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Stalin with Da Spoon

Greetings, I am comrade Stalin, a man with swag and a giant spoon who smokes weed, here to make fan-fictions like dumb shitposts, random crossovers, and references. Enjoy the show, and stay swaggy.


At the end of the war, after Team Prime defeated Unicron and restored Cybertron, Shockwave had become wanted a war decepticon criminal for his various cruel experiments and creations during the war, including the Predacons, the Forged, and generally became a fugitive all over cybertron. Knowing he would eventually be found out, Shockwave retreated to his lab to activate an old project of his, a space bridge off of Cybertron that lead to an unknown world in the far outer reaches of space. Running out of options, Shockwave uses the space bridge, and winds up in a strange new world filled with strange new creatures. Now, Shockwave has the ability to study these creatures and experiment in peace, and potentially... Even befriend them. Of course, as long as it is Logical.

7/29/22: Featured boyos.

Note: This story includes lore from the Transformers: Prime series, Transformers: Cybertron Trilogy, and IDW comics.
I do not own Transformers or MLP.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 36 )

Finally a good Shockwave story

Friendship is illogical

errors spotted:
going from a slow walk to a light job (jog)

If he observed, he could gain large amounts of scientific data, however it could be argued that intervening could if he intervened, he could gain more accurate and direct data.
(I can't quite make sense of this sentence)

I was wondering why the Alt Universe tag. Now I see. Pre Episode 1.

Errors corrected, thank you for bringing them to my attention comrade.

Dormant until his return? Something tells me that the lab starting up sent them a wake=up call. So, some parts of Equus are going to be getting a nasty surprise right quick.

But wasn't Transformers: Prime tragically cut short?

Well yes, but actually no, the show reached it's end after season 3, or at least from my knowledge, I never watched the show myself, just watched clips and read the wiki.

Loving this story more and more after reading this chapter, keep the awesome work.

You know, the irony of transformer x mlp crossovers is that, they're one of the most plausible to actually happen.

I really want to see more chapters for this, very rarely do I see any stories about shockwave and so far this is one of if not the best one I’ve read, can’t wait to see this continued, that would be the logical course of action after all

Of course comrade, a new chapter will be out soon.

Can’t wait to see the new work of the great comrade Stalin!

Another great chapter!

Superb chapter, can't wait to see what happens next.

Yeah, been busy with my other stories, but don't worry, I will get back to this one eventually.

Comment posted by Aresnightsworn deleted Jan 26th, 2023

All the while, a tiny rabbit sat and watched the whole thing.

Well…..this is problematic.

Interesting. I just wish it wasn’t so short.

Just wondering will there be more

"It is a simple logical miracle that I have manged to evade detection for this long. If I am fortunate enough, I can- Agh!" The sound of ringing and static emitting from his voice modulator had returned yet again. It had started shortly after Shockwave's tussle with the massive predacon horde that had assailed him during Unicrons rise. Shockwave thought nothing of it at first, but after performing a diagnostic on himself, he had discovered the Predacons had managed to damage his voice modulation chip, the piece of the modulator that allowed every Cybertronian to have a unique voice.


My Little Shockwave: Friendship is Logical
I love the titel and this has the serious vibes of a
anti-hero ♡
Heros play by rules, anti-heros do what must be done!

Paranoid behavior after millenia of war?
Sound logical that fear keep him alive all this millenia of conflict and destruction.

Like the story so far, is he still wearing his Deception marking? It is useless after the war is lost and he being all on his own...

Antro story :fluttercry: :fluttershyouch:

Well shit... But to good to pass up so far :raritydespair:

Nice chapter! :raritystarry:

Shockwave then did what he did best and weighed the factors. If he were to intervene, it would give himself away to the equines, but the wolves would likely be deterred by both his size and power. If he observed, he could easily gain large amounts of scientific data about the behavior of the predators, however it could be argued that intervening could provide more date, as if he intervened, he could gain more accurate and direct data on both parties. Simply going around was invalidated due to it lacking any potential to learn.


"While exhanging of names is irrelevant and not nesscary in this situation, just call me... Shockwave. Now then, I would advise you ditch your cart, as it appears impossible to repair. I theorize you should be able to vacate these woods before daybreak. Now as the kids say these days... Move it, or lose it."


A good deed might give seed to something beyond calculations.
He might just lay the foundation to a bright future ahead of him. :twilightsmile:👍

"Indeed, most likely from either the rough exit of the space bridge, or the unknown experimental effects of the bridge itself, considering our rushed work. Or perhaps we are even suffering form of pyschological damage."


Damn nice chapter. I guess Shockwave will have a unwelcome story here. One can only hope Celestia will not slag his ass on sight...

Great chapter, maybe Zapp apples have Energon in them?

This split personality will certainly be a problem in the future.
I wonder what kind...

Logical behavior? Twilight might become a friend or allied individual.
Illogical behavior... I pity him meeting Pinkie Pie :rainbowlaugh:👍

While Shockwave was deciding on the next test idea, he thought back to that audie file of the wolves howl he had recorded, deciding to upload and test something.


Imagen the Timberwolves being a mutated for of his research with organic material.

1 like 👍 = 44.

Seems I have to wait with the dreadful
'to be continued' ahead of me. Great story!

He did realize that his heavy chassis weight alone creates massive footprints or chain markings that lead back to his entrance. Good it only opens up for Cybertronian. Perhaps specifically him?

Though that was just the more expressive side of him having high hopes, the more logical scenario was they would believe he was either a product of hysteria and hallucination, or nobody would believe them. Either way, it would work in his favor and allow him to carry out his research both un-impeded and un-interrupted. However, studying the local populace could be an interesting side project... Perhaps engineering their technological advancement, biological enhancing their physiology and anatomy via subtle genetic tampering, perhaps even utilizing advanced psychological manipulation to convince them he was some sort of deity, the possibilites were endless.


'Well sadly we are stucki n the same head, so think quieter, because I am trying to think so as well, and cannot do so because of your over-complicated self-indulging speech. Apologies for the outburst of course, but you know it to be true.'

stuck in

'That would be a logical solution to the problem. However, how exactly would you achieve such a thing?'

Didn't he plan to make a copy of himself? Now he only needs a body to transfer the more cold calculated personality.

Fluttershy, the accidentally most able spymaster of Ponyville :yay:

If I may, there's too many commas in the sentences. It makes them drag on a bit when a period or some other form of break in the paragraph could've worked a bit better-but that's just my opinion. I look forward to seeing what future chapters have in store.

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