• Member Since 5th Feb, 2019
  • offline last seen July 18th

The Cloptimist

do not mistake peace for quiet


Who's here in 2024? · 10:27am June 20th

Genuinely curious.

Report The Cloptimist · 96 views ·

Salute to the old PC · 2:14am Dec 12th, 2023

Well, it finally happened.

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And now we're back · 8:42pm Dec 2nd, 2023

"And now we're back
On the field of play
And we'll be here
For the next five days!"
- The Duckworth Lewis Method, "Test Match Special"

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Report The Cloptimist · 159 views · #cricket #gay

Awaken · 1:40pm Jul 14th, 2022

It's been a while, but - while I'm not likely to write anything new, sorry! - I'm at a place now where I feel comfortable logging back in and reading (and sometimes commenting!) again. I know this didn't really merit an announcement, but I've seen a few DMs and comments since the last time I was here, and I just wanted to reassure people that if you want to message me or leave comments, they will be read, and not just disappear into the void!


Inactive · 4:06pm Feb 12th, 2022

I won't be deleting the account, because it's been pointed out to me before that some people somehow found something they liked in my stories and it's not really fair of me to take it away, but I'm done with Fimfiction. Thanks for having me. Bye.

Report The Cloptimist · 777 views ·

In which I apologise for being a year behind schedule and note a remarkable coincidence · 12:20pm Oct 8th, 2021

So, the five of you who are still following me will note it's been a while since I published a story, and even longer since I teased my big upcoming project - nearly a year since that blog, in fact! I'm so sorry.

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Unhelpful notes · 1:51pm Jul 27th, 2021

Falling asleep last night, right on the cusp of sleeping, I suddenly had what I thought was a brilliant idea for a story. Grabbing a pen I sat up and wrote it down, so I wouldn't forget it in the morning.

My scribbled notes say "A place in every heart" and then underneath it just says "good idea for a story! CADANCE IS IMPORTANT have to use third person not first though, Important!"

And nothing else.

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Still here, still writing, stay tuned · 9:38am Jun 23rd, 2021

On the one hand, I'd hoped to have finished a couple more stories by now. On the other hand, I'm still working on those stories, rather than this latest absence being another thing where I can't ever seen myself writing again, so... yeah! Stay tuned, stories 18 to 20 (Celestia/Luna crossover spectacular, and a Meadowbrook romance that's missed the deadlines for the contests it was meant for) are on their way!

Report The Cloptimist · 192 views · #StayTuned

I wrote a deeply stupid thing · 10:52am Apr 21st, 2021

For the Cadance is a Terrible Mom competition:

ETarget Praxis
Cadance thinks it's important a Crystal Princess lives up to her heritage. Shining Armor isn't so sure.
The Cloptimist · 1.3k words  ·  71  3 · 1.4k views

Nailah pointed me towards this contest and I immediately thought about, well, this. Then I thought of the title and decided I had to do it.

(Disclaimer: I do not, in fact, believe Cadance is a terrible mom, but I liked this idea too much not to write it.)

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Two years: new story! · 7:06pm Feb 5th, 2021

Exactly two years ago today, I joined Fimfiction. To mark the occasion, I published a new story, my 16th!

TÂme Câline
Starlight cuddles Trixie as the sun comes up. That's it. That's the whole story. (Well, mostly.)
The Cloptimist · 6.1k words  ·  76  6 · 1.4k views

Yeah, it's romance, mostly, and Starlight romance at that, and also I named it after an obscure French pop song from the 1960s which will be familiar to, what, maybe eight of you? Nine, tops.

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