• Member Since 13th Dec, 2022
  • offline last seen February 3rd


Be creative, and write on!


The battle between Twilight and Tirek is epic, but goes no where. Tirek goes to plan B, but his attention leads him to the sky, as a meteor plummets to the earth…

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

Trypticon holds onto the carcass of Tirek for a second, then drops it disrespectfully. Leaving the dead centaur to rot. “Yes… YES… Earths mightiest Warrior falls to me! Fall to the Might of TRYPTICON!” He celebrated, and with a night ear splitting roar, earth’s newest resident asserts his dominance.

Welp, Equestria is doomed. And will eventually be conquered by the Decepticons.

Comment posted by Fetch deleted Jul 3rd, 2023

Not to bad, rather enjoyable actually compared to a lot of stuff I've been reading lately. Some minor typos aside, you could make a few more stories.

Thank you. I do plan to make more. Glad you enjoyed the read.

I must say, Trypticon was pretty badass in this story, and the fact that Tirek was considered a worthy opponent to him is pretty awesome.

Wonder what Twilight must of been thinking when Tirek got his ass handed to him by Trypticon's power!

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