This story is a sequel to Cuddles
Ponies had plenty of festivals and celebrations for the changing seasons. Winter Wrap-Up, Spring Finish, Summer Sun Celebration, Summer’s End, Harvest Festival . . . they were a chance for ponies to socialize, to bond, and to prepare for what was to come next.
For all their schedules and festivals, there wasn't one for the first fire of the season, and there should have been.
Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio
Now with a Chinese translation by gezhehuohu!
Now with a Russian Translation by Mordaneus: (Ponyfiction) (Ficbook)
No blog post this time around, sorry!
Cold metal shoes on your partner as you get into bed is something to get used to. There's plenty of simple homemade mayonnaise recipes if he really wants it. Bread wagons did exist and I will expect a full blog post on it by Friday, young man.
Speaking of winter coats, I found this comic delightful. I suppose when coats are in all colors of the rainbow, a clip is that much more noticeable.
9971330 Talk about a loud screech and a bed partner catapulting out from under the covers.
Women have historically had ice-cold feet in bed. It's a law of nature! Or something. A cuddly, fluffy mare with horse shoes probably isn't any different.
Now that I think about that, clearly Cami doesn't go in for hot shoeing. I don't think our pony-cuddling protagonist would enjoy watching that...
Cute sequel to a cute fic!
There was, at one point. Good ol' Hearth Lighting Day. Like many good things, it came to end one day when five words were uttered: Cutie Mark Crusader Firestarters, YAY!
They still haven't completely rebuilt Ponyville...
- hahaha :] guess your (?) friends watched too much of wrong TV :} For some reason (search) I stumbled upon this collection of links, while not watched any (for some reason). there was joke in ex-USSR about man who looked too much like Marx - so at the end of joke he agreed to shave beard, but added: "But what to do with my great mind?". I definitely don't mind someone out-doing Marx when it comes to social discoveries (there was Fromm, but not much after him?).
- may be ponies (at least unicorns) can do 'holographic' TV/sculptures/animations from hot air and those little particles of smoke ....
I also tend to agree with socialization function, in theory ...In practice...well, at least for me it hardly works, may be because things I really want or find interesting not really mainstream (and apparently progressive mainstream is impossibility by definition, for any given moment progressive forces living at the edge, where few understand them, or even around at all ..). I also noticed all those practicatory ads on FB only install in me sense of fakeness, not sure why .... Age of inflatable humans - they look big, but unfortunately quite easily to punctuate , deflate, and follow the {social in nature, but not necessary good for them/us} winds ...
I'm not protagonist (only if you consider my life as
soapopera ...) yet each time horse shoes come in I tend to recall this:Russian, English (wiki, so much more compromising, from my viewpoint... I mean, overall, according to Nevzorov _you_ must be friend of horse, and not like horse herself can be _used_ for some usual human end. This is not up to discussion .....)
Pretty much every time I get my drivers license renewed, I look like a Manson family member in the photo.
I don't care.
I think you wanna say it's the Equestrian equivalent to dousing everything in lighter fluid.
I feel for this guy, my driver's license photo looks like a mugshot for a murder suspect.
A fluffy unicorn and a fluffy story. You write good fluff, and it's even better if its attached to a narrative arc and character development. You've got the chops to do a lot more with these stories than you tend to do.
I like fluff. Fluff is good. My folks got a new puppy. She is very fluffy. Snuggling her feels so good.
(Okay, am I the only one who had this Pinkie Pie-like reaction?) The idea of ponies getting winter coats IS SO DANG BRILLIANT!!! ALL THE SNUGGLES!!!! 😍
First fire of the season?
But... when is it NOT time for setting things on fire?
(Somebody really needs to watch Alondro…)
(CIA: We tried. He scared us.)
Figurative and literal fluff.
So what I'm hearing is that Equestria is a culinarily enlightened society.
"Well, other than the party ponies. You don't want to know what their surges are like."
A delightful bit of snuggly fluff, and there was also a human. Thank you for a wonderful little story.
This was cute and fluffy.
Life would be so much better with a pony...
OwO cuddles are heresy!
Sincerely the king of snuggles
Cold metal shoes on your partner as you get into bed is something to get used to.
I would imagine so. Can’t say I have any personal experience, for better or worse.
Ah, but do such recipes exist in Equestria?
In the sense of wagons which delivered bread, or in the sense of being like milk wagons that delivered fresh bread to your doorstep on a regular schedule? I haven’t been able to find any examples of the latter, but if you know of at least one link, let me know. That’s a thing that I think ponies would go for, and it would make me so happy to know that humans had actually thought of it, too.
It’s legit one of my personal favorites, and as far as I know, about the only one that has a pony with a clipped coat.
This is where I’ll be honest and say that I haven’t spend enough time around working equines to know if it would be or not. I feel like the depth of the cut and the underlying skin color would play factors, and I don’t think we know for sure what color (or colors) of skin ponies have under their coats. If memory serves, the only ones we’ve seen partially shorn in canon are Snips and Snails.
Although sometimes there’s something comforting about a partner’s cold hands (or whatever) . . . or maybe I’m just a masochist.
I suppose as long as she didn’t tough him with her frozen shoes straightaway . . . then again, it’s Cami, and she’d totally do it to get a rise out of him.
Although it’s been my experience that in the morning, the woman’s much warmer, returning the stolen warmth from the night before.
And in this particular situation, the warm floofiness probably completely offsets four cold hooves.
I’ve done a bit of research into shoeing, and I have to think that most ponies wouldn’t be fans of hot shoeing. I do kinda have it in mind that sometimes that would be the best for fitment (maybe on a case-by-case basis) . . . I can say in stories of mine that involve shoeing, the cold-shoe method is used.
Related, from one of my other stories:*
*shameless self-promotion
Or there are just some people who shouldn’t have beards.
I dunno why it is, but when I don’t have one, I look like a completely different ethnicity in photographs, which is very confusing to me. You wouldn’t think a beard would make that much difference, but it does.
I would imagine at least some unicorns could. I don’t personally think it’s a universal talent, though.
I think that sometimes labels hold us back. It’s perhaps a human desire to quantify things, to put them in little boxes, but at the end of the day, we’re all unique and not so easily classed by one label or another. Some people get caught up in labels, perhaps to their detriment . . . at least where I live, being an auto mechanic is a ‘manly’ job and watching My Little Pony isn’t ‘manly,’ and yet I do both. Another local mechanic loved his vegetable garden and collected rocks from the beach as well. . . .
Really, that’s something to be proud of. I just look like a sasquatch.
I changed it to be a bit more clear; does this work?
“When Cami built a fire, she cheated. She'd dump a bunch of wood in the fireplace, and then use her magic to set it alight: the Earthly equivalent to dousing everything in lighter fluid and then tossing in a road flare just to make sure.”
This one time in Ohio, I got mistaken for some wanted felon. That was fun. At least I eventually got let off with a warning, and the cop forget to mention the many equipment violations the vehicle I was driving had, despite the obviousness of them (equipment that was straight-up missing).
True fact: fluffiness amount and length of story are often closely tied to how stressed and overworked I am IRL (the more stress, the shorter and fluffier the story). Just this week, I went from being the lead mechanic to the only mechanic when the other guy forgot to come back to work after Thanksgiving.
I do, no question there, it’s just a matter of having the time to do multi-chapter fluffiness.
Fluff is the best.
Let’s be honest, we all want a fluffy pony now.
Thank you!
You’re free to use that headcanon, BTW.
In all honesty, I don’t know. Fire purifies all.
From Joss Whedon’s Fray:
“He set himself on fire.”
“Maybe he was cold.”
That was what I was aiming for. Now’s a good time for it, I think.
As long as we don’t talk about what pizza they prefer.
I mean, the good news is the fallout is a party which probably wasn’t radioactive.
You’re welcome!
Although their hooves are hell on hardwood floors. Still, a worthwhile tradeoff.
George Weston "Eventually, George became a bread salesman and in 1882 went into business for himself, buying a bread route from Bowen. Two years later, with his business prospering, he bought out the bakery of his former employer. Years later, George Weston recalled those early days: "I baked 250 loaves the first day. I delivered them — drove my own waggon — called on every customer myself."
This is ambiguous, he could be talking about grocery stores or individual customers.
This is more concrete.
"Used in the late 19th century, the bread wagon delivered commercially baked bread to individual homes and grocery stores. Although commercial bakeries had been established as early as 1640, most baking was still done in the home until the early 1900s."
And this one. "From basement ovens in this store, the Di Camillo family began baking bread and delivering it to their neighbors in horse-drawn wagons."
I found these by just searching Bread Wagon History.
Well, I’ll be damned.
It was a topic that came up over Thanksgiving, and I did some cursory research and couldn’t find anything concrete. I am so happy this was a thing, and thank you for the links as well!
If I ever write a story involving a pony on a bread route, and should I forget to mention you in the blog post, you have my blessing to call me out in the comments.
Agreed. ‘Tis the season.
How have I never read this?!? I'm off to go rectify that...
Cuddles II, electric bogaloo.
I recognize that Snips and Snails disprove it, but here's my headcanon: You know how most of the Equestria Girls characters have a skin color that's slightly lighter than the coats of their pony counterparts? I like to imagine that that's how the ponies' skin color works. The hair that emerges is a slightly darker shade of the skin it grows from. So if you shaved the cutie mark of a pony, you'd see the same design in their skin.
oh, well... but humans put themselves under specific labels, and even fought for staying under one and not another! I was mostly thinking about "What party is progressive? Anarchists! " kind of stuff (when you realize whole party/big politics spectacle misses something fundamental). Or seeing beyond "animal welfare" and even "animal rights", because they both hit their limits quite early. Basically, by 'progressive' I mean someone who recognizes wrong stuff better than most, define way to live differently, and lives it. Not for show, but.. just because.
Oh dear. Well, I hope things work out and get sorted for you soon.
This. This is the best part. I expect, that this far into their relationship, our hero has gotten mostly used to the catlike nature of the Camiloaf. Must be interesting to wake up and find the local sunbeams thoroughly occupied though.
It's.................FLUFFY EPONA. Sir, you have just made my day.
This was stuck in my mind the first day I saw this on the hot story list! Ever since then, I vowed to make a reading on it! Here ya go, hope you enjoy it!
(I don't mean to offend anyone with this comment!)
Funnily enough the milk floats I see nowadays are mostly filled with bread.
Glass bottles have made a comeback in my area now too, it's great.
More petting! More ear scratching! More horn touching!
Celestia, this is so cute!