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This story is a sequel to The Fruits of Their Labors

Rarity always believed that she knew exactly who she was, what she wanted, and exactly how she would obtain it. Then she fell for somepony wholly unexpected: Applejack. When unhappy tidings call Rarity to the frozen North to spend the Hearth's Warming holiday with her relatives, Applejack accompanies her into the family fray.

The ponies arrive in Whinnyapolis at a time of endings, and find that relationships can be fragile things, vulnerable to the cold. Rarity will search her past for the key to her future, but the old house at Maple Cove may not hold all the answers she needs. Perhaps, though, two ponies will learn that there really is no place like home for the holidays.

Cover art provided by the lovely, talented, one-and-only WhiteDiamonds.

Chapters (7)

Rarity wakes up in Applejack's bed in Applejack's home, wearing Applejack's hat, and sleeping next to... Applejack. Which begs the question...

"What happened last night?"

Chapters (1)

Rarity is honored to have been sent a special VIP ticket for a prestigious pre-opening performance of "Out Of Her Shadow," the latest musical that her friend, Coco Pommel, has made the costumes for. Oddly enough, though, she seems to be the only one in attendance.

Thanks to Auramane for convincing me to write this!

Chapters (1)

"Love is a force of nature."

In the Swayback Mountains, a violent storm and its aftermath force Rarity and Applejack to reappraise their feelings for each other.

Illustration by the awesome JakNeurotic.

Chapters (3)

Twilight's Research into Divination magic has given Rarity a vision about her future love. Will she interpret the portents correctly?

Chapters (5)

Suri Polomare isn't just content stealing ideas for dresses. Watch as she steals famous ideas throughout history and claims credit for them, okay.

Chapters (1)

This is a collection of short stories written by me (and anybody else who would like to participate) about my favorite pairings TwiDash and RariJack. I do take requests.

If you are willingly to write a story, it has to be under 1,000 words, and must have TwiDash AND RariJack in the story. PM me if interested.


Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Trixie's Great and Powerful Revenge

When one of Twilight's spells goes a bit awry, she finds that an affected Rarity might be a little more than she bargained for.

(Originally posted on EqD in April 2011. I originally meant to keep this as a one-shot, but wrote the second part after there was demand for it. I do like how the second part came out though, so no regrets!)

(Also, if you like this story, be sure to check out Tragic Magic! It's a continuation of this one!)

Chapters (2)

Rarity has a secret. Well, two secrets. First, she has a crush on one particular pony. And second, she has been writing a story for the object of her affections, to reveal her love. But when word gets out about her literary abilities, suddenly all of her friends want her help on their own writing projects. And all of them need to be done by Hearts and Hooves Day! Could Rarity not be the only one with a hidden agenda here? And how exactly will she manage so many projects in such a short period of time?

(Updated with some editing help from the superb Exuno)

Chapters (1)

Rarity and Applejack must struggle through their toughest challenge yet as parents: meeting the so-called 'holders of their children's hearts'.

Pffft. Please.

Chapters (3)