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Commence read.
This can only turn out well....right?
and so it begins
Well worth the wait, Mr. Axe!
Snips, Snails...

2331027 l.wigflip.com/a/jH4P5BVt/roflbot.jpg
Yeah, I'm such a hack. It's not like I wrote a 50k word novella's worth of plot set before this story, or a story-based gay romance sequel to it, or two short character-based clops set in the same universe.
okay, the PipxFeather made me giggle, but spike made me laugh enough to make people come over and see what i was doing.
Wow...That fuckin' suuuuucks.
2331281 Very good , but now I need a hard liquer and a good can of dip to forget this ..
Well done!
This story is a clop sequel. Clop sequel. As in 'the plot of this story is contingent on the story that proceeds it, but the pornography within can still be enjoyed regardless of your knowledge of the storyline so far.'
It's always entertaining to get dismissive writing advice from morons with one (!) 2000 word (!!) cancelled (!!!) story, especially ones who have time travelled here from the year 2006 (Paris Hilton joke srs?). Especially ones with such a stilted view of writing that they can't tell good pornography from bad, have no concept that pornography can be good, and think the goodness of pornography is contingent on the amount of not-pornography in the story.
Very hot, and an excellent depiction of the negotiations you find in SM scenes.
wow i really hope your comment is a deep and intricate satire because it reads like one
I understand that people don't all like the same fics
but using personal attacks like
in addition to unsubstantiated generalization tends to create a mockery out of one's own argument
you speak from the perspective of some holier-than-you paragon of writing, but in reality we're both nobodies browsing a site that offers nothing more than a few moments entertainment
your comment is so hilarious, immature, and pointlessly vitriolic that i hope it's preserved in a museum somewhere, perhaps saved in a best-of collection
Holy shit, who is this guy...?
Uh, teenagers can be over the legal age of consent. You moron.
See above. Teenagers can be over the legal age of consent, and in this case, they are.
Golfman and the other one have gone from an interesting diversion to clogging up my comments like pondweed, so I've removed them.
I'd like to point out that this is the end of the fic, which means you read it all. We didn't make you read it, thats on you. If you didn't like it, why did you finish?
Now for my thought: fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/171/3/0/rarity_is_horny_by_yoshiman1118-d3jgzmg.png
Actually, comments are posted on the final chapter if you post them on the main fic page, so it's more likely they didn't read any of the fic, got mad at the description, and then continued to be mad.
I'm leaving this comment up because it's lulzy and also wrong, thanks to a one-sentence disclaimer in the description.
If you think my fic is breaking any law (hint: it isn't) go PM a mod. Otherwise, go find some soothing cream for your butthurt.
I'd just like to say that I'd totally listen to a band named Gratuitous Dildos. That is all.
2331607 It makes total sense. I did ask questions, and they weren't meant to be totally sarcastic and rhetoric. And thank you for telling me I have maturity, as my friends definitely don't think so.
Sometimes I just find random flame wars and cool them down. You see how my avatar's hat is blue? It symbolizes calm (actually it doesn't [TROLOLOL], he wears a blue Christmas hat because of a long and annoying-to explain backstory so I'll just say It symbolizes my love for cooling off flame wars).
2331623 By the way, don't insult people on the Internet, that makes you an annoying troll. By the way, why'd you delete my comment? I actually derived pleasure from your work and all I was doing was trying to end a flame war. Seriously, I don't understand why people argue about things like this. I'm sorry they annoyed you, but don't fight back, if you do, they will, and it'll just get worse inside a vicious cycle that no one benefits from.
Okay, synopsis of that last paragraph: I like your work, I'm sorry they hated on you, don't be mean
I apologise, I deleted your comment by accident and then didn't post a comment saying 'I deleted your comment by accident'. Won't happen again
Also, as a douchebag, I reserve the right both to troll my own comments and to delete comments when the inevitable troll-skirmishes bore me.
Glad you liked it, check out Pipsqueak's Day Off if you'd like to read my... less controversial works in this universe.
2331703 Fair enough, it is your own story after all. I honestly don't really care though, it's just nice to know that someone actually cares enough to reply back. I'm kinda lonesome in real life.
2331503 And yet it was deleted for the story-writer's thought process.
I'm afraid it's lost forever.
I'm the authorial equivalent of the dudes in white suits who burn the Mona Lisa in Equilibrium.
Has Garrus Vakarian been telling Spike and Scoots about
'reach' and 'flexibility'?
Not like that. Not yet
"Do it," she growls, "Rut me stupid."
My Reaction:
Welp. You did it. You made the feature box.