• Member Since 10th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 1st, 2020


Roaming Reader of FimFiction. Also retired from making Brony Fanfiction. Far as I know anyway. :P


BluBlog019 - The Return? · 2:47am Mar 31st, 2016

A return to writing, possibly. But anyway, stopping by to read some stuff that's never been finished and wanted to leave a small blog post for the lulz. It's always weird, revisiting old stuff that you haven't been visiting for a couple years. Some visits generate small returns, some generate larger ones. You never really realize the time passing until you come back. Let's see what this visit generates, hmm?


(Leave a comment if you want to see me return to writing pony stuff?)

Report BluPony · 255 views · #BluBlog

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Mucho gracias for the favorite on Teeny Tiny Twilight! If that tickled your funny bone, I think my story Changeling to Fit the Role will also prove to be an entertaining diversion. Oh, and remember to watch me so you'll know right away when new stuff is posted and that comments are always appreciated and replied to!

...aaand done! Feel free to check them out anytime. :pinkiehappy:

296388 That would be awesome! Me and Hotshot would be quite grateful if you were to drop those off in their respective folders in the groups you mentioned.

I read your post in HiE asking if "Welcome to Equestria" was a good fit there. While it is, it might get more love in the groups "Pony-Humans" and "Transformations"
If you dont want to join these groups, let me know if you want me to drop it in the group folders for you.

Thank you for the Like and Fav! :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

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