• Published 8th Dec 2018
  • 7,448 Views, 98 Comments

Retrograde Rendezvous - Clopficsinthecomments

Delta Vee kicks everything off by sending a taunting text-photo to her hated ex: Jet Stream. The picture she receives in return makes her uneasy, unsure. There is only one remedy to clear up their feelings and resume the status quo: hate-sex.

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Comments ( 71 )

This inspires me.

Obligatory Star Wars quote: "This is where the fun begins."

Fast readers! Hope you guys are enjoying!

Been looking forward to this since I seen you post about it! Gonna be a wonderful read for sure!:yay:

This was good shit. Passionate, rewarding, and a great insight into these two characters. I can see you worked hard on it, and I'm glad to have read it! You kept me up an extra hour and a half, you fucker.

Thanks for sharing, though. Definitely worth the sleep I'll lose.

Awww thanks man! Much appreciated! Get some sleep now!

This was a great story, much like others here I stayed up later just to read this work about two of my fav characters in the MLP fandom. I am someone who honestly really wishes to see these two get along and progress together, for themselves and their daughter. But you did a great job of bringing to life that short comic and making us once again feel for these star crossed lovers.

If I had to make a plea or request, I would LOVE to see you do a Spike story one day. You do such a amazing job with all your stories I would just love to see you do one with my fav MLP character in the staring role.

Aww thank you man! It's quite a compliment when you actually give me precious sleeping time! I'm actually a bit embarrassed at the sentiment!

Also, I feel you. I want to see the two of them grow closer as well. There's a lot that needs to happen first though. This fic at least suggests the desire might be there!

As to Spike, I don't have much in the way of plans right now, but he may appear as a side or background character in my other works!


Been way too long since I've seen a new fic with these characters ^_^

You can always rely on CFIC for a story that is both hot and heartwarming without feeling rushed or forced

Ah, so this is the little side piece you've been working on.
What a delight to wake up to.

Just one tiny thing I found.

No… he relationship with Jet was complex

This was surprisingly sweet, I'm glad curiosity drew me in.

“Apogee’s how I’m able to make it through each and every day, Delta.” Jet’s smile was sympathetic, almost pitying toward his ex. “You should try to connect with her more, y’know. She’s bright, funny, goofy… and she’s got a good heart. She loves unconditionally. That kid is everything good about this world, Vee.”

Yes...yes she is:heart:.

And this little armistice… a night carved out of the flow of time… maybe it was only ever a photo-text away.

Oh I don't doubt it:rainbowlaugh:!

Comment posted by Luna Aeterna Solutae deleted Dec 9th, 2018

With all that's happened...yeah:applejackunsure:.

Yeah there's absolutely some top shelf SP works out there... And I make no claim to being the 'original author'... That's Shino.

It was meant as a compliment, so I'll take it that way, but I love all the SP works!!!

Hi again.

Sorry you don't like my stories, I don't claim them to be anything more than rather light clopfics. I also don't control the feature box, I just look to share my stories with others.

Thanks again for your comment though, I'd have lived to hear your actual constructive critical feedback, but everything is welcome?

Comment posted by Luna Aeterna Solutae deleted Dec 9th, 2018

Have a nice day, no ill will to you.

Love the sex and feels. And it really ended on a good note. A good/bad sex joke! :pinkiehappy:

It's the good thing about having an ex, were sex wasn't the problem.:raritywink:


Oh look, more boring derivative smut in the featured box.
Also shouldn't Jet be busy fucking Apogee?

Translation: "I don't like this and how dare everyone else like what I don't like!"

But you know what? Everyone has a right to an opinion. Although the manner in which you present it does give an indication to the quality of your character. 9337722 was still at least cordial, in spite of the way you have presented yourself here, and in spite of it clearly not being your first time doing so in this way. He went even so far as to be gracious enough to give you the opportunity to redeem yourself and elaborate on your opinion in a constructive way that would make you seem less, ehh, unpleasant.

I'd have loved to hear your actual constructive critical feedback


"It's uninspired smut"
There's your constructive criticism. Try writing an actual story next time

And yet, this is the way in which you have repeatedly chosen to behave. Normally I would just write you off as just another toxic citizen of the internet. But the sheer hypocrisy you are broadcasting here is simply too loud to ignore. The fact that you are coming on someone else's story, and commenting in this way after you yourself made a Blog Post about people doing this very thing to your own stories is just plain asinine.

A blog post in which YOU YOURSELF said, and I quote:

Before you hit "post" on a comment, do some thinking about what the tone of your comment is; if it's a personal attack, if it attacks the story or myself rather than calmly and maturely discusses a beat that didn't sit well with you. Think about how your comment is going to reflect on people's perception of the story, and whether or not it reflects poorly on you. Think about whether your comment is thoughtful or rational, or if it's just mindless screeching

Honestly, I think you said it best.

So maybe, perhaps, in the future you should heed your own advice.

~ May your life be as pleasant as you are.

This was phenomenal!

Another absolutely wonderful read worth every moment.

Excellent work! You really pulled this one off emotionally and erotically. The sex was good, but more importantly it was there more as a required setting or character than simple clop to drive the real story (yes, I know that sounds obvious, but I appreciate that you handled that connection so damned well). And that ending... That was very smoothly handled. Well done.


Thanks guys! Very nice f you both to say so! Little secret though about the clop... In my stories the clop IS the main focus... So if I've managed to convince you that it's only a support to the story, I have hit higher than my original aim!



This story was sweet in its own way. I truly feel bad for the two of them, it really is interesting that their relationship is more of a love/hate/tolerable. I hope by some way there is a sequel, but if not I truly hope the best for them. Good story.

Bruh, I am telling you now, I read this, NO BULLSHIT, for story. For plot lines. My favorite director in films is Tarantino because he is a master of dialogue... You nailed it harder than Jet nailed Delta in a hate fuck... Story was great and dialogue was perfect. Please send this to who made these characters, Shinodage or whatever, cant remember the creator of this since I am drunk right now... This works perfectly with the lore, regardless of the maker... The words spoken between them is perfectly chosen for this and works so well with Shinodage’s canon... just... awesome!

I'm almost 100% sure this is not the end of the DeltaJet storyline. These star-crossed ponies are likely destined to be together... but there will likely be a lot more pain and suffering before that happens.

Hahaha, you brought a legitimate smile to my face. Maybe you're a bit smashed, but your earnest feedback came through crystal clear!

Rest assured, Shino is well aware of my fics... and I'm lucky to call him a friend! I think he enjoys them quite a bit too! I love reading his blog and wondering what he wants to do next with the characters.

Thanks again, and keep reading!

(also drink some water so you don't end up with a hella hangover, dude)

Pretty good my dude

This was a great detour from the norm of Jet and Apogee only wished we got a little more from Jet and the Twins. Makes one wonder how things will progress if Delta and Jet reconcile does “date night” end?

It's with fic like this one that I find the liking system of fimfiction lacking. This is simply OUTSTANDING and it's troublesome to express that and more over have it recognized as such so that it can be found in later times by new entries on the site.

Comment posted by Luna Aeterna Solutae deleted Dec 9th, 2018
Comment posted by Luna Aeterna Solutae deleted Dec 9th, 2018


I don't really get why you're defending this dribble so hard.
The difference being that I write literature that's assaulted by brainlets because I'm not writing the kind of story they want.
This is shameless attention-whoring. Derivative, uninspired smut. Poorly plotted, poorly written, unedited. As are all of clopfic's stories.
It's because of writers like clopfic throwing shit at the wall that I have to peruse fimfic with mature off lest I spend my day slogging through awful smut after awful smut for something acceptable to read.

In the future, you may want to actually read comments before you start flailing on your keyboard. At no point am I defending this story. My problem is that you are a HYPOCRITE.

You came here and made unhelpful negative remarks on a popular story because it was popular, and it had sex in it and you were just not okay with everyone liking what you didn't like. So you were rocked by the sudden urge to act the way you did. Even after you made that crybaby blog post whining about people who did the very same thing to your precious baby, because you could not handle the criticism of the people pointing out your own poor writing decisions on a story they liked, and so you deleted their comments because you just could not handle that.

The story will jump ahead over things I don't find particularly interesting, and no amount of whining is going to make me go back. Rest assured at all moments that I know exactly what I'm doing, and refrain from hurtful or unhelpful commetary.

And why?

When it was first published, Path sat at #1 Featured for five days. Before the recent shitstorm incited a 30 someodd point downvote brigade, it rode the top slot on the Updated section of the Featured Box. It was also ranked somewhere around 1,000th- or more highly rated than 99.94% of stories on the site, roughly. Currently it sits around 13,000th, which is still somewhere in the top tenth percentile- literally more highly rated than 90% of fics on the site.

Is this why you write? For some arbitrary meta-score? Fine, whatever.
But don't get pissy at another story for doing well just because they did it their own way.
That is just so incredibly petty it's like arguing with a toddler.

The difference being that I write literature that's assaulted by brainlets because I'm not writing the kind of story they want.

And yet, despite this you seem pretty bent on their approval. You harp on about metrics like upvotes and popularity ranking. NONE of that has anything to do with any objective quality of a story. It is a measure of popularity. You claim out of one side of your mouth that your literature doesn't need to be the story that they want, and you lambaste the popular stories that are what people want. And then from the other side of your mouth you cry and moan about your own story losing popularity.

Well which is it?
If you only care about literature regardless of popularity, then this story shouldn't even bother you for existing.
And if you do care about popularity, then don't hate the other players for playing the same game that you are playing yourself.

This is shameless attention-whoring. Derivative, uninspired smut. Poorly plotted, poorly written, unedited. As are all of clopfic's stories. It's because of writers like clopfic throwing shit at the wall that I have to peruse fimfic with mature off lest I spend my day slogging through awful smut after awful smut for something acceptable to read.

WELL CRY ME A RIVER! Life can be just so unfair, can't it? All that clicking and scrolling must be torture for someone! Where is YOUR parade?

The part that really earns my ire here is that you almost gave some decent criticism.

Poorly plotted, poorly written, unedited.

You could have just left it at that. But instead you chose to flaunt your self-righteous opinion and make it a personal attack against Clopficsinthecomments.

So you want to know why I'm "defending this dribble so hard"?

Well I'm not.

I came here to defend a friend. A virtue that you 'claim' to espouse yourself.

It is partially because FOME is someone I consider a friend, which I'll admit does feel a little unfair that I value the commentary of a friend over strangers- but then again I am Twilight, so it comes with the territory that Friends Are Everything.

To those who wish to criticize and attack me for choices made in the outlining and storyboarding of this story long before any of you ever read a single word of it- get on my fucking level.

You really think that you are just so star-spangled-awesome, that you can come in here call a popular story dribble, just because you have some prudish objection to the subject matter, and because you think that your own writing is just so goddamn good that it's beyond reproach?

Well I have news for you: A popular story does not require your approval.
YOU do not get to decide what is literature, and what is dribble.
YOU do not get to just waltz in here and lay a fart like that, and just walk away without someone calling you out on it.
YOU do not get to behave like that to my friend, as the hypocrite that you are, and get away with it.

Now personally, I have never met you, and I have no idea what kind of a person you are, (beyond your little displays online.) Maybe you are different in person. Maybe you just seriously need to get help...

... or get bent.

I don't really care anymore.

You, who says,

To everyone else who wants to have a go, your arms ain't quite long enough to box with God.

Oh, I beg to differ!

Comment posted by Luna Aeterna Solutae deleted Dec 9th, 2018

Again, thanks Shake. Very nice to have you as a friend in my corner.

To everyone, let's all just take a step back and take a deep breath.

The best way to go through life is to avoid drama and venom when it presents itself! Focus on the positive and see past the negative! It'll add years to your lifespan.


I know to drink water to prevent horrid hangovers, the hard way... But I am glad I was encouraging in a way to you! :twilightblush:

Not just after the drinking, you should drink water WHILE you're drinking. In between shots. I did that with a half bottle of Vodka and I barely had a hangover the next day.


Do that too. I’ve also mixed booze WITH water a few times. Ever get ma gallon jug, some Tang, a liter of vodka and just drink that over the course of a week? Or weekend in my case...

I interpreted that as her ASSUMING that to be the case. She seems like a shitty enough person to just assume the worst about everyone

I think this happened.

It wasn't rape, or non-consensual. But Delta didn't want a baby, and Jet did. They hooked up a few more times, and she got pregnant. She's just as much 'to blame', but you can understand why she feels aggrieved.

Jet was also a bad pony for wanting everything to go his way. Eventually reality shattered the illusion he could get everything he wanted, in a way that was even harsher than losing Delta as his lover.

But that's a story for another day.

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