• Member Since 22nd Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen April 10th

Equestria Buck Yeah


Comments ( 103 )

Okay what the hell. :pinkiecrazy:

I think I shall track this.
Only to see where it's going. :pinkiecrazy:


will read later. seems interesting, but will wait for more chapters and ratings.

Good chapter. It wasn't bogged down with many errors (none that stood out to me anyway) to the point where they cause a story to lose its momentum. I thought the story moved along at a nice pace. I also like how you establish, throughout the chapter, the lack of consideration for Pinkie, on behalf of her friends, when she is offering her serious opinion on a serious matter...and how this factors into her "demise." :pinkiesad2: I am reminded of "Baby Cakes" in season two where hardly anypony considers Pinkie responsible enough to watch Pumpkin and Pound Cake. I suppose that because Pinkie is the silliest of the mane 6, it might initially be difficult for anypony to take her seriously or give credence to her opinions. I like how you play with this idea and am curious as to how you'll continue the story with it (from the name of the story, I presume that we'll be seeing much more of "Serious Pinkie." Really Serious Pinkie. Dead Serious Pinkie.). I look forward to seeing more updates from this story. Thanks for writing, keep it up! :pinkiesmile:

p.s. I'm sure that Spike would have taken Pinkie seriously ("Lesson Zero" reference). If only he were there with the 6 while they were bucking apples, he might have been able to save Pinkie. ...or not. lol.

Huuum...ok ? :unsuresweetie:

Hahaha ! I Loled so hard ! :pinkiehappy:


Not quite the reaction I was expecting luigi, :applecry: but as long as you're enjoying yourself :pinkiecrazy:

This bring a smile to my face :pinkiesmile: ! I hope that Twilight will find a way to defeat Pinkie Krugger !

At first, I wasn't sure where this story would go.
So I tracked it.
And MY GOD CELESTIA AM I GLAD I DID. :pinkiecrazy:
This story is coming out absolutely magnificently~ :pinkiecrazy:
I love it :pinkiecrazy:


Glad ya like it! :pinkiehappy: I'm curious when I'm done with this (which I'm SOOOOO hoping I can do before this Friday evening.. go go Guild Wars 2 sucking away my life after that) which death scene people will think is the best. Three down if you count Pinkie, more to go! I'm also curious if anyone's been a little 'do not want :twilightoops:' with the so far few psycho Pinkie scenes.


I'm not "Do not want :twilightoops:" at all.
i'm like " :pinkiecrazy: Oh, do go on...."

....I'M NOTR CRAZY, I SWEAR TO GOD!!! :rainbowderp:



1116844 I see you have seen Night..Mare (Lol) On Elm Street. which movie inspired you to do this fic? Now whi- What...OH SHI- NoThIINg'S WWRonG>>:pinkiecrazy:

1122524.......S...Smile...my god.:pinkiegasp: how can you..be so...HAPPY?:pinkiecrazy:


I dunno to be honest. Just thought, with Pinkamena always portrayed as a nutcase, and seeing a lot of fics depicting that just being a little over the top, ala cupcakes, I decided to try something a little more serious in tone. In other fics, well, she could always be stopped in the right set of circumstances, like someone happening to see her dragging Rainbow into her little basement and going after her for example. Not here! :pinkiecrazy: Funny enough, I hadn't seen any of the movies in Celestia knows how long until I torrented the original 1984 one a week or so ago to check on a couple things, but I haven't, and don't intend on, using any ideas done in the first movie. Whether or not any of the death scenes were in any of the other ones, I simply don't remember.

Anyway, likey? :pinkiehappy:

1138843 ThIs Is GoOd IIt WiLl MaKe A FiInE eXaMPle FfOr WwHaAt's TtO CcOmE :pinkiecrazy:

Well.. That's good I'm not the only one... :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:


I was listening to the soundtrack for "A Nightmare on Elm Street" while reading this.

I can see where this is going ! :pinkiehappy:

...I was okay when AJ died. *Gee thanks, sugarcube.. :ajbemused:*
I was okay when Rarity died... *:raritydespair: That's not very nice, darling!*

....But when Fluttershy died... :flutterrage: I'LL RIP YOU TO SHREEEEEEEEEEEEEDS!!!! :flutterrage::flutterrage:

no, No I'm kidding.
But Fluttershy... Why... :fluttercry:

Still lovin' this story. :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:


I think I'm gonna be sick... :pinkiesick:

Not what I expected to happen, but I'll never be able to eat a chocolate bunny again :fluttercry:
Poor Flutters...

WHAT A TWIST ¡¡¡ I thought Fluttershy was gonna be the cut into pieces ! :fluttercry:


I second this sentiment. :pinkiecrazy:

Moves on to second chapter.

AHA ! I knew it was Pinkie Pie...o wait

creepy...:unsuresweetie: but original! I was worried this would be some kind of nightmare on elm street rip but you've created original scenes. While not an avaid read of horror and grim dark fics, i do enjoy the occasional one.:twilightsmile:

Thank ya for the kind words! :twilightsmile: I am curious, perhaps you're more familiar, as I've only been here a handful of weeks, but are parodies generally not received well? Like you said, the scenes have been original, as was the initial plan, but I honestly thought a more familiar title may result in more views, even if just out of curiosity. Funny enough, my first story, which now that I look at it could have been done a bit better early on, has been done for a couple weeks and is still getting hits. Anyway, hope you enjoy the last bits. They're coming up soon!

................At least it's better than..........Cupcakes..


Hahaha! I can picture her corpse just lying there with broken bones coming out of her!:rainbowlaugh:


Hrm, not the best chapter? Critiques are always welcome, if not to help me write better in the future!

Pfew ! I was affraid she wouldn't sleep for a few chapters :twilightsmile:

Happy ending is good ! :pinkiehappy:

Okay, this ending was MUCH BETTER!:pinkiehappy: I am happy to say that you were able to create a believable ending to this fic and i look forward to the next one!

You're very welcome. I'm always glad to help. I know that feeling, it happens to me on a daily basis.

Also, about the new ending: YAY! :twilightsmile: It's tons better than the old one, it leads on to a sequel (I'm guessing that Discord will be in it judging by Celestia's lines), and it shows that Twilight's letter didn't go to waste.
In two words: Buck yeah. :rainbowwild:

Moar. Moarmoarmoar MOAR. Just.... Please don't have Pinkie murder her friends. I'm begging you.

Well, unfortunately 4 of the other 5 are dead now :raritycry: But there will be more to come when the next part comes out! :pinkiecrazy:

Consider yourself liked and Favorited.:twilightsmile:

Oh boy...Pinkamena Kreuger?

What did Rarity do, though? I understand Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow,and Fluttershy, but all Rarity did was put a bow on the tree.

Rarity basically ignored Pinkie's pleas and brushed her off, insisting to no end AJ had the right idea.

This was great. I'll make a review tomorrow!

Thanks, glad ya like! :pinkiehappy: Once I'm done with my current story (which I'm honestly not sure when that'll be, it's about 2/3 done or so right now), I'll be able to get to the sequel!

Clearing out a few comments about the old ending, if anyone minds. Going to start drawing up the sequel soonish.

Pinkie as Freddy? no way dude no one is Freddy Kruger there can only be one freddy :pinkiecrazy: how about Freddy comes in and gets her for taking his job?:rainbowlaugh:

edit: just out of curiosity though do you hate Pinkie i highly doubt her friends are that douchey then again i seen them very douchey in alot of fanfics so i feel less sympathetic for them and hope for their demise:pinkiecrazy:

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