• Published 19th Jun 2019
  • 13,794 Views, 38 Comments

Anything You Can Do - Some Leech

After having put a bun in Rarity's oven, Sassy Saddles finds herself face to face with a precocious young filly...

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Comments ( 38 )

Dammit, Leech. You make the best clop fics.

OK. Now can you finish Rock Hard Family?

Holy fuck yes.

Wait, if she's already pregnant, how can she be impregnated again without delivering her other baby first? Asking the real questions here.

Maybe there was a seprat egg?

Aaye, that's pretty good!

great job on the new story leech

Perhaps Sassy can help a lonely Coco Pommel.

Resu #10 · Jun 20th, 2019 · · 1 ·

'Child support and raping a minor' doesn't matter to me, the foals will be beautiful, let's hug

That artwork is fucking lit.

what is wrong with you for writing this as a saw what was happening i just RRRRRRRRR seriously what is wrong with you! unless sweetie belle isn't a minor in this contrary to what it looks like this is absolutely wrong!!!

Is it bad I want more futa sassy saddles stories? Her x Celestia and x Luna next please


Chill out, edgemaster. It's just fiction. It's not real and it's not hurting anyone.

Also, from your response and general typing style, I'm going to assume you're a minor. You shouldn't even be here reading stories like this. Come back when you're eighteen. Or preferably in your late twenties and understand what 'reader responsibility' means.


Honestly, it's more like Sassy was the one raped here. I thought it was going to be the other way around, but uh... Sweetie definitely blackmailed her into it, and then physically (magically) forced her into cumming inside AND had means to ensure pregnancy. It was also pre-planned and prepared for... heck, even Rarity's session with her was, apparently.

Sassy got used, big time, and completely unexpectedly.

its the idea that matters. just the thought that someone would write something like this is bad but post for the entire world to read is even worst. if sweetie belle was in her teens it i would be much better about it and not say anything about it heck i read another fic called Blooming Heat at least made all the crusaders in their teens another one called Spike's Trick or Treat did something with all of crusaders as well but again they were still in their teens. but how this fic is written makes it sound they sweetie belle is still going through her first heat which for real ponies and horse is when their 18 months old. okay i doubt sweetie heck i believe she's at least in her preteens but she still isn't a teen she is still a child there for it is wrong. SO DONT TELL ME TO CHILL and for your information i was born in 1998

Can you just go away please?

if you all commenting on my comment i will.


This is what makes you a kid. No one gives a crap what you think. It's not related to the story, it's not related to this fandom, it's not interesting or entertaining. It's not a fair and unbiased critique, it's not useful or helpful. It's just the baying of a child who can't accept that things exist in this world that they can't understand or don't agree with.

So yeah. Chill. Stop fucking around in these comments. The fact you had to make these stupid thoughts of yours public just says you're looking for attention. Keep your mentally stunted moral outrage to yourself for a few years until you're mature enough to understand what should make you upset in an ethical sense.

If you're not here whining for attention, then stop polluting these comments - PM me and we'll pick it up from there, boyo.

You know what? No I'm sorry if this what you think about me, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I will not simply change mine based on an angry outburst of a few individuals. However, I will admit that I should not have acted the way I did and I apologize for that. But dishonest acts like the one Sweetie Belle committed despite it not ending badly for the most part. I also heard one to many a story where underage individual ends up having a child (usually it being forced upon them) and it ending up ruining their lives, not that this always happens. Again I apologize for my previous actions but I still stand by them.

Theres waaaaaay worse shit on here dude. Check out headless rainbow for example. Also stop getting so worked up over a FICTIONAL STORY!!!

Yet another great read:yay:

i said sorry. sheesh

Im just tired of people bashing well written stories because of the content. Just please in the future think before you post/comment stuff.

Thanks for the defense, but it's all good.

Like, ok, here's how I sees it. There can be aggravating or mitigating factors to anything.
I wrote a story about fucking horses! OR I wrote a story about fucking pastel cartoon horses!

See, context and framing can make a lot of difference.

As for the vitriol, man, it doesn't bother me any. I get shit no matter what I write.
If someone likes my stories, cool.
If someone doesn't my stories, just as cool.

oh i admit it is well written one of the best ive seen in this fandom i just dont like the idea behind granted i probably should have read what the author put as their personal description first. again good writing just dont like the concept

All good, my dude

I cater to all sorts of tastes, so I ain't gonna get offended.
Like, fantasy stuff is just that, it's made up.

Just because I play GTA, running around causing mayhem, doesn't mean I'd actually do that shit in real life.
As long as people know this isn't real, I don't see the harm.

oh don't worry i know it not real it called fiction for a reason

Why do I get the feeling AB and scootaloo along with theirsisters are gonna find out? Lol

quality stuff! will have to check out all your other work.

Hey, question: what do I do with this number: 2069926? I seen numbers like this pop on the internet from time to time, but no one mentions how to used it (or where)

It's the Derpi ID number

If you click on an image on Derpibooru and replace the number with that number, you'll get the accompanying image.

Oh! OK, Thx for answering :twilightsmile:

This and the prequel were collabs with an animator

Better than no, I'll take it!

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