• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen Sep 29th, 2021

Twilight Star

Twilight and Luna: two mares made for each other


Twilight is summoned to Nightmare Moon's room, and she couldn't be anything but nervous. Why did her mentor call her to her room? Did something bad happen?

To her great surprise, the reason Nightmare Moon had summoned her to her room was nothing like what she thought, but it was to ask her if she appreciates her night.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

This was so cute! :heart:

Sweet and well written too.

I adore how sweetly amorous nightmare woona was. Well at least I thought Woona was amorous. Sweet and impeccable writing, keep up the great work. [3rd post place woot:raritystarry:

Twilight was lying on her stomach, reading an astronomy book. She was now in a part that explained how a star died, but her reading was interrupted when she heard a knock at the door. She got up and opened the door, revealing herself to be Rainbow Dash.

revealing the knocker to be Rainbow Dash.

“You can go in,” said Nightmare Moon, on the other side of the door.

"You can come in." Nightmare Moon said from the other side of the door.

Me: Come on twilight, she's trying to get you in bed so that she can FUCK YOU!!! How dense can you be, you horn brain!!!

Sometimes I wonder if HER horn was sapping the strength out of her:rainbowhuh::applejackconfused: brain cells.

I'm a fan fan of AU's and the setting for this fanfic is one I enjoy

I wonder what the story behind this AU is, overall great story, would love for there to be a sequel, Im also curious at what point this story takes place?

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