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Shining has grown old and his time has come. Now on his deathbed, he shares his last moments with his sister.

Audiobook available! Link

Chapters (1)

Long after Spike walked away from the relationship, Sweetie Belle still hasn't found closure.

Winner of the May 2020 Pairings Contest.

Chapters (1)

Picture it: Northern Equestria, Hearth's Warming, 11:00. You're an adventurous equine with hundreds of death-defying escapades under your belt - and an innumerable amount of treasure hooked on it, too. Unfortunately, the only valuable metal you've found on this particular venture is the stainless steel of a trap-flung knife from a hidden temple. You're not sure if it's the bloodless, the cold, or the exhaustion that'll take you first as you stagger home.

But on this night, all you'll find there are even more shocking surprises.

Pic credit goes to 夜少 on Derpibooru. Thanks to Muggonny, ROBCakeran, applezombi and Kai the Changeling, for pre-reading/reviewing!

Chapters (1)

Celestia had come to hate the fragrance of dark coffee. Because it had meant Twilight was up. 

Chapters (13)

America has many different subcultures. Among one of the most prevalent is the one which the nation was built on, all based around a single principal...

The right to Keep and Bare arms.

Also known as; The 2nd Amendment of The United States Constitution. Out of the massive assortment of people that own guns in America, there are a handful that stand out above their rest on account of their influence of the 2nd Amendment community on social media. You may already know them by their online names; Brandon Herrera, Garand Thumb, Donut Operator, Demolition Ranch, Angry Cops, Kentucky Ballistics, Hickok45, the list goes on and on... But, when this rather special group of individuals gets stranded in Equestria, right at the beginning of season one of MLP:FIM, and come face to face with one Nightmare Moon. It's up to them to figure out how to stop her and get back to earth intact.

Shouldn't be that hard, right?

Chapters (7)

When Rarity’s friends discover that she has been secretly meeting with an escort, they begin investigating, and soon discover a web of lies and unrequited romances none of them ever could have expected.

A reimagining of Rarity's Mare of the Evening.

Chapters (5)

“Tour America by Rail!” the sign said, and so Sweetsong does. Everything she needs for a journey fits into her saddlebags, and there are plenty of trains to choose from if she’s resourceful enough.

There’s nothing quite like having her hooves over the side of an empty gondola watching the world speed by, or looking at the stars overhead through the end bracing on a grain car. Sometimes box cars have their doors left open, and she knows how to jam them so they won’t close en route.

When she gets where the train takes her, she can live off the land or sing and play her guitar for money. When it’s time to move on? There’s always another train.

Pre-read by AlwaysDressesInStyle

Chapters (27)

The Elements of Harmony are defeated and Nightmare Moon stands on Equestria's throne as their new Queen. Is Equestria doomed to suffer through night time eternal or will they be... perfectly fine? Twilight finds her new job as slave or "personal assistant" to her new ruler to be a bit maddening. But is this evil sarcastic queen really as bad as she originally believed? And just how many others are diabolical enough to cash in on the change in staff? Can Nightmare truly run a peaceful Equestria? Let me just answer all these questions right here in the description...

Chapters (7)

After taking the throne, Twilight had a lot of things to do - a transition that had never happened before was bound to be fraught with a thousand unexpected complications.

As part of the transition, Twilight finds herself going through Princess Celestia's old personal papers, finding secret after clue after instruction long forgotten about. And among those papers, Twilight finds a letter.

A letter addressed to My Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle.

A letter never sent.

Special thanks to RanOutOfIdeas and SymphonicSync for proofreading!

Featured 4/13/2021 to 4/18/2021!

Reviewed by Ghost Mike and rated as Really Good!

And by Loganberry in the blog Louder Yay!, earning a three out of five stars rating!

Now with an audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio!

And a second by Dear silent future me!

Chapters (1)

Once did a pony who conquered the world look out at her dying kingdom and sigh.

Amongst the ashes of her failure, she seeks the companionship of the only one who could have saved her.

An Alternate Season 9 Epilogue

Chapters (1)