• Member Since 13th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Super Trampoline

"Of all the terrible batponies in the world, you're the least terrible."~PresentPerfect🐴Ponk & GlimGlam are best ponies🐴Text 714-496-3119 with the name of an MLP character to get a cute picture!


Full Title, Because Meeester Says My Titles are too Long: If I Let a Pink Horse With Frighteningly Prehensile Hair Borrow My Tablet For an Hour and She Writes a Story, Does It Violate the Site Rule About Not Sharing Accounts?

Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie. Super is AFK, so we gonna PARTAY! WOO! It's my time to shine, sugar! You know what I'm going to do? I'm gonna write whateeeeeever I feel like! Isn't that wonderful? I think it's wonderful. But not as wonderful as that one time I...

Oops! We're not to the story yet, Pinkie! So yeah, I like to ramble a lot. If I'm not careful, I'll do it right here, RIGHT IN THE STORY DESCRIPTION!


Anyway, I'm not going to do that, because rambling is uncool to inflict upon your friends. But "inflict" is a cool word. I talk about cool words in this story. If it can even be called a story. More like a stream of consciousness. My mind is a scaaaaary place.

Yepperonies, I write about stuff here.

You should read it. Read it!

Part of my 750 Words-a-Day Initiative. Even if I don't reach that number every day, I am at least aiming for something and writing more than I would be otherwise. Even if most the writing sucks as a result, I'm just trying to get in the practice of writing more. Maybe eventually I can start to be able to vomit out words that are still decent, like shortskirtsandexplosions. Seriously, that guy inspires me.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash really wants to buy a hat from Applejack, but for some asinine reason she plans on taking 2000 chapters to do so. Man, who would write such drivel? Who would bother parodying it? Super Trampoline, apparently.

Chapters (9)

Rainbow Dash has bad sleep hygiene, writes My Tiny Gecko fanfiction, visits her therapist, and helps with search and rescue operations after Cloudsdale explodes.

Chapters (1)

Berry May wants to sell her berries in the Ponyville Town Centre, but Mayor Mare has been replaced with a shark. Meanwhile, an asteroid is colonized.

Chapters (1)

Luster Dawn has an incredibly weird dream. I think. I... I'm honestly not sure what's going on here. Something. That's for sure.

Here are the people who did most of the work concocting this monstrocity:

Add your name here if you’re adding to this:
(Super Tramp)oline ha ha funny I edited his name so it looks like his name is super tramp xDDDD
TheMajorTechie (TONKUS takes no responsibility for anything that is mentioned here. Ever. ‘Cause holy heck. Also kinda flooded the story near the end with something a little more logical before it broke down and was flushed away like toilet paper or something again)
_Moonshot (regret)
Noodling Commodore [ I’m not sure who this is]
Bobbakeran69 author of bast bins
Stand Master: Wonder
Odina Rose (I already regret this.) (Actually never mind. I regret nothing.)
Zapper Frost (I'm already loving this)

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle sponsors a talking contest which Pinkie easily wins, but is there a nefarious plot lurking below the surface?

Chapters (1)

Armed with multiple legal and illegal substances, Super Trampoline enlists the help of various authors at Horizon's author party to write a crappy story about Spike's eighteenth birthday party held at Twilight's castle that has a lot of chaos.

Written by Super Trampoline with some help from xjuggernaughtx, MyNibIsIntact, Prockett2, DarkLink22, DJFireFrost, Filler, AbritiveHaze, Blackwell, Phoenix Quill, KiyaDentrun, ButterflyCrossing, JinxyChan, Chibi Chabot, Terabyte West, Flutterpriest, biasedeyes, Regidar, Pwnyville, ClopandCircumstance, Nick Ha who tried to sign in as shortskirtsandexplosions, Jordan/Ventariel, Marx, Cypher (Jake), Ponyamorous, Jordan179.

Special thanks to Xepher and Horizon for organizing the hangout and tolerating me.

I'd like to point out that the BABSCon story was less a collection of smashed authors collaborating and more of Super Trampoline yelling out, "horizon, give me a car that was popular in the late 70s" or "xjuggernaughtx, I need a villain from the show." What you have subjected yourself to was a double shotgun blast of pure Trampoline, unfiltered and unedited. It's like radioactive creativity."

Chapters (1)

Babs Seed shows Apple Bloom the Manehattan CMC's sick new clubhouse. Too bad she's crazy.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer and Sassaflash kidnap Steve Perry for their Journey cover band.

A last minute entry in Oroboro's Sunset Shimmer Shipping Contest. I'm so sorry judges. You didn't deserve this.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle drinks tea, but feels deeply uncomfortable. You will too, if you read this story, or if you ride on a bicycle for too long, or if you are hairy and have to pull a band-aid off.

Then other things happen, as she experiences random shenanigans, including sun spots and thimbles.

Also ants.

Chapters (1)