• Member Since 14th Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


HELLO! My name Gabriel. I'm a writer. Mostly for the romance and adventure. My favorite ships are TwiDash and SpitDash and i look forward to writing with all of you guys!

Comments ( 33 )
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Thank you for the fave.

thanks for commenting man, I appreciate it. When I started The Endurance I had big plans for it, and still do. However right around the time I started the story my life got flipped upside down a bit. I kept promising I would be back soon but the distance between chapters has kept getting longer. I know I will be back to finish the story with dedication and now I finally know for a fact that that's going to be very soon.


I've had about enough of big life changes. So starting this week I'm going to review all my notes and outline and try to put this story back on track.

However with life as it is, I can't promise anything and I truly apologize for that.

I can however promise that I am dedicated to finishing what I started :D


P.S. Probably going to fix this whole not uploading anything issue by shortening the chapters to something I can sit down and bust out a bit quicker than what previous chapters has put me through :P

I look forward to reading your next chapter.

Oh lmao. Yeah they are just categories so i know whats what. 😂 the titles dont mean to much. Loved your story!

Thanks for the Radical... I think?

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