• Member Since 18th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 days ago



For as long as she can remember, Rainbow Dash has always dreamed of Hearthswarming Eve, and a peculiar feast in Canterlot. Troubled by the recurring dreams of the feast, she seeks help from Zecora.

Written for Crimson Equine for Jinglemas 2023

Chapters (1)

Cadance has long been a friend of the Sparkle famly. She went with them on their vacations, joined in their cookouts, spent the night over, was trusted to foalsit Twilight when she was little, and even allowed to marry the love of her life, Shining Armor. There's no pony she could love more. Okay, maybe just one. But why couldn't she figure it before the wedding?

Contains: Sexual descriptions, emotional infidelity, femslash

Cover commissioned by me with Mercurial64

Oh, and, Happy Birthday, Shakespearicles!

Chapters (2)

Discord and Fluttershy are spending the holidays alone together at home. Today is Hearthswarming Eve and there's still so much to do to get ready. Not a problem for kindness incarnate and her chaos spirit husband. Massive amounts of sweetness and a little bit of chaos ensue. This is pure FlutterCord shipping fluff.

Written for Trick Question for Jinglemas 2022.

Cover by Flutterinreally - 3006682

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle figured having a drink wasn't bad, having another was even better, and even more would be even better. She went to sleep feeling awesome. Now she doesn't feel so good. Who the buck is in her bed, why does she smell fish everywhere, and why does everypony say she looks dashing?

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia has a vast nation of subjects, hordes of admireers, scores of friends, three fellow princesses, and a vast harem. Out of all of these, there is one pony whose company she seeks when she just needs to be held and hear a reassuring voice.

For CategoricalGrant's CuddleFic Contest

Credit for the cover goes to Auroriia.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia is never seen without a smile on her face or a laugh in her eyes. Nopony has ever questioned it. Why should they? A warm bath washes away everything, even a plastered on smile.

Chapters (1)

One man appears in Equestria one day. His name is Covfefe, and he will make Equestria great again. If only he could overcome his worst enemy, FEYK NOOZ!

Written in Quills and Sofas at Bronycon. In case it wasn't painfully obvious, this is a joke.

Now has a reply in the form of Follow The God Emperor by Jackelope

Editing thanks to:
The spectacular ROBCakeran53

Chapters (1)

Two lives, one moment.. Six words to be exchanged before the parting. Spike is leaving, perhaps forever. There is just one last thing that needs to be done first, something he has desired all along.

Chapters (1)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders one day find a mysterious book called a "Core-Ann", attached is a note from somepony named "ISIS". Allahu akbar ensues.

For April Fools' day 2017
P.S.: I'm Muslim

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Dreamy Encounter

After having had an intimate encounter with Princess Luna in a previous dream, Pipsqueak has some questions to ask the moon diarch.

Warning: Cuteness, Also, NOT foalcon.

Thanks to Dirty Little Secret for letting me write this sorta sequel to A Dreamy Encounter.

Chapters (1)