• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012

Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.

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Total Words: 40,929,612
Estimated Reading: 16 weeks


  • Pony POV Series Requested Book Shelf 45 stories Alt-universe from the end of Return of Return of Harmony onwards. The Pony of Equetria remember everything they did while Discord, and now need to recover from that trauma. The scale of events just spiral bigger and bigger from there.


  • Featured 23740 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

What does Discord do to pass the time? Where is he when he's not in focus of the show? The CMC intends to find out!

The problem is, are they ready to find out? Because the truth may be crazier than any of their theories.

[introducing a long-held idea I've had, trust me, you won't want to miss chapter two]

[Art by Unfiltered]

Chapters (1)

Faux Pas: War Engineer of Chrysalis' Hive, a personal advisor to the Queen and one of the select few allowed to think freely.

Military genius, master strategist in both offense and defense, mastermind of the Canterlot raid.

Of course he got captured.

For his actions during the raid on Equestria's capital, he is put on trial and judged by a court out for his blood. The odds are stacked against him, and there is hardly any doubt that his days are numbered.

But changelings are nothing, if not masters of deception. Faux's got his own plans for the trial.

Now has a sequel

A/N: My submission for the fourth Author's Prompt, which is about, you guessed it: being on trial. It's a little darker than my usual fare, and I'm not too sure about the ending. Feedback is appreciated, as the story hasn't been officially submitted to the prompt yet.

19/12 Edit: Woop! Judges loved it, offered suggestions. It has been rewritten with their suggestions in mind.
Some changes:
-actual trial is more two-sided. Both parties have a fair point.
-fight that breaks out during the trial is longer.
-Celestia is made more believable in general (I hope, it's really hard in this sort of story).

Chapters (1)

A family gathers at Double Diamond's ski resort for fun in the snow

Character tags: Powder, Snowcatcher, Snow'El, Northern Lights

This choose-your-own-adventure was written as part of Whinny City's Interactive Storytelling Experience (continued from Ponyville CiderFest 2023).

Special thanks to Sonicsuns & Admiral Biscuit for pre-reading and editing.

Chapters (4)

Petunia Paleo investigates the ancient buffalo legend of Cutesaurus.

Character tags: Petunia Paleo, Little Strongheart, Lily Longsocks, Honolu-loo, Cutesaurus

This choose-your-own-adventure was written as part of Whinny City's Interactive Storytelling Experience (continued from Ponyville CiderFest 2023).

Special thanks to Sonicsuns & Admiral Biscuit for pre-reading and editing.

Chapters (4)

Never upset the Balance of Nature or the Frazzits will mix things up.

This choose-your-own-adventure was written as part of Ponyville CiderFest's Interactive Storytelling Experience.

More stories from PVCF's 2023 Interactive Storytelling Experience can be found here.

Thank you to the entire Ponyville CiderFest Interactive Storytelling team (Vivid Syntax, Nyronus, Sonicsuns, Note Worthy, SteelTheWarrior, Snowday, Aria E. Diamond, SoloBrony, Skywriter, Ellwyn, Ghost Note, Overlord Pony, RQK, Shade Hunter, Shottsy, Celestilune).

Special thanks to Admiral Biscuit for pre-reading and for being the liaison on this with the PVCF staff.

Chapters (3)

"Enjoy your new life as a pony carousel!"

The words still echoed, spinning clearly in her mind...

Applejack stared at the ceiling, her eyes tracing over the gaps and grains of the wooden rafters for what felt like the hundredth time.  Of course she didn’t “enjoy” being forcibly transformed by magic, and in the split-seconds of the magic working over her body, contorting her, dressing her in riding gear and hardening her flesh into fiberglass, she’d been nearly overwhelmed with fear...

...when it was done, however, she’d felt something different...

...as she went around, and around, and around, and around, and around, and around, and around, and around, and around, and around, and around, and around, and around, and around, and around, and around, and around, and around, and around, and around, and around, and around, and around, and around...

A slow-burn descent into an unusual place, as Applejack and the CMC become obsessed with being turned into a carousel. May count as psychological and/or body horror, or maybe fetish-fuel, possibly a trans/queer narrative (?), depending on who reads it.

Content Warning: Contains a lot of inanimate-TF fixation. Nothing really "disturbing" about it, but that's what the story is about.

Because of the horror aspects, I am submitting this as part of the Nightmare Night in April Writing Event. If that interests you, go check out the other stories in that folder!

This is a followup to something that happened in the IDW My Little Pony comics, Issue 78, the end of the Cosmos arc, where the image is from. You do not need to read that to understand the plot, as it's just one scene and I explain everything relevant (I haven't read it myself since it came out), though it's a year-end 4-parter with Discord so you should probably read it either way.

This was an old commission that's sat mostly finished for a while, but was delayed by my severe nerve-damage from COVID.

Chapters (2)

Derpy Hooves and Crafty Crate deliver a package to a world inhabited by a gentle and innocent generation of ponies.

A mundane event, solved in a cute way by a filly which wants to help but is limited to its point of view... G3 fans, give it a read... ~ Azure Drache

There's a lot of interesting stuff treating G3 as a separate dimension from G4 ~ Present Perfect

Microsoft AI

Blog to discuss + songs of the fic [here]

Chapters (4)

“Please look after my children.”

Pear Butter’s last words were spoken to the stranger who found their crash: the cruel, otherworldly siren named Adagio Dazzle, who sees in her death a golden opportunity.

What starts as a plan to raise willing minions for sustenance and protection goes… a little differently than Adagio had in mind.

Cover art by Uz Naimat!

Chapters (3)

After the events of Magic Duel, Trixie looks for another means to become powerful without the cost of corrupting herself. Instead she finds a strange little magical creature. Hijinks will ensue.

Somewhat inspired by Fairly Odd Parents to a degree. I had a lot of fun with this.

Commissioned by https://www.deviantart.com/grimwolf001

My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro!

Livereading thanks to https://youtu.be/AE8v5PIb6XE]youtu.be/AE8v5PIb6XE

Chapters (2)

Lulu Luck tries to repair an old jalopy. It doesn’t go well.

This choose-your-own-adventure was written as part of Ponyville CiderFest's Interactive Storytelling Experience.

More stories from PVCF's 2023 Interactive Storytelling Experience can be found here.

Thank you to the entire Ponyville CiderFest Interactive Storytelling team (Vivid Syntax, Nyronus, Sonicsuns, Note Worthy, SteelTheWarrior, Snowday, Aria E. Diamond, SoloBrony, Skywriter, Ellwyn, Ghost Note, Overlord Pony, RQK, Shade Hunter, Shottsy, Celestilune).

Special thanks to Admiral Biscuit for pre-reading and for being the liaison on this with the PVCF staff.

Chapters (3)