• Member Since 5th Feb, 2019
  • offline last seen July 18th

The Cloptimist

do not mistake peace for quiet


(With apologies to CLR James)

As Canterlot's first ever cricket team comes together, star player Spearhead struggles to process the feelings that are stirred by the team's latest addition.

WARNING: contains cricket and m/m shipping

Written in a last-minute blur for the Third M/M Shipping Contest 2023, because why not. (Winner of a Judge's Prize!)

4*, Louder Yay

Chapters (2)

Cadance thinks it's important a Crystal Princess lives up to her heritage. Shining Armor isn't so sure.

A silly scribble for the Cadance is a Terrible Mom contest. Featured on 19 April 2021!

Chapters (1)

Starlight cuddles Trixie as the sun comes up. That's it. That's the whole story.

...Well, mostly.

Featured on 5-6 February 2021 - thank you!
Featured on Equestria Daily, March 2021

7.5/10, My Little Reviews & Feedback
4.4/5, Reviewers' Mansion
3*, Louder Yay
Pretty Good, Ghost Mike

Chapters (2)

Derpy drowns her sorrows after getting some bad career news... but when one door closes, another opens.

One of Equestria Daily's 22 Best Fanfics to Read for Derpy Day, March 2021


6.9/10, My Little Reviews & Feedback
7.25/10, Reviewers' Mansion

Chapters (1)

A unicorn with an unwanted special magical talent isolates herself on a remote hillside, away from other ponies, for their sake and hers.

Rated T for dark themes and descriptions of death, but this isn't a horror fic; rather, it's a story about isolation, loneliness and broken magic. And chamomile tea.

Featured on Equestria Daily, 1st June 2020
One of Equestria Daily's 40 Best Fanfics to Read for OC Day, December 2020

25/30, My Little Reviews & Feedback
4* (Recommended), Louder Yay
Pretty Good, PaulAsaran Thursday Reviews

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash wants to go big. Applejack just wants to go home. And Petunia Paleo wants to dig up dinosaur bones. It's the palaeontological find of the century... but will it send Rainbow and AJ's relationship into a tailspin?

A post-Season 9 AppleDash story, written for the AppleDash group's Sixth AppleDash Contest, "Go Big or Go Home".

Contains: AppleDash

7.8/10 (Boop Worthy!), My Little Reviews & Feedback

Chapters (8)

The Rainbooms get ready to play their triumphant encore for an adoring public... only to discover they won't get to take their last bow.

8/10, My Little Reviews & Feedback

Chapters (1)

Torque Wrench does a favor for Kerfuffle in her hour of need. Not that it means they're friends or anything. Just a little engineering project, don'tcha know.

A little story that takes place before the Mane 6 arrive in Hope Hollow for the events of Rainbow Roadtrip. (The first Kerfuffle or Torque story on Fimfiction!)

Edited by Tranquil Serenity.

Featured on Equestria Daily, 13th September 2019

Highly Recommended, PresentPerfect Fic Recs
4* (Recommended), Louder Yay
9/10, My Little Reviews & Feedback
Pretty Good, PaulAsaran Thursday Reviews

Chapters (1)

Spike finds Twilight awake in the middle of the night, unable to sleep, worrying about her upcoming elevation to ruler of Equestria. As usual, he knows what to say to put her mind at ease.

Written, appropriately, in the middle of the night. Edited by Tranquil Serenity.

Featured on 30th June 2019! Thank you!

"Extremely engaging" - My Little Reviews & Feedback

Chapters (1)

A magical accident leads to Starlight Glimmer mistakenly sending three unlikely heroines halfway across the world. Now, lost in a strange land, they fight to survive and seek a way home; meanwhile, a guilt-stricken Starlight tries to work out what went wrong, and Princess Twilight gets ready to mount a rescue.

My (deeply unsuccessful) entry for the excellent Season 9 Bingo Writing Contest!
Prompts: Derpy, Tartarus, Maretonia, Pony Politics, Diamond Tiara

"Just go read it, you won't regret it!" - Bug Reports
9/10, My Little Reviews & Feedback
"Entertaining and very readable" - 3*, Louder Yay

Chapters (7)