• Member Since 20th Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

The Blue EM2

Glad to be here at last.


The days continue to tick by, and Jimmy is still board and locked down. Thankfully, that is about to change in many ways.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

Is this a sequel?

wow your new form is cute!

I will be updating it soon. Don't worry. ;3

He'd been planning a big overseas trip to many places, but mainly to rediscover his roots (his mother had been of Scots descent, and as a result he wanted to find out how Scottish he was, although having been Merida in the past meant the answer to that was extremely Scottish indeed). So, Jimmy had planned all that, only for it not to happen.

You know.... if COVID-19 didn't exist in the world at all, we would of made it through just fine without things being ruined for us in the world. But hey: that's just me. :P

As for the transformation.... eh.... it went too quickly again without much detail but..... I'm not going to worry about that too much. After all: I am used to that pattern in requests for me so far. ^^

You may or may not have picked up that I was rather short on time when I wrote this.

I understand. :)

Anyways, in the midst of updating now that I got it read. :) Current progress so far: It has been added to the groups. ;3

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