• Member Since 13th Jul, 2019


Hello! My name is DivineRoyalty, and I am an aspiring author, musician, and artist! I hope you enjoy!

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Estimated Reading: 20 hours



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After seeing Rarity's new boyfriend, Spike realizes that he's too ugly to ever date her.

But what scares him the most is the realization that he might not ever be attractive enough to date anypony. It takes a conversation with Twilight to help him realize just how special he is.

Chapters (1)

Celestia takes a moment to grieve to herself over the loss of a lover; A lover who has been dead for over a thousand years.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia comes to visit you, but she gets stuck in the most embarrassing manner possible.

Audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio. Go check them out!

Chapters (1)

A little story I wanted to tell. It's just a sweet little story about you...sleeping in the bed with Celestia.
Art Blackkaries: https://derpibooru.org/images/2369447

Chapters (1)

A man, sitting alone, isn't feeling his best, really.

He has also forgotten to clean the fluff out from beneath his sofa.

This has consequences for him.


Straight To The Points Studios again to the rescue with a reading.

Chapters (1)

14 Equestrian Code § 31 Refusal of Cuddling Invitation. "Anycreature who refuses to cuddle another, so long as the invitation is polite, commits a Class B Felony, punishable by a maximum of 8 months in prison, a fine of 10,000 bits, or both."

New cover art by my good friend DivineRoyalty.

EDIT: 2nd place featured day of posting, 3/23/20!
EDIT: And 1st place featured on the morning of 3/24/20! Wohoo!

Chapters (2)

Anon likes his life to be simple. He wakes up, goes to work and sometimes gets himself a good book to read while he is home. It's a routine that he likes to follow, it makes him feel like he has a bit of normality with his life in Equestria. The fact that having Celestia come crashing into his home as part of his routine should prove that his life is anything but normal.

(Thanks to PeerImagination for editing!)

Chapters (16)

It's been a while since you've been here, you barely remember the place. It's been a while since you've seen your friends. It's been a while since things looked normal. It's been a while, but you're back.

No one else is.

This was just written as a one-shot thing that came to my mind after watching PrinceWhatever's Solidarity (In This Together) music video. It made me kind of existential with regards to the fandom and I figured I'd use that energy and put it into writing.
I wrote the whole thing in one sitting over the course of a few hours and I started to kind of lose some steam partway through. I've never written anything sad or in the second person before, so this was a neat experience. If you find anything out of place, be sure to let me know!

Chapters (1)

Twilight, seeing that her friend needed a little bit of companionship, decided to help him get a date.

But boy, did he aim a little too high for her taste.

Now, her and Spike need to help this putz of a human snatch a date from one of the most undateable beings on the planet, Princess Celestia.

Needless to say, they're doomed.

Cover art used with permission by Lydia-Rawr

Warning: Story will contain horrible romance clichés, cutsieness, and all around silliness.

You have been warned.

Chapters (25)

Wake up in bed cuddling with a pony princess once, shame on the pony princess.

Wake up in bed cuddling with a pony princess twice, shame on...well, still shame on the pony princess.

Twilight is desperate to figure out her sleepwalking/sleepcuddling problem, and you want to help her in any way that you can. A sweet and funny little Slice of Life story.

Cover vector from Light Blade on derpibooru.

EDIT: Featured 10/15/19!

Chapters (1)