• Published 6th Mar 2019
  • 11,032 Views, 58 Comments

Sibling Stress Relief - Some Leech

After a hard day's work, Applejack desperately needs to cool off. Unfortunately, Big Macintosh only serves to heat her up...

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Comments ( 57 )

I'm disliking this because it's incest and not Celestia and Luna. Except I'm not actually going to I'm not a dick so I just wont read something I don't think I will enjoy instead of reading it, not liking it, and down voting this story for practically no reason. (Yes I did just use your comment section to vent some anger I've been bottling. I apologize for that but It was starting to get to me. I feel much better now.)

What did I do? D:

DTaygo #3 · Mar 6th, 2019 · · 1 ·

Made this account just to up vote this and give my boi good comment

I love it
Incest,I do like
And the oral and vaginal sex is hot

Best stress relief fiction I ever read.

It's not that you did anything, I just don't really like the idea of Big Mac and Applejack or any siblings apart from celestia and luna having sex. I only saw this because it showed up in one of my groups and I only saw the title and I thought it was going to be a celestia/luna story. As cliche and stupid as this sounds, it's me not you.

I'm commenting on this because I don't think I'll enjoy reading it.

jk I probably will

Stallion on mare and wincest to boot.
Very well written.

Porn is overrated. And this has got to be propaganda of some sorts


this has got to be propaganda of some sorts

Care to expand upon that? I'm deeply curious

I don't want to insult you but this can sound like that, I just want to understand the reasoning here. You say you don't like incest but you also say you like Celestia and Luna as a pairing which you admit as being an exception. Why or how is this the case? How can you condemn incest but support an incestuous pairing. Is it because they are both the same sex, which would make impregnation impossible? That's the only kind of exception I can think of.

I knew somebody was going to ask about that. I honestly couldn't really tell you why Celestia and Luna is an exception it just is for me.

Hmm maybe the mare on mare is part of that?

Maybe, I just can see those two actually having sex pretty easily. I definitely prefer mare om mare than stallions at all. Futa is a strong point for me I guess you could say. Also wow so many dislikes on my two comments. I expected as much, but I hope people don't hate me because of my opinion. I actually up voted for this fic because I felt bad for venting about stuff in this story's comment section.

was taught and meaty.

Think you want "taut"

As Applejack seize around his length


ensured she was held her securely in


Nice, plausible going on, no really excess on the description.

Yee, and I must firmly emphasize this, haw

Nice catch, much appreciated. I'd fire my editor, but I don't want to be fired.

No need to apologize, m8. We all have our own opinions!

Brief and effective and also very hot.
Bonus points for impregnation, what‘s even the point of incest without a proper finish :ajsmug:

Brother, how in the literal actual fuck did "Sibling Stress Relief" trigger an "OH GOLLY I BET THAT'S LUNA AND CELESTIA" response in your brain? And why are you letting us know? I don't go to "Gettin' Down and Dirty" (a fictional story I just made up that features Diamond Tiara and Celestia having a bath together) and then get all pissed off because I thought to myself "I bet this is a critique about the Bolshevik Revolution." and then leave a comment telling everyone how disappointed I am.
I think people are disliking you because all your comments can be summed up to "I made a false assumption based off of literally no evidence at all, and I'm very upset that I was wrong. Everyone: please take note of my displeasure."

You write well, buddy. You kept good pace, your descriptions were colorful and firmly in the "show" category of "show, don't tell", and that hint of impregnation at the end was the cherry on top. If you hadn't mentioned Apple Bloom in the story, I would have dropped an obligatory and jokey "and that's how Apple Bloom was made" comment. Sweaty sibling sex which may or may not result in new life is right up my fetish alley.

I'm not upset? If you would take the time to read the comment you would see that. If you don't like my comment, dont write an entire paragraph explaining why just downvote and move on like everybody else.

And before you say "Then why didn't you do the same with this story?" I stated in one of my comments that I am not going to downvote it just because I don't like it. Everyone else seems to think it's good and I bet it is, I just don't want to read it so I wont. I actually UPvoted this story because I felt bad for using this comment section to vent about something that happened to me completely unrelated to the story.

Yeah, I read all your comments. That's why I'm baffled about why you even commented to begin with. Just because you don't like what I'm saying, doesn't mean I didn't read your comments.

Love your humor, gets me every time!

Also, what is happening in this comment section?


Like, it's all good, dudes. Really, let's all just chill, be cool, and talk about ponies and stuff.

Life's too short, as it is! No need to get mad and then suffer from horse remorse!

Thank you, Leech. I once again apologize for commenting what i did on your story.

Fair enough. Sorry for starting a fight in your comments section.


Nah, nah, no worries, my dudes. I'd just prefer we all get along and not kick a fuss over stuff! :twilightsmile:

I think I can understand. I like incest, but not Celestia and Luna. Although, that has more to do with me just not being into gay pairings in general. They just don't do anything for me.

You know what, I got a better example. I don't like pairings between the Main 6, but sometimes I can make an exception for Rarity and AJ. They are such an "odd couple" that I guess it can circumvent my indifference to gay pairings. I do have other reasons I don't ship any of the Main 6 with each other, but they aren't very relevant here.

Secret Kinks: Yee-Haw:ajsmug:

Just because you said THIS SINGULAR FACKIN PHRASE, you win this.

Applejack x Rarity isn't that weird of a ship. If you want a weird mane 6 ship just pair Pinkie Pie with anyone other than Rainbow Dash. E.g Pinkie x Fluttershy, Pinkie x Applejack, and the worst one of all, Pinkie x Rarity. :twilightoops:

I didn't mean odd couple as in a weird couple but as the term "odd couple". You know, two people that could not be anymore opposite from each other but still have great chemistry.

As for the rest of your comment, I find all Main 6 pairings equally weird because MLP is strictly about their friendship and has absolutely no romantic subtext. Main 6 shipping, like most ships, is taken way too seriously and is based on people seeing things that aren't there.

Yeah I agree it's just weird to me.

Why is Pinkie that odd to ship? I like to believe that when it comes to lovers, she can have a slightly more mature side while still being goofy Pinkie

Pretty standard in terms of a clopfic, but a solid read nonetheless. Definitely fappable!

I just don't see it.

Funny how the prose is only a bit technical, yet because the story is set in Applejack's perspective, it comes off as ridiculously purple.

Turn off the freaking hose! You are wasting so much water!

The most comments and words i have seen someone write to something they didn't even read. And bdw to save your face you could have just written your second comment like this "i am sorry, please forgive me" and the whole explaining could be avoided

Dude the situation is old now. No one cares anymore so just leave me alone

I didn't notice. Just wanted to give a firiendly advice is all

It's fine, at least you weren't a dick about it like other people tend to be.

This was a great story. It's clear to me that you put in a significant amount of time in your descriptions, being sure to explore both characters' points of view. On top of which, the sex was hot, a goal of any porn writer. For these things, you get an upvote.

That said, have some corrections:

In Mac’s experience, mare’s did that sometimes, especially when they were in season or severely aroused.

Since "mare's" is not a possessive, you don't need the apostrophe.

Turning, she started making her around the barn and towards the house, albeit with a shambling, unsteady gait.

I think you should add the word "way" into that sentence: "she started making her way around the barn[...]"

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