my head.

Chapters (2)

Once a year, the Night Guards of Canterlot receive a very important shipment, much to the distress of their peers. Flash Sentry has no idea what the fuss is all about.

(Submission for EqD's Friend Off event.)

Chapters (1)

An argument and a car crash leave one of the sirens--Adagio, Sonata, and Aria--dead. They know this because Death itself has shown up to chat with them and to ensnare Adagio into a game of wits with the very lives of her companions at stake. Adagio doesn't want anyone to die, but she's not so happy with the way they've been arguing so much lately either...

An EQG story. Absolutely no connection to The Years of Ar and S.

Chapters (1)

When Twilight receives a letter from one claiming to be a changeling, she is shocked. As she starts reading, however, she soon learns that there is far more to it than she ever suspected.

Reading by Goombasa.

The story had been translated to Russian: Here and Here

Special thanks to PoisonClaw for editing.

For the Weekly Prompt (changelings) of the Hazardous Writing Materials and Challenges

Chapters (1)

There are a thousand reasons for not making a purchase at the Carousel Boutique. Some of them are legitimate. Many are excuses. The majority are lies. Falsehoods which Rarity has been listening to for years now, without the slightest touch of variety in the performances. Lies which, during the first week of Ponyville's summer tourist season. have escalated to the point where it feels like they're the only words being said at all.

So if nopony is going to buy anything no matter what Rarity does -- why not call them out on a few? Surely that couldn't do any harm, at least not more than what's already been done?


(A stand-alone, no prior-reading-necessary part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page (with new Recap section) and FIMFiction group: new members and trope edits are welcome. )

Now with author Patreon, SubscribeStar, and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

Life in Canterlot Castle is about more than just the Princesses. Many ponies spend their days working in the palace, toiling with their virtues unsung to keep life humming alone.

Meet Spot Shine, Aegis, Raven, and more. Take a glimpse through their eyes, even as Princess Celestia finds herself a bit under the weather.

Some knowledge must be earned, but remember : Some doors cannot be closed once opened.

First written for the June 2015 Writeoff 'A Matter of Perspective', and winner of Most Controversial.

Chapters (1)

Everyone at Canterlot High School says that Sunset Shimmer has bacon-colored hair. What Pinkie Pie sets out to accomplish one day is to answer an age-old question: does Sunset's hair TASTE like bacon?

Needless to say, the adventure proves to be quite... Indescribable.


I literally came up with this at 5:30 in the morning one day.:derpytongue2::pinkiecrazy:
The timeline is after Friendship Games, but before Legend of Everfree. I've yet to see LoE as of 11-14-16.

Chapters (1)