• Member Since 7th Feb, 2015


I’m like a literary siren, feeding off the negative emotions of fictional characters. Patreon

Audiobooks I've read 7 stories
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Estimated Reading: 15 hours



  • Featured 24073 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Sunset always knew that she was destined for greatness, but she never dreamed of how great she could become. Not until she had seen it – the mirror had shown her as an alicorn. Ignoring Celestia’s warnings, Sunset goes looking for answers.

When she learns that the mirror is also a portal to another world, well, what else was she supposed to do? But it seems that she hadn’t considered every possibility. She hadn’t, for example, considered that she might get herself trapped on the other side. Nor did she think she’d find herself transformed into a child again.

(Also available in print (temporarily out of stock), as an audiobook, and in Russian!)

A story set in the Who We Become series (earliest story, so a great starting point :raritywink:)

Many muches of thanks go out to ArchAngelsWings, Dessert, Mind Jack, Pasu-Chan,
CharCharChan, w_brown7, and eton975 for proofreading.
Additionally, thanks to Pasu-Chan for providing the glorious cover art :scootangel:

Chapters (34)

Princess Celestia has an assignment for Daring Do, and shares a dark secret. Thorax and his hive are not the first Changelings to reform. But every hive that has done so in the past has been cursed, a dark power blighting their eggs and leading to extinction within a generation.

It must not happen again.

Daring Do's mission? To delve into the lost history of the Changelings and find out who, or what, refuses to allow them peace. Before it's too late.

Chapters (3)

Once the heir to a Mafia family, now imprisoned for the murder of his brother, Tirek is held on Tartarus Island: the most secure prison in the world. He isn't concerned. Soon he will escape, and nothing will stand in his way.

Third Place Winner in the Villain Exchange Program

Chapters (1)

During her engagement to Shining Armor Princess Cadance makes a new friend, the pegasus businessmare Chrysanthemum Crown. Beautiful, confident, and full of surprises, the two strike up a rapport that brings light to both their lives.

During the preparation for the Invasion of Canterlot, Queen Chrysalis finds herself deep in the good graces of the pony Princess she will replace. And the more she gets to know her, the more she understands why Cadance is the Princess of Love.

Third Place Winner in the Dear Love: A Beautiful Discord Contest
Cover Art by Lopoddity

Chapters (3)

Rainbow Dash is the best. She's consistently at the top of her class, and is the envy of all her peers. Things only get better when Fluttershy finally starts visiting Cloudsdale again after being gone for months.

Except she must not be good enough yet, because they still don't notice her.

(Also available in print and as an audiobook)

A story set in the Who We Become series.

This story could be read with no prior knowledge of Who We Become stories.

Content warning: This story contains depictions of homophobia and gay slurs.

Edited by ArchAngelsWings, Eddie Grammar, and Hoofclid.
Cover art by Dessert, known on Fimfiction as Mouch30.

Chapters (5)

A passionate geologist talks about rocks with her best friend. There is no form of innuendo or ulterior motive at all.

Chapters (1)