• Member Since 19th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 7th, 2021

Quad Ruple


Thank god, Wolfy. · 11:24pm Jan 18th, 2014

[5:42:13 PM] Wolfy Hige: Yo
[5:43:09 PM] Quad Ruple: Hey.
[5:43:39 PM] Wolfy Hige: What did you wanna say?
[5:44:08 PM] Quad Ruple: Nothing. It's just we haven't spoken in a long time.
[5:44:22 PM] Quad Ruple: I just wanted to check up on you and have a chat.
[5:46:04 PM] Wolfy Hige: Oh right, I've been really seperate from the group for a while
[5:46:18 PM] Wolfy Hige: But I think I'm writting with you in the next chapter
[5:46:47 PM] Quad Ruple: You heard the news right?

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