Blog Posts51
My Best
Just Give Me a Reason A bittersweet story about trying to rekindle the flames of a dying romance. 3,653 words · 209 · 18
Canterlot Dreamin' (On Such a Winters Day) Rarity wonders why she stays in Ponyville, sometimes. 2,295 words · 12 · 1
Title Unimpressive One mare contemplates the furstrations and fears of her given career. 1,763 words · 23 · 1
Try It had finally happened. Dash wasn't dumb. She knew to expect it, like salt to an open wound. She simply didn't realize how open the wound still was. 8,887 words · 39 · 4
Top Favourites--Incomplete
First Steps After a long and depressing summer in Baltimare, Rarity returns home. Heartbroken, she looks forward to seeing her dear friend. If anypony can cheer her up, it's Pinkie. 78,302 words · 191 · 29
The Elements of Awesomery Join Wondercloud Lightningbolt and her friends on their quest for the Elements of Awesomery! 30,649 words · 180 · 9
Top Favourites--Completed
The Games We Play Somepony is once again masquerading as Mare Do Well, and it's up to Rainbow Dash to figure out who. 137,602 words · 1,998 · 60
Within and Without Luna takes the Elements of Harmony on a journey in more ways than one. 154,174 words · 1,368 · 25
Vaguely Familiar. Pinkie looks after an injured Rainbow Dash. The two learn alot. 66,404 words · 113 · 4
Of Parties and Rainbows A series of drabbles exploring the relationship between Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. 18,371 words · 238 · 11
I decided to do some catching up on my author scoring records. Lo and behold, since I upgraded my rating for Legend of the Shotgun, you've got enough of a positive record for a follow. Here I am! *offers coffee*
1061982 thank you
I love Fame and that song on the User page
And the same to you!
Np, yo. Call on me if you need anything, friend.