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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


  • ECuddles V
    Cami's good at magic, not so much at cooking. Nor was I; luckily, there were plenty of options for food. Where else but Equestria could you buy wild-caught ribeye salad, with a side of kaleslaw if you want it or not?
    Admiral Biscuit · 3k words  ·  224  3 · 2.3k views

This story is a sequel to Cuddles III

Spring rains make the crops grow, and the weatherponies mostly schedule them around when ponies commute, but sometimes ponies get caught out and sometimes a pony’s just got to roll in a mud puddle on her way home.

Was that silly? Or was I the foolish one for not remembering the joys of fresh puddles?

Now with a Russian Translation by Mordaneus: (Ponyfiction) (Ficbook)
Now with a Chinese translation by FLX071: (Fimtale)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 68 )

I had an April Showers with a sister May Flowers in one of my stories.

Rain in the springtime, mud puddles, and ponies in hoodies; this is what is good in life.

A cute. A. Cute.

ponies wanting to temp pedestrians


pots of flower

pots of flowers

some ponies don’t like goldenrod ‘cause it’s feral

:rainbowderp: In Equestria, flowers eat you!

I must admit, I'm confused that she didn't shower off the mud when she came in.

We’d gotten our own seed catalog and also a Steers and Roebuck catalog as well, offering all sorts of gardening tools and homeowner tools, available shipped right to your house or the train station, depending on size.

And I just moved out of my Sears and Roebuck home too. Oh well, life goes on.


Bruh, are we ever gonna see them kiss?


Lets hope it wasn't pony based, he might have gotten a taste for them and gone feral.

Oh sh**, I totally didn't realize how dark that was until you brought it up. :rainbowderp:

Cu...Cuddles IV?!

*nervously presses upvote and fav* Okay... now that the paperwork is done, let’s get our fix...

Her ears dropped for a second before perking back up. Too late I remembered that ponies loved to haggle.

Pony: *offers fair price*
Human: *accepts fair price*
Pony: *sad pony noises*

I didn’t really understand the intricacies of her job, but it often enough involved magic gone rogue or summoned monsters and I couldn’t help but wonder how dangerous it was. She just played it off as if it were nothing, but was that true? Was some magical beast one day going to get the better of her?

Occasionally after a fierce battle concludes the pony and the monster decide to hit the bar together, sharing a drink (battling makes thirsty, after all). That's why she is sometimes late.

“What happened to you?”

“This is going to sound so silly,” she said, kicking her hooves against the door sill to knock some mud off. “But I found a great puddle and just had to roll in it.”

A silly filly doing silly filly things?
I see nothing out of the ordinary here.

“So you just rolled around in the mud?”
She nodded.
“Because I could. Because it was there and it’s spring.”

Fair enough.

“Perfectly hidden, as good as being invisible.” Her magic twined around the strings. “Where’s Cami?”
A second later, she folded the hood back. “There’s Cami.”

And Twilight once tried to tell me invisibility would be a master-level spell...

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

Ok this is very cute indeed. And also amazingly heartwarming

They’re also early bloomers, and they’re almost the same color as Cami. She’ll like them.

Are they in a small town? I can't remember. I guess then everyone would know who the resident human is living with.

I stood in the ankle-deep water, splashing it around, feeling the wet grass and muddy soil oozing between my toes, feeling a connection with the earth wanting to be made

That reminds me of the couple in The Haunting.

There's nothing like the lovely feel of mud squishing between your toes. We should all endeavor to remain children at heart, just for that particular sensation.

This was the blast of silly pony cuteness that I needed. :eeyup:


I had an April Showers with a sister May Flowers in one of my stories.

That seems like a common combo of pony names, TBH, especially if you’ve got a pegasus and then an earth pony.

But a good pair, nevertheless; they’ve got the symbiotic relationship all worked out. :heart:


Rain in the springtime, mud puddles, and ponies in hoodies; this is what is good in life.

It really is :heart:

Corrections made, thank you!

In Equestria, flowers eat you!

I mean, that is kinda canon with the tatzulwurm or Flowey or whatever that thing was.

I might be mixing up canon with fanon. . . .

I must admit, I'm confused that she didn't shower off the mud when she came in.

Then you defeat the purpose of it. Mud doesn’t work right if you just wash it back off right away, you gotta let it dry and then brush it out.


And I just moved out of my Sears and Roebuck home too. Oh well, life goes on.

Shame . . . I was going to include mention that you could buy houses and have them delivered from the Steers and Roebuck catalog . . . I think the one I have predates houses (it’s a reprint of a 1902 catalog), or else you didn’t order them from the normal catalog.



Fun fact, many school glues are wheat-based, thus making them non-toxic. And tasty!

I think they did in the second one, not entirely sure.


Lets hope it wasn't pony based, he might have gotten a taste for them and gone feral.

It was probably wheat based, ‘cause that’s non-toxic and you know kids are going to eat the stuff. PVA, the other common craft glue type, is also (mostly) non-toxic and not made from hooves. Elmer’s school paste is currently corn-based.

Theoretically, the spa or the farrier could keep hoof-trimmings and sell them to a glue-maker for some side income. I think some barbers used to do something like that with human hair (the barber also could have been pulling my leg; either way, I no longer trust barbers).

Anyway, if one really wanted to run with that idea, perhaps the kind of hoof would change the properties of the glue; perhaps earth pony hoof glue is the strongest.


Cu...Cuddles IV?!

One can never have too many cuddles.

*nervously presses upvote and fav* Okay... now that the paperwork is done, let’s get our fix...



Pony: *offers fair price*
Human: *accepts fair price*
Pony: *sad pony noises*

Like, you gotta haggle or else the pony is sad.

Occasionally after a fierce battle concludes the pony and the monster decide to hit the bar together, sharing a drink (battling makes thirsty, after all). That's why she is sometimes late.

Reminds me of the old Warner Brothers cartoon with the sheepdog and the wolf? Where they’d greet each other, punch in, spend their shifts fighting each other, then be civil at the end of the day.

It is Equestria, that’s very plausible.

A silly filly doing silly filly things?
I see nothing out of the ordinary here.

Like, it’s a fresh mud puddle, of course it needs to be rolled in.

And Twilight one tried to tell me invisibility would be a master-level spell...

Obviously, Twilight doesn’t know the power of the hoodie.

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

Thank you! :heart:


Ok this is very cute indeed. And also amazingly heartwarming

Thank you! :heart:


Are they in a small town? I can't remember. I guess then everyone would know who the resident human is living with.

Yes, they are, so everypony knows everypony’s business.

That reminds me of the couple in The Haunting.

The difference is that Milfoil is a sensible earth pony doing sensible earth pony things, whereas Cami is a silly fluffy unicorn. :heart:


There's nothing like the lovely feel of mud squishing between your toes. We should all endeavor to remain children at heart, just for that particular sensation.

Totally agreed. We haven’t had a proper rain in a while, but I think the next time we do, I need to squish around in a puddle.

Hoodies make everything better.

Do I need to commission Cami this time? XD


I wonder what would happen if he purposely haggled the other way...

"Two bits is a fair price!"

"I dunno'... They can't possibly be worth less than three bits."

thats it i need a origin story for how these two met and became roommates like the details

I just binged through all the "Cuddles" stories. They were exactly what I needed to help stave off this mild funk that's been creeping in. Thanks Admiral Biscuit!

I will see your mud puddles Cami and raise you stretching out in a bed of blossoming clover on a warm, sunny sunset surrounded by blooming honeysuckle and wild rose

1 out of 1 Celestias agree!

Oh boy, what a treat! More Cuddles, huzzah!

“Unicorns love yellow and gold,” she said.

This is why as Celestia's student, Sunset Shimmer had more suitors than she knew what to do with. Or really wanted.

In any case, wonderfully wholesome little story. Thank you for it. (And Cuddles III, which I hadn't read until now.)

Silly fluffy unicorns are, after all, the best.


Hoodies make everything better.

They do, indeed.


Do I need to commission Cami this time? XD


I could contact the artist I yoinked the coverart from and ask if he/she would draw the rest of the unicorn . . .


I wonder what would happen if he purposely haggled the other way...

"Two bits is a fair price!"

"I dunno'... They can't possibly be worth less than three bits."

Poor May Flowers would be so confused.

Heck, if someone did that to me, I’d be confounded. I always ask more than I want for a car and let myself be talked down, I don’t know what Id’ do if they offered more. Midwestern nice, I’d probably refuse to accept it or give them something else as well.


thats it i need a origin story for how these two met and became roommates like the details

Either in the line at Cheerful Cow-Bear, or else it involved a magic spell gone wrong and Cami showing up to fix it.

I kinda like the second; maybe one of the typewriters at the office went rogue.


I just binged through all the "Cuddles" stories. They were exactly what I needed to help stave off this mild funk that's been creeping in.

Yay, Cuddles made it better!

(seriously, though, most of these get written when I need to decompress; helping others in the same boat is a fantastic side-effect)

Thanks Admiral Biscuit!


can you put it in story form please


I will see your mud puddles Cami and raise you stretching out in a bed of blossoming clover on a warm, sunny sunset surrounded by blooming honeysuckle and wild rose

Ohh, yes, that is nice too. (also the pic is gorgeous)

1 out of 1 Celestias agree!

There can be only one!


Yay! Cuddles are the best!


This is why as Celestia's student, Sunset Shimmer had more suitors than she knew what to do with. Or really wanted.


In all seriousness, though, and I realize that this is a very loaded question, but is there an ideal pony color in every tribe?

In any case, wonderfully wholesome little story. Thank you for it. (And Cuddles III, which I hadn't read until now.)

You’re welcome!

And good news to the Cuddles fans, the broken Ford and the work to fix it that brought y’all this is still broken, which leaves open the possibility of Cuddles V following faster than anybody would expect.

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