> Retrograde Rendezvous > by Clopficsinthecomments > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Intercept Burn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It all started with a drunken texted picture. Delta Vee was well into her cups, having polished off more than a full bottle of whiskey in her run-down, disheveled trailer… not unusual for the dregs of her typical Thursday night debauch. Old-school rock and roll blared out from the middle-aged pegasus’s speaker system, her prized possession and a valuable distraction when you lived in the middle of the desert with few neighbors to make a noise complaint. For some reason, she felt particularly sexy that night… and she wanted to share that feeling… or even… flaunt it. Spreading her legs with a smug confidence, Delta snapped a quick photograph on her mid-tier cell phone. It was a great little snap, which perfectly accentuated her toned, tight marehood, heavy teats and slender tailhole. A photo this good had to be shared. She started to scroll through her limited contacts list, the numbers from her other random hookups sliding past her eyes in a blur… none of them seeming particularly deserving of her teasing… until… Him. Her ex, Jet Stream. Her smug face quickly soured, eyebrows pinching together. She only had his number on her phone because his damn lawyer had insisted she have it programmed in so that she could text him to come pick up Apogee if she got too wasted. Not that she ever had done that: she could be sober for a weekend if she wanted. She was about to move on to another contact, when an old memory surfaced in her mind: Jet begging her to stay, more than a decade earlier. The two had long since realised that any attempt to repair their relationship was completely impossible, but it titillated her to imagine Jet’s night being ruined with a graphic reminder of what he could never have again. With a quick series of strokes - she fired off her picture… along with a snarky little accompanying message. Pic occurs here (delete space): https://derpi booru.org/1860939 Delta set aside her phone and laughed aloud to herself with a cruel chuckle, tipping back the last of her fizzy brown ale with a satisfied smack of her lips. The music kicked into one of her favorite tunes, and she slunk back into her kitchen chair, kicking her rear hooves up onto her table with a contented sigh. This was living. It was only a few minutes later, while Delta was scrounging through the various cabinets of her trailer looking for a bottle of tequila she was sure she still had before… a desperate attempt to keep her buzz going beyond the witching hour... when her phone suddenly pinged and vibrated on the kitchen table where she’d left it. Delta chuckled as she reached for the glass-slab, a wonder of modern pony-technology. Nopony else would be texting her so late, so she knew it HAD to be her hated ex. As she pulled up the chat app, she wondered whether Jet had sworn at her for sending such a picture or told her not to text in the middle of the night or chided her to act her age. The funny part was… he wouldn’t be able to block her if he wanted to ke- Pic occurs here (delete space): https://derpi booru.org/1862311 Her phone jumped with the vibration of the internal motor, signifying that she’d just received a reply. There in the chat window, just below her acidic text to Jet Stream, was a full-page photo of the stallion in bed, holding his phone above his head and snapping a picture that looked down his body… The shot was taken from above his head and showed off his rugged, male physique from the top down. Her eyes were naturally drawn down the length of his body toward the focus of the picture. She didn't try to see what was there, but it was impossible to ignore. She tore her eyes away from the screen and muttered under her breath. While forcing her eyes to the keypad, she tapped out a brief reply. Delta: It seems much smaller than I remember. Do mares even feel that when you put it in? She tore her eyes away from the screen and muttered under her breath. While forcing her eyes to the keypad, she tapped out a brief reply. The message was sent before she had a chance to think it over. She re-read it and cursed under her breath. That her mind went to that place first was exactly what the bastard wanted no doubt. Delta waited for a reply, the bright screen beaming up at her with the sight of her ex laid bare. The device became an unbearable weight in her hooves… so she tossed it away from herself. She curled up into a ball, hugging her rear legs against her chest and fought down the trickle of warmth which threatened to tease at her body’s nethers. It did little good. She grimaced at her own weakness. “Traitor.” Delta growled at her own body. “I’m not letting that asshole get the bottom line though…” She got back up, setting her jaw out in defiance, snatched up her phone, and quickly tapped out a second follow-up. She needed to bury this unexpected anxiety. Delta: I mean, seriously… lol what is that little colt dick? I wonder if you’d even feel that when you tried to slide it in. Delta chuckled to herself, hitting below Jet’s belt should let her get the last laugh. And if she was laughing at Jet, she wasn’t worrying about her feelings toward him. The screen jumped, another response received from Jet. Jet: Uh-huh… sure… although maybe your flappy-cunt HAS gotten that loose over the years, huh? ’Fuck.’ Delta swore internally. “Diamond!” Jet shouted from his office, having grumpily slumped into his chair only an hour after the sun-rise. He wasn’t even sure if Diamond Gavel, his right-hand mare and personal attorney, would be in this early. “Yes boss?” Diamond asked, poking her head into the office. “You’re not usually in this early… what can I do for you?” “Diamond… I want… uh… I need a hot date.” Jet started to blush, realizing too late how awkward this conversation was. “Boss.” Diamond’s face had just darkened considerably, a facade of great restrained anger that nopony ever wanted to see when she was sitting across from them. “I thought I’d made it crystal-” “No! No, Diamond I didn’t mean I was asking YOU on a date.” Jet chuckled, then groaned, smacking a hoof against his face. “Ugh… this was a stupid idea… I don’t know why I thought I was OK to ask y-” “I can get you a date with Songbird Serenade tomorrow… or a date with the Stalliongrad ballerina twins tonight.” Diamond chimed in immediately looking down at her tablet to brief her boss. “I always have a couple of backup plans ready for you… I assume that this is for positive media for EquestriAero by showing you as a jet-setting CEO… and not because you’re just looking to empty your load… or rub your ex’s muzzle in it?” Jet tried to not look at Diamond. He knew she’d be able to see right through him. “...boss.” Diamond began, about to deliver a lecture. “Diamond… please… just let me get away with it, this one time.” Jet groaned, not wanting to have this conversation. Diamond sighed, “All right… I’ll get you the twins tonight… they’re more likely to put out, from what I’ve heard.” Jet grinned. “You spoil me, Diamond.” Diamond’s mouth tightened and she shook her head. “Yeah, I do… consider it your birthday present this year… but please... use protection… OK boss?” Jet nodded vigorously. “Of course! I’ll use protection, potion and condom, hell I promise I’ll only do ‘em in the a-” “Too much info, boss.” Diamond scolded, turning to head out of the room. “Remember - your executive committee meeting is in an hour.” Jet grinned, despite the full day of running his company ahead of him. Delta settled down into her usual stool at her favorite bar, which had always been a bit of a dive… but it was her dive. There was something rewarding about pushing open those beat up old doors and having the bartender instantly know that she needed a hangover cure from her previous night’s adventures. Delta was nursing her tomato-flavored Caesar (definitely not her favorite drink, but she begrudgingly had to admit the tomato juice helped with her headache) and trying to forget about how much of a fool she’d made of herself the night prior. She should have left it after the first photo: Jet’s response was more than enough to confirm that she’d scored a hit on his pride… leaving him hanging afterward would have been so much- *PING* *BZZ -ZZZ* Her phone, buzzed, and she quickly flipped it out to see something she definitely hadn’t been expecting: more texts from Jet. Jet: So, after your little comment last night about me, it made me wonder whether ‘little’ old me could satisfy any mare these days, so I decided to put myself back on the market… Delta watched as a photo filled her screen. She could tell that it was NOT a selfie. This was a professionally snapped photo at some red-carpet event. Jet was wearing a suave tuxedo and was leaning back on the roof of what Delta recognized as a Bugatti Hayron (Delta had always been a bit of a gearhead)... and on either side of him… were two stunningly beautiful white-coated unicorns with stunning golden manes. Delta recognized them as those two Stalliongrad ballerinas that had been on all the news programs for the past week. Apparently these 19-year old identical twins (Hoofya and Bitstasia… damned Stalliongradian names) were prodigies on the ballet stage… and they just oozed sexiness. Their perfect unicorn bodies were well accented by their slender evening gowns, which hugged their tight plots. Their manes were perfectly coiffed, and their big eyes sparkled under the camera’s flash, which accentuated their long, luscious eyelashes. ’Damn - what I wouldn’t give to sandwich my face between those two filllies’ flanks…’ Delta thought to herself, as she admired the two ballerinas. Jet: ...and almost right away I made two new filly-friends! How about that? Delta frowned, starting to type out her response: Delta: Oh wow, good job attending some snooty-fake red-carpet event. Did they even talk to you or just pose for the cameras? Just after she’d sent the text, another photo popped into the chat box. This one was not taken professionally. It was a selfie. It showed Jet in the supercar, with a confident grin on his face. The twins were sitting crammed in net to one another on the passenger seat… both were smiling seductively at the camera, pressing their muzzles against one another. Also in frame was one of the twins (who could tell them apart? Except one had blue eyeshadow and the other green), and her hoof had made its way across the stick-shift to rub against a noticeable bulge in Jet’s tuxedo pants. ’Buck.’ Delta thought to herself. She had almost no time to contemplate the implications of the photo sent to her when another one popped into frame. The scene had shifted. Apparently the trio were on an elevator somewhere. Once again, Jet was holding the phone out away from him, so he could get the whole scene in. He was up against the wall of the elevator, between the two sexy unicorns, looking up confidently as the two twins Prench kissed each other just under his chin, across his body. They were both passionately into it… and they were clearly grinding against Jet’s thighs as they committed their incestuous make-out session. The hoof that was not holding the camera had weaved its way through the Twin’s forehooves (which were busy stroking the bulge in Jet’s pants) and through the slit in green-eyeshadow’s dress… doing something underneath the fabric. Delta saw something catch her eye and inspected the image more closely. She saw that blue-eyeshadow’s left hoof was actually massaging the tip of Jet’s stallionhood, which was poking up and over the top of his belt. ’Damn Stalliongrad sluts.’ Delta felt a pit in her stomach: she had a sinking feeling where these photos were heading. Jet: Well… I guess this ‘sort of’ qualifies as a photo shoot… though I doubt the Canterlot Times would print THIS The next photo filled the screen. This time there was no smirking Jet face… just two thirsty Stalliongrad muzzles caught in mid-slide as they suckled on either side of Jet’s fat shaft. Both were lying on their stomachs on a bed, lavishing Jet’s stallionhood with their tongues while looking coyly up at the camera. Their long pink tongues were wrapping with each other underneath Jet’s medial ring, and the dripping saliva all along his dark, slick skin was more than enough evidence that the twins had been taking good care of the entirety of his cock. Green-eyeshadow looked particularly happy to be wrapping her lips around the thick hunk of flesh: Delta could feel the saliva building in her own mouth, making her lick her yearning lips… though she couldn’t tell if it was because of her desire to kiss those luscious Stalliongrad lips and wet tongue… or to suckle that throbbing medial ring. Another ping. Another picture. Jet’s dark cock was still in the center of the image. Rigid and throbbing with its masculinity in that way that Delta had always loved. Only now, instead of two teenage mouths on either side of his shaft… two tight, plump, white pussies were sandwiching Jet’s fat cockhead. The two naughty Stalliongrad fillies were mashing their marelips into the rigid piece of fleshy steel, digging the hot curve of Jet’s dick into their lips. Delta had to close her mouth as she gazed over the image, particularly noticing the little hint of pink that she could see from one of the two marehoods, showing that the ballerina had a very nice clitoris… and also seeing the sloppy clear fluid dripping down Jet’s slick shaft: she swallowed thickly imagining how that marejuice would taste… and whether she would be willing to lick it right off Jet’s fat base. Jet: Did you know that these things can send short video clips now? The wonders of technology! Delta swallowed the saliva building up in her throat, her thoughts not on venom or vitriol so much as erotic anticipation. She thumbed the phone - starting the brief video. “Unf! Unf! Da! Da! Zo guud!” The teen-ballerina’s hips bounced up and down with noisy wet slaps on Jet’s lower torso: her slender crotchteats bouncing rhythmically above her tight little marehood, which clenched part way down the thick stallionhood, her youthful exuberance and spasms leading to a frothy creamy marejuice that spilled and coated the lower part of Jet’s base. ‘Stupid brat can’t even take the whole thing PROPERLY.’ Delta’s lip curled as she continued to watch. “Mmmnnfgh gllnn mm eggsh…” Delta heard Jet’s muffled voice, while the camera angle shifted and changed slightly, showing the other twin currently sitting on Jet’s face, grinding her rump into his snout before she leaned forward to kiss her bouncing sister. “Vat are you sayink?” She purred, before taking her sister’s muzzle in her own. The camera panned back down to the well-stretched cunt, her bright pink inner lips being spread wide by the huge thickness of cock thrusting into her. ‘That fucker isn’t even wearing a condom! He’s going to end up doing to slut-yana and whore-ovski there what he did to me!’ Delta snarled internally, as she watched the pulsating central vein throb and thump. She felt her own marebits swell slightly, against her intention. She remembered how Jet’s cock would thrum like that just before he came. “MNnngghhH!!!” Jet began to groan, and Delta saw a tiny squirt of white escape from the tight seal between her ex’s penis and the ballerina’s pussy. Then the camera tumbled and the recording stopped. Delta felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up as she considered what would have happened after the recording stopped. Jet had always been a prodigious producer. She was sure he’d stuffed the ballerina’s pussy full and made a mess of her teats too when he overflowed. She touched her own teats contemplatively, remembering times he’d done the same to her. He’d probably not even gone soft… if old age hadn’t caught up to him, that is. Her phone pinged again. Jet: Oops, sorry I dropped my phone part way. Didn’t mean to cheat you out of the big finish, so here’s another one. Another video. Another click. The two tight, pale, ballerina plots were stacked on top of each other. Clearly one of the sisters was lying on her back while the other had planted herself belly-to-belly on her twin. Whatever was going on up above was out of frame however… only their two white plots, soaked with a debauched mixture of sweat and fluids were visible. The cute ass on the bottom had clearly already been thoroughly attended to: Delta could see that the messy golden tail was sticking together with strands of Jet’s cum. Just above that tail was a slightly out-of-sorts tailhole, stretched and strained by a recent invader with a small trickle of stallion-juice leaking from its red interior. Even more out of sorts was the marehood above that, gaping and throbbing in the happy state of having been freshly-fucked by a large stud. Delta’s eyes continued up the video, her hoof idly scratching at her lower belly, trying to massage some of the tension that she could feel building up in her gut. Her eyes found the ballerina on top where the action was occurring. Her slender wet pink slit peeked out of its tight frame of plump mare-lips, drooling and winking from the attention it was receiving just above: Jet’s hugely thick cock was stuffed into the tight asshole of one of the two ballerinas. He couldn’t fit much more than the big cockhead of his flare inside her tight little ring of flesh, thrusting back and forth only a couple of inches, making the teen’s abused ring of muscle strain and stretch as the older stallion fucked her ass. “Da! Da! Da … yez Papa! Papa! Papa!” The ballerina whined in time with Jet’s short thrusts, her pussy quivering in a way that Delta thought might have been indicative of an orgasm. The passionate exhortations shook Delta slightly. ‘Papa? Shit these hot mares are only a few years older than Apogee.’ Delta frowned slightly. She didn’t like thinking about her age. Especially not when watching her ex screwing an incredibly young teenager in her asshole. In the video Jet grunted suddenly, his cock throbbing up larger and larger as he paused in his thrusts. “Fuck I’m cumming.” Delta watched as the ballerina’s asshole swelled and grew, indicating the pressure against it of the growing flare of Jet’s cockhead as he began to orgasm. A powerful spasm wracked the thick shaft, and with a guttural yell, Jet yanked his flare out of the tight ponut. The swollen ring showed how it had already accepted Jet’s first shot as the mighty flare broke free into the air, firing another thick jet of sticky cream onto the teen’s back. ‘Ouch! What an ass…’ Delta grimaced, her eyes glued to the cumming tip of Jet’s flare. ‘That fucking cock though… shit…’ “Fffuuuuuck!” Jet groaned in the video, before grabbing the filly’s tail, and positioning his ejaculating cock against her pussy lips… and slamming as deep as he could fit in one single, brutal thrust… making the poor girl yelp with surprise. ‘’Selfish prick.’ Delta thought, watching the poor pussy strain around the pulsating cock as it dumped load after load into the fertile Stalliongrad pussy. ‘Wish that was me.’ Delta snapped upright as the thought popped into her head, shocking her. Her fury ripped up with a vengeance as she waved the thought away, banishing it to the depths from whence it had came… she would never want… HIM. “Fuck… t-tell my ex how much you loved my cock… I’m recording.” Jet groaned to the unicorn on the video. “Cyka blyat, dolboyeb...” she groaned to her sister, “he never stop talking about your wife while you fuck us.” “She’s not my wi-” Jet began, cut off by the end of the video. Jet: Not bad for a little colt hm? Don’t feel bad you dusty old mare. :-) Slowly, from the periphery of her vision, the atmosphere of the dingy bar rushed back to Delta. The little window into Jet’s world now sat unmoving in her hooves, Jet’s last message burnt out from the screen of her phone, embedding itself in her psyche. Somehow in the simple characters forming a smiley face, she could see Jet’s wry face staring at her. Delta became distinctly aware of how wet her seat was… how hot her cheeks were… how stiff her nipples felt. Only moments before she had been drooling like some.. moron. She felt a sinking feeling in her gut, an insidious terror nagging at her. How could she have even thought about that… dick... in that way… after what he had done? There was no way that she had some kind of remaining attraction for any part of him… right!? Delta blinked, her eyes feeling hot and puffy. There was something there, bubbling up inside her - did she still feel something… anything for Jet, after all these years? NO. Delta clicked her jaw into place. She furrowed her brow. She forced her lips to curl into a growling frown. Not now. Not EVER. She would replace her feelings of weakness, her uncontrollable emotions with one that she could master. Her ANGER. Her rage. She took a heavy swig of her caesar, wishing it was something much harder, and slammed the glass down on the bar with enough force to draw the attention of the bartender. She forced images through her head of Jet laughing, bathing in media attention, while she was stuck in her trailer, getting awards for aerospace development, having his life handed to him on a fucking platter… and getting loved by their daughter… hugged by her! And all with that damn, smiley face. That smiley face on her phone glowed at her, despite her squeezing hoof. ‘Fuck this.’ Delta stood up, her eyes scanning the remainder of the relatively quiet bar. Hunting. In the corner was a group of university students, chatting quietly. This bar was usually not the kind of place that those students would hang out in, but sometimes during the study-break season when other bars would get too full, sometimes the local college kids would come for a quiet drink. She walked over, quickly taking in the details of the table. Two unicorn colts and a pegasus filly. One of the unicorns looked fairly athletic, maybe even a varsity athlete type, but he was sitting next to the filly on the far side of the table… and Delta wasn’t looking to waste any time, not even to walk around the table. So instead she put her hoof on the shoulder of the other colt, a nerdy type wearing a vest with horn rimmed glasses… a bit scrawny and dorky. “Hey kid.. Do you know how to make one of these things record video?” Delta growled, shoving her phone in the face of the bespectacled unicorn undergrad. “Uh… y-yes?” He replied, pushing his glasses up on his face. “Alright come with me, right now.” Delta hooked one of her hooves under his armpits hauling him up and out of his chair. “Excuse me, miss…” he began with surprise, his friends already looking wide-eyed at the strange interruption by the older blue-furred pegasus in a dirty tank top, but Delta could tell he wasn’t resisting, he was the type to get pulled along and into things. “Shush, I won’t take long, you’ll be back soon.” Delta huffed, dragging the poor colt out of his chair and leading him toward the back of the bar. Though he looked back at his friends with a pleading look, they simply shrugged and waved their hooves making him roll his eyes and go along with the grouchy older mare. “So, miss… I guess you have a video you need help video? My name is Pone Dext-” “Don’t care.” Delta snarled, kicking open the door to the colt’s bathroom. Her eyes searched the fairly clean lavatory (it was the afternoon still after all) looking for other stallions… but none were to be found… and the stalls seemed empty too. Perfect. “Uh miss? This isn’t the…” “Shut up, kid.” Delta tossed her phone into Dexter’s hooves, “Just record video when I tell you, OK?” “OK? What am I- Oof!” The undergrad was interrupted as Delta pushed him up against the tiled wall, between the line of urinals and the bank of sinks. She was pinning him against the wall with both of her hooves, letting her wings extend slightly before looking into the young stallion’s face with a predatory glint. “Quiet kid… tell me… do you have a filly-friend?” Delta had leaned in close, her nose just an inch away from Dexter’s. “N-no… I’ve n-never…” “Last question, kiddo… I intend to rut your brains out…” Delta’s smile went wide, showing her teeth like a lioness about to make a kill. She slid one of her  knees between Dexter’s legs, brushing against his inner thigh and coming in contact with his groin, making him squeak. “Last chance...let me know if you want off of this rollercoaster…” The nerdy unicorn swallowed heavily, a little *meep* escaping his lips. Though he was scared, his heart was pounding in his chest with excitement… this was just like those doujins he read… it was really happening to him!  “J-just… be gentle.” He groaned. “Cute.” Delta chuckled in response to the colt’s blush, before moving her face closer with a grin. Dexter closed his eyes and tilted his head, expecting the kiss to come from the older mare any moment. He opened his lips in anticipation… Delta rolled her eyes, bringing her head downwards instead of kissing him, immediately going down on the undergrad and inspecting his sheath and balls from a close-up perspective. She blew hot air over the already peeking cockhead. “O-oh… oh my…” His squeak drifted down from above: he had finally realized no romantic kiss was coming. “Let momma get you nice and ready, kiddo.” Delta winked upwards before moving forward and drawing the flat pink penis head into her muzzle with her tongue. He quickly expanded inside her, inches pouring out of his sheath with the speed of a young, healthy colt. Delta chuckled as she swirled her tongue around his cockhead, which was only thickening slightly, barely requiring her to carefully open her teeth wider… he was a long fellow, but not a thick one… almost narrow, really... but he would do just fine. “Oh… oh miss…” Dexter squeaked, his hands hovering on either side of her head. “You are… you are… so good… thank you…” Delta rolled her eyes, then started to bob on his dick. She had just wanted to get him hard, but if this was his first blowjob (which it might really be) she was going to give him a good time. Delta brought her hooves up along either side of his legs, squeezing his flanks slightly before letting one of her hooves drift underneath his saliva-slicked shaft, massaging at the brown pouch carrying his average testicles. She closed her eyes and swallowed heavily, making sure to suppress the urge to gag or cough as she let his length slide to the back of her throat… then down it… then further… past his ring… until she was able to boop her nose against his lower belly. His smaller girth actually made taking his long cock deep down her throat kind of fun! “Oh yes! I’m cumming!” Dexter squeaked suddenly. ‘Seriously!?’ Delta’s eyes widened. It hadn’t even been a minute yet! But she could feel the bulge in her throat, as his flare thickened slightly then began to throb, again and again. She felt a warmth in her stomach, a few spurts of his thin, watery cum jetting out as she withdrew the fleshy tube from her esophagus, hoping to get some of his seed on her tongue… only to get a mere final watery dribble despite her doing her best doe-eyed ‘please-cum-on-my-face’ look. Delta groaned as she watched the mottled pink and brown shaft going slowly soft. ‘What is WRONG with young colts these days!? One and done?’ “Th-thank you… so much… mis-” “Shut it, Kid.” Gee grumbled, angrily swallowing the remnants of Dexter’s effusive gratitude. “I didn’t mean for you to pop in my muzzle...” “H-huh?” Ponedexter squeaked, quickly taking his floppy long soft stallionhood into his hooves as Gee casually let it drop from her grasp and stood up. “I d-don’t understand…” Gee clicked her tongue slightly and put her two hooves up on the bathroom wall next to the colt, flaring her two blue wings out. “Oh you understand… or at least… he understands…” Gee motioned toward the long pink tube of flesh with her chin before widening her rear hooves’ stance, arching her back slightly and tilting her plot upwards… then flicking her tail in a lazy swirling motion that drew its blue hairs across Ponedexter’s sticky shaft playfully… before continuing its swirl so that it was sticking directly up into the air, fully presenting the older mare’s plot to be ready for a ploughing. “Oh… oh m-my…” The nervous colt mumbled, reflexively adjusting his glasses before stumbling away from the wall and turning about, so that he could keep his eyes locked on that delectable blue pussy. The smaller pegasus’s age seemed to have had no effect on her incredible plot and hindquarters: a perfect set of plump lips and pink heat, framed by a set of flanks that were thick enough to make any stallion go wild. Ponedexter’s nostrils flared, picking up the sweet musk of Delta’s scent against the harsh cleaning chemicals which lingered in the bathroom air. A ripple flowed through his long pink tumescent cock, as it quickly began to fill with blood again. “See? Told ya he understood…” Delta grinned. “I… I d-don’t know… I mean... I’ve n-never…” “Shhh!” Delta hissed. “Don’t think too much kid. There’s a feral stallion in every colt, burning to bury their cock in a filly…” Delta flexed her powerful pelvic floor as she flicked her tail invitingly, causing her marehood to tighten and wink outwards at the younger colt. “All you gotta do is just get your damn brain outta the way…” Ponedexter clenched his jaw shut. He breathed out hard through his nostrils and flexed his lower abdomen, driving blood into his cock and making it jump up and slap against his belly. He strode forward, ready to take this mare… his mare! His heart pounded in his chest, even as his brain screamed at him a cacophony of doubts and fears… anxieties and worries about embarrassment or complication… No! Swallow it down! Let it go! Give in to the desire! Just for now, like this mare had said… couldn’t he just for once act on impulse!? He would! Only listen to that drive... Push push push! Buck buck buck! He snorted and whinnied. The noisy clatter of hooves on the bathroom tile filled the air before he clumsily brought his forehooves onto Delta’s shoulders, putting most of his weight onto the smaller mare. He couldn’t hear the gentle encouraging coos from Delta, the sound of blood and adrenaline coursing through his ears was overpowering, it was impossible to focus. This was happening! He was fucking another mare! He began to thrust his hips wildly forward, pressing forward with agonizing intention, again and again, as he clenched his eyes. “Woah… woah there, kid.” Delta cooed, trying to get the excited young buck to calm down for a moment. The kid had excitedly mounted her, but he was thrusting against air, his shaft slapping against her crotch teats as he humped wildly underneath his target. “Celestia dammit!” Gee groaned, at this rate the stupid kid would end up nutting underneath her, splattering all over the bathroom wall. She reached down with one of her hooves, careful to brace herself so that she didn’t lose her grip and slip down the wall. She managed to catch the rock-hard narrow shaft as it slid back and forth at a high rate and gave it a menacing squeeze that made the rutting colt pause. “Ok kid, back with me?” Delta asked looking over her shoulder at Ponedexter, who had opened his eyes when he felt the mare’s powerful grasp. He nodded. “All right, how about you give this a try instead…” Delta smirked, repositioning the unicorn’s narrow flare so that it was positioned at the entrance to her marehood. She guided the first half inch of the flat head into her velvet-furrow. “You might like it bet- ooph” At the feeling of the wet, juicy, sticky kiss of Delta’s cunt Ponedexter had immediately thrust forward, driving the entire length of his stallionhood into the smaller mare. It wasn’t his fault… well… not entirely in any case… not only was instinct working against him, but the incredible gripping massage of the blue-pegasus was so intoxicating there was no chance of him slowing his thrust until it finally ran into a deep barrier… and even then he kept up his forcing pelvic push until he felt his hips connect with Delta’s cushiony flanks with a solid *Plap!* Delta swallowed a curse, the breath driven out of her by the sudden intrusion into her cervix on the first damn thrust of their copulation. She resisted the urge to return the favor with a quick buck to the colt’s dangling fruit - something she would have done to other stallion-brutes who didn’t think much of jamming it in without a care for their mare’s enjoyment. ‘He doesn’t know any better, he’s just a kid…’ Delta thought to herself, biting her lip as she quickly adjusted to the stallion inside her. She felt him begin to move slightly, revealing his lack of skill as he only moved back and forth a half-inch at a time, reluctant to withdraw and use longer, more sensual strokes. ‘Kid’s got length, but no idea how to use it…’ Delta smirked to herself, quickly regaining her composure and feeling out the pink heat of the penis inside her. She flexed and squeezed her marehood and inner-muscles, rippling her powerful vaginal muscles in a well-practiced contraction. ‘Bit narrow too… should be pretty easy to get a handle on this dick..’ Delta thought back to some other stallions she’d had in her life… the thicker ones were always a challenge: girthy stallions made it so hard to use her clenching tightness effectively… and then after a certain point she couldn’t do anything... but hang on. This kid would prove no challenge at all - she sent another milking shiver through her cunt. Her ideal was a big, long stallionhood, with a nice massive thickness… the perfect cock was … The image of the damn smiley face popped into her head, unbidden and unwelcome. Jet’s stupid smiling grin. His damn ‘I-get-everything-I-want’ face, with his big bobbing erection underneath it. A ‘perfect’ cock… ‘Fuck that.’ Delta growled in her head. “Hey kid…” Delta snarled, swatting backward with her left wing to tap him on his side and get his attention. All she got in return were more grunts and continued and ineffective little thrusts. “Hey!” Delta snarled knitting her eyebrows together in frustration, locking down her pelvic floor and shutting the opening to her penetrated marehood with a vise-like firmness. “Uhh… huh?” The colt squeaked painfully his thrusting stopped by the very real fear that this throbbing stallionhood could be painfully crushed inside its velvet prison. “The camera kid.” Delta huffed, letting her glare soften and relaxing her internal musculature. “I need a video, remember?” The colt fumbled with the phone, still in his hoof. “H-how do I… uh…” “I queued it up for you already… just hit the damn record button…” Delta grumbled, inadvertently sending another shiver through her vagina. She didn’t care she’d revealed the whole excuse for getting Ponedexter into the bathroom was a ruse - she just wanted to get this over with and get her revenge on Jet. “No, don’t point it at my face… and NOT your face either kid! Action shot! On my pussy!” Delta growled. Ponedexter did as instructed, sliding back with his forelegs until one of his hooves was resting directly on Delta’s thick ass, while the other hoof held the camera (in landscape mode, thankfully), and focused down on the union of his and the mare’s body, where his rigid, pink cock disappeared into her dark, wet, blue lips. “You got it framed up?” He nodded, swallowing. Delta grinned. “Then enjoy the show… Jet…” She said to the camera. A harsh white light bathed the wall of the swanky, upscale Las Pegasus hotel, a small beacon in the dark room which only illuminated a small space above the Princess-size bed’s headboard. .Jet had been sitting for hours in the dark, unable to sleep. And it wasn’t the rather large lump of young Stalliongradian ponies under the covers near him taking up room. The twins had quickly snuggled up against one another once their ‘ballet of the night’ had concluded, shoving the older stallion off to one side in a way that starkly demonstrated just how ‘intimate’ Jet’s relationship with them truly was: no post-coital snuggles for the aerospace magnate. But that wasn’t why he was up: the sheets and size of the richly appointed bed would be more than enough to coax even a caffeine-filled Ponyville baker to sleep. What was keeping him up was his phone. The device hummed in his hooves for the first time since hours earlier when he’d received her message - he was running low on battery. He scrunched his brow slightly, annoyed that he would have to delay his viewing of the chat for something as trivial as battery charge… before he was able to convince himself that the desire he was feeling for the mare in the video was no more than a specter of a bygone age. Sighing, he tapped the play button on his phone once again. He pulled the trackbar past the annoying tumble of jarring images as the operator… apparently a rather dweebish-looking unicorn colt… was barked at by Delta to frame the shot. He’d already seen it more than thirty times, and he wanted to get to the part that troubled him more quickly. The harsh sound filled the room once again, though the softly slumbering twins didn’t seem to notice. “O-ok… it’s recor- oh fuck!” The offscreen stallion grunted, the phone’s camera struggling to focus in on the scene: the union of his pink shaft with his ex’s gripping, tight blue lips. Jet shuddered, feeling the rush of heat to his nethers once again - there was something about that perfect ass... those tight, quivering lips… and her round, puckered tailhole that stirred something in him. “Mmm… you ain’t felt nothing kid… you watchin’, Jet?” That sultry, smoky voice. That fucking bitchy, smugness. Her face wasn’t in the shot as she said it - her plot took up the entirety of the shot - but he could clearly see her vicious, toothy snarl. She loved her revenge… especially if it was aimed at him. Jet swallowed as Delta began to move. Her hips sliding up and down with a rhythmic, primal intensity that a mare from Ember’s courtesan service could only aspire to. Her plump flanks swayed only slightly with each change in direction - no longer the firm tightness of a young filly - but a thick juiciness that made Jet’s heart skip a beat. “Oh… oh! OH!” The annoying nasally tone of the stallion always bothered Jet during this part. He hated that the colt was losing himself so easily to Delta’s ministrations: was he a damn filly, squeaking out like that? He hated the colt’s out of time thrusts, which were weak and ineffective. Most of all… he hated that the colt wasn’t him. Delta’s grinding backwards humps began to take on a new character. As she worked her way down the long shaft, she would work in a tantalizing wiggle with her hips, teasing the length of penis that was still embedded in her. Jet could only shiver with the memory of that particular move… the lingering reminiscence of how it felt to have his ex’s cunt gripping at him so tightly as his stallionhood was wiggled in every direction, back during those passionate nights in Delta’s dorm room. “M-miss… I’m c-cummming!!!” The pinhead squeaked, making Jet click his tongue with vituperous disapproval. Not only was he depriving Delta by being so weak-willed… he wasn’t even getting the most out of it for himself! If only it were Jet that were there… Jet felt the soft satin of the covers against his stallionhood rising as his erection grew under the covers. “Nope. You’re not.” Delta’s grunt came out through the phone’s speakers, before she slammed her rear all the way down to the base of the stallion’s erection… then clenched. Jet winced in commiseration. It was the only moment throughout the video where he almost felt bad for the colt. With throbbing, unyielding intensity, Delta’s slick, swollen marehood snapped shut and choked the throbbing pink stallionhood. Powerful muscles in her flanks and along the crevices of her plot flexed and twitched -  but never relaxed. The exertion sent a small squirt of clear juice spurting from the fleshy-seal as it tightened, and shot the familiar pinkish-red, bit-sized clitoris of the blue pegasus out, clenched in the open environment in a perpetual wink. “Ahhh! Ahhh! AHHH!!” The colt whined out vainly, his pink stallionhood swelling and throbbing like a kinked gardenhose, his orgasm painfully pinched off and jammed in the bottom inch of his base. His free hoof clutched vainly at Delta’s ass and the frame shook as he involuntarily clenched his forehooves from the sensation of his impeded ejaculation. Jet reached down with one of his hooves and touched the large tent he was pitching. The next part was his favorite. Delta began to gyrate slightly, without using her rear legs. This was definitely a new move that she hadn’t had when they’d been in college. At first, the glorious orbs of her ass cheeks gained momentum slowly… obeying the laws of physics… but as she perfectly tilted her hips with each metronomic cycle, grinding her pubis bone against the stallion behind her to achieve the motion she needed… her ass began to defy gravity. Twerking was what the kids called it - at least it was what his teenage daughter had said it was. But it was one thing to see the act done on a TV screen by some zebrican mare dancer… and quite another to see the act performed on an actual cock. “Mm... mm… m… *huf*... yeah… you like that… mm… Jet? Fuck you.” Delta growled at him from offscreen, as she focused on both pinching off the colt’s orgasm while twerking his poor rod into oblivion. “P-please! PLEASE!” The colt begged. “A-alright… *huf*... you buckin’ filly…” Delta chuckled. Her twerking abruptly stopped. Her pussy released and opened up slightly. Her tail flicked up proudly, fully displaying to the camera her whole, beautiful blue plot as the almost red-colored, blood engorged cock finally released... throbbing with pulse after pulse into Delta’s pussy. His pussy. Jet was snarling at the screen. He was too enraged, too focused, to even notice the extra set of hooves pumping his erection through the covers. Jet shook his head with displeasure as the colt’s orgasm faded after only three throbs. His erection quickly shrinking, like a scared turtle, withdrawing from the heavenly crevice it had been blessed with… leaving only a pathetic dribble in its wake. “That’s it? Sheesh, champ you g-” Delta began placatingly before the video cut off. Ending once again. Jet felt something wet and warm playing at his sticky, unwashed flare under the blankets, well-timed with a gentle, pumping caress from young talented hooves that were on the outside of the blanket. It drew his attention enough to look down his chest. The twins were up. They giggled as he noticed them, one laying on his right, her hooves vigorously stroking the massive tentpole he’d erected… and the other underneath the covers on his left, slathering his dark shaft with wet and long licks. “He doesn’t fucking deserve her.” He growled to Hoofya, who was grinning at him from above the blankets. At this moment, he wanted her to agree with his statement, despite her having no possible opinion on the subject. He wanted even more than the hoofjob she was giving him. She rolled her eyes and sighed. “You stallions are crazy.” She grunted in her half-intelligible, thick accent. “Zat is your wife, da?” She shook her head sadly, still pumping him. “Yes… I mean… no… my ex… we never married but... “ Jet grunted. His nagging uncertainty about how he felt making him want to start the video once again, instead of focusing on the two teenage fillies in his bed. “Gah! Stupid volyomat!” Hoofya snapped, flicking his tentpole with her hoof grumpily. “Stupid buckin’k Equestrian… just go talk to your voman! Stop complicating!” She prodded him in the chest with a hoof. Jet paused. The bud of an idea forming in his head. Was it really so simple? Could he just… admit to Delta he wanted her? He looked down at the phone. ’What if she’s doing the exact same thing I am?’ His hoof went down from the play button in the chat screen… to the text box. Jet: We need to talk. High-roller cafe 9AM tomorrow. He hit send. “Gud boy! You zee?” Hoofya purred, peeling back the now-sticky covers slowly, revealing her twin sister suckling at the glans of Jet’s cockhead. “World works so much better ven ponies stop with complicate…” She stood up and turned around positioning her rear at the tip of Jet’s fat cock, before flicking her tail up to reveal her plump marehood, still sticky from their earlier fuck. Bitstasia continued lapping and kissing at the throbbing dark stallionhood, tracing her tongue up off the tip and into her sister’s cunt as it began to slip around Jet’s penis, before going even higher and suckling at the area between Hoofya’s ponut and marehood. “...and just go for vat zey vant.” Hoofya cooed as she slid down and into her sister’s tongue, impaling herself on stallionflesh. Delta sat at the bar, stubbing out a cigarette into an ashtray that was already full of them. It was already closing time. She had just finished going over those damn photos for the tenth damn time. At least it had proved a useful to excuse to wave off the now much more confident Ponedexter when he’d dropped by on his way out to ask for her number. Delta had simply buried her nose in her phone. When he’d insisted, she’d given him a sigh and a wink: “Champ, you’re just too much stud for me, kid. I’ll always be around.. Hey, I think your friends are heading out.” At least somepony should leave feeling like a million bits tonight, Delta mused. Unlike her. With her sloppy, soaked rear… and this damn text message. She lit up another cigarette as she pondered what the invitation meant. Even worse, she wondered what the hell it meant that she’d been typing out in the chat box herself moments before: Delta: Hey. We need to talk. She massaged her temples. How the fuck had this happened. Her phone buzzed one more time, catching her attention. Jet: Uh… actually… better make that 11AM. > Spacecraft Docking Procedures > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Delta shuffled the menu beneath her hooves. Places that offered ’petit dejeuner‘ were not exactly her cup of tea. Not for the first time, she considered just walking out. She’d purposefully arrived fifteen minutes late and still ended up arriving before Jet Stream, much to her chagrin. Staring across the table at her was the bored waitress. The unicorn mare was an eclectic mix of formal style and punk; a sharp-looking vest and apron contrasted against her lip and eyebrow piercings, as she impatiently awaited Delta’s order. Delta was sure that the only reason she was getting so much attention from this angsty server’s manager wanted to make sure that wife-beater wearing riff-raff like her either paid up… or cleared out… “Uh… Can I just get a coffee?” Delta grunted, sliding the embossed menu across the table towards the waitress. The fact that it was the only item on the menu with a reasonable cost probably wasn’t helping her case. “What kind of coffee, lady?” The young server sneered slightly as she looked at Delta down her snout. There was a whole page of coffee options available, after all. “Uh… black?” Delta rolled her eyes. She wasn’t going to bother with all this frappe, latte, cappuccino bullshit. In fact, she was about two seconds from throwing the menu in this brat’s face and walking out of this- “Sorry I’m late.” Out of nowhere, Jet slid into the seat across from Delta. “M-mr. Jet Stream!” The server’s eyes were bugging out. “I didn’t realize tha-” “We’ll get the Zebrican blend coffee, just bring out a whole pot and a couple of mugs… maybe a plate of scrambled eggs… some bacon… a little whole-wheat hay toast…” Jet looked over at Delta, “Sound OK? You want anything?” Delta was seething. This meeting was not off to a good start. As per usual this asshole had slid in with his stupid smile and everyone was falling all over themselves because he was a big shot, and then he has the gall to order for her, like she was one of his kept whores? She ought t- Wait… bacon? “You’re eating bacon?” Delta asked, an insatiable curiosity momentarily overtaking her anger. Jet looked ashamed, glancing from left to right to see if anyone else in the cafe had heard. Las Pegasus was a multi-racial city, and this particular restaurant catered to griffons and kirin, so their offering was wide but… it was still very much taboo for a pony to be a meat eater. He waved away the server, sending her to fulfill his order. He then turned to Delta with a guilty expression and pinned back ears. “Not so loud Delta…” Jet sighed, his ears flattening back, the wind taken out of his sails. “I tried meat when we were doing some work with the Griffonstone government last year, and I… uh… got a taste for it…” Delta couldn’t really sit on a high horse compared to some of things she’d put into her system but having something to lord over Jet was making this moment more bearable. “Celestia’s flank, I never would have figured you for a murdering carnivore.” “Look, I’m not proud of it, OK? They only source from pigs that would be passing away any-” “Spare me, you butcher…” She enjoyed the look of absolute shame she was eliciting from her ex, holding him with an intense stare… before rolling her eyes. “I don’t really care, Jet.” Delta grunted. “There’s a pig farm a mile and a half from my junkyard… personally I think Equestria could do with a few less of those stinky motherbuckers.” Jet let out a breath, shaking his head as if he were trying to physically shed the sensation of unease. He steadied himself after his reset.  “So… how are you doing?” Delta just stared down her snout with a deadpan expression. “Seriously? Small talk?” Jet tapped his hoof on the table cloth with annoyance. “Yeah… it’s how normal ponies avoid awkward silences and tearing each other’s heads off.” “Yeah, well… we’re not normal ponies, are we?” Jet leaned back. “No, I guess not. So… no small talk then…” Jet waved his hoof openly to Delta, yielding the floor to her. Delta leaned forward across the table, her eyes darkening with annoyance. “Oh, don’t be a smartass you fu-” Delta paused, her nostrils flaring slightly as she caught a whiff of the stallion musk drifting across the table to her. Unwanted memories rushed back at her of a past age, one long buried beneath a mountain of hatred and pain…. the smell of her dorm room after a winter weekend spent in with her boyfriend…. the thick odor left in her small dorm-bed’s sheets when she didn’t bother to wash them after a late night study session with Jet… the musk of the juice under his flare just before she slid it into her mouth, halfway through an all-night rutting session. Delta’s face darkened as she withdrew, sitting upright in her seat. She didn’t want to remember those happy times, those emotions… that pleasure... not with him. She shifted uncomfortably on her chair, a dull ache beginning down below, unwanted… as she tried and failed to prevent images from the previous night from flashing through her head. ‘Bury it, Delta. Bury it with rage.’ Delta growled internally. “You didn’t fucking shower?” Delta thumped her hoof on the table. “I was running late! What’s the big deal?” “You were late anyway! Is it so hard to pull your fucking dick out of those two sluts and give yourself five fucking minutes to shower up so I don’t need to smell your damn funk!?” Delta snarled. Jet clicked his tongue and shook his eyes. “Yeah, ‘cuz you’re so hygienic right now compared to me, right? Never mind the fact that your tail suddenly has white streaks in it, and your mane is stuck together in two places.” Delta quickly felt her hair quickly, running her hooves through her messy bangs. “No, it isn’t.” “Only because that limp-dicked loser produced about as much as a field-mouse. But you checked which means you didn’t fuckin’ shower either.” Jet smirked. “Don’t be jealous just because that ‘field-mouse’ has a longer dick than you...” Delta smiled and turned up her hoof as she shrugged her shoulders. “Oh bull-shit.” Jet shook his head. “You sent me the video, Delta… his little twig isn’t even half as thick as me… and he’s NOT as long… You’re just trying to get under my fur.” Jet snarled slightly. “Yeah, he was a real great catch there, Delta… tell me do you often pick up stallions in bathrooms?” “At least I can pick up a date! I don’t need to pay for the privilege of some slutty escorts to even consider getting in my bed…” “Hey! Hoofya and Bitstasia are wonderful young mares-” Jet began. “You mean Stalliongradian whores?” Delta interjected. Jet ignored her, continuing through gritted teeth. “... and those wonderful young mares didn’t receive a single bit from me.” “Oh, I don’t know about that. I’d say they received one particular bit from you. Over and over. I mean, Celestia’s teats Jet, they’re practically the same age as your daughter, Apogee!” Jet suddenly coughed, nearly choking on the water he had been sipping. His eyes bulged out, quickly scanning Delta’s face then looking away, as he thumped his chest to catch his breath. Delta fixed him with a curious eye. “What? It’s true! She’s getting to be that age too.” “...our daughter…” Jet whispered, having regained his composure. “What was that?” “You said ‘your daughter’ earlier. She’s our daughter, Delta. You’d break her heart if she heard you say that. Not that you’d care.” Jet shook his head. “Don’t you get all fuckin’ high and mighty about caring.” Delta snarled, her ears flattened back by Jet’s rebuke. She knew saying something like that would hurt the kid’s feelings… but it wasn’t like she was aiming that at Apogee! It was meant for Jet… Apogee was just… collateral damage. Mentioning their daughter seemed to have a calming effect on the two angry ponies. Up to that point their conversation had been steadily escalating to a full-blown shouting match, each of them edging forward and sitting up in their chairs, eager to trade verbal blows. Two heavyweight boxers with no regard for defense, slugging it out without concern for the damage being done… Thinking of the cheery smile of the yellow-furred, optimistic and goofy filly that shared their blood put a hiccup in their growing anger. Especially considering just how devastated she would be to see her parents fighting… again. Delta swallowed a snark she wanted to make, instead pointedly looking outside the window of the cafe. Jet did the same - focusing intently on the ice-cubes in his water. Both of them were holding back, two giant reservoirs of painful memories and hurts that could never be drained. Finally, Delta harrumphed and slunk back into her chair, crossing her arms. “Why the hell did you invite me here, anyway?” Jet sighed and shrugged, resigning himself to the situation. “Why did you come?” “Same reason you did.” Jet shook his head softly and chuckled at himself. “I have no fucking idea why I came.” “Like I said… same reason.” Delta sighed, a small smirk forming on her lips. “Tell me something, that first picture I sent two days ago, it really got under your feathers, didn’t it?” Jet tapped his hooves on the table, unsure where Delta was going with this. "What if it did?" Delta leaned back with a smug grin. “Knew it. Of course you couldn’t get enough of me.” Jet massaged his head with frustration. “Yeah, right.” He groaned, then decided to lay his cards on the table. His voice became somber and serious as he confessed himself to her. “If I’m being honest Vee… when I saw that photo, those videos… thinking about you kept me up at night.” Delta stiffened in her seat, that anxious feeling of fear that she’d managed to bury during their argument bubbling in her gut again. She didn’t want this. These things were better left unsaid. These stones were better left unturned. “What do you-” “I can’t believe I’m telling you of all ponies,” Jet groaned, toying with his glass of water. “But… when I saw those pictures… that video… of you... it made me feel like…well…” He tapped his hooves together, searching for the right words. “I felt all bucked up… you know? Jealous and turned on... and pissed and… fuck if I know.” He looked across the table at Delta, expecting to see a self-important, vindictive snarl. In the past, he’d tried to get Delta back by pleading with her that he still loved her… hoping to make his feelings for her clear, hoping that she would understand and try to work through their issues.  But every time he tried, she grew more furious. After twelve years of disappointment, he stopped trying altogether. Then, as time passed, his feelings withered away, replaced by a cold detachment, protecting him from her fury. And the fury was there, buried under the surface, ready to explode from her chest. But Delta suppressed it; she wouldn't give Jet the satisfaction of seeing her do what he expected of her. He was always like this. He made everything about him: his feelings, his affection, his needs and desires. He'd go on like this for hours, drowning her with his wants and needs, never once stopping to think about her. About her desires. Her dreams! The poison in her heart rose up into her throat, demanding release. It festered and boiled, threatening to eat her from within if she didn't give it voice. But she bit her tongue in spite of it, swallowing it down: she’d also felt what he was describing. It was the first time she'd experienced a connection to the stallion, however small it was. She hated to admit it, but it gave her pause. Jet was surprised, almost stunned, to not hear the inevitable interruption he was expecting, Jet went on. “I mean… I'm not saying I was thinking about getting back together.” Get back together? Ridiculous. Delta clicked her tongue and snorted at the thought, letting a small trickle of her venom leak through. “...but at the very least... I think some part of me wanted more than just photos. And that desire is screwing me up inside. I thought I was over you, Vee.” Jet searched his ex's eyes, looking for something there he couldn't explain.. “I have to settle this. I need to understand what these feelings are all about, or I'm going to go fucking crazy.” Delta also wondered if she was going crazy. She must be, considering she was even barely entertaining her ex's mewling tirade. But she couldn't turn away. Deep inside, beneath a bubbling mix of her own chaotic emotions, she felt... almost instinctively... that she understood him. Those strange, unanswerable desires that had tortured her the night before, which were undermining the resentment, the disgust, the hurt... which had been the foundation of her existence for so many years. That terrifying doubt that it could be changing… she had to settle things! Delta opened her mouth to give her protest, but a bright, chirping voice cut her off. “Here we go, Mr. Stream!” the maitre'd beamed, interjecting the serious conversation with a flourish of activity as three waiters scurried about their table, arranging various cups and plates. “Uh… b-baco… meat and eggs, and our finest coffee. The kitchen also insisted that we provide you with a plate of fresh fruits and pastries, compliments of the chef!” Delta wrinkled her nose at the omnivorous selection. "Compliments of the underpaid illegal immigrants swarming the kitchen, am I fucking right?" Same old shit, as always: Jet had everyone wrapped around his hoof. When Delta thought it couldn't get more sickening, one of the waiters stumbled over herself to pour her coffee and adjust her napkin while spouting pathetic lip service. Where was all this top tier service earlier, before Jet 'graced' everypony with his magnanimous presence? “Can you just stop," Delta growled, "I can pour my own damn coffee.” Delta snarled over her shoulder at the young server who wasn’t even giving her the time of day, now doing her best to perfectly prepare the table setting and pour a mug of coffee for her. "Ah, how many creams for you, Miss Stream?" the maitre d' asked, eagerly thrusting a silver pitcher in her face.. “None, and-” "Ah!" he cut in, "And how about sugars miss-" A thunderous clamour echoed throughout the cafe as Delta slammed her hooves against the table. Everypony's ears pinned back, winces passing all around. "Enough!" she shouted, "Everypony just back the buck off! We were trying to have a damn conversation here!" A pall fell over the restaurant. The maitre’d was pale as ice, chilled by Delta's outburst. He looked over at Jet as if hoping for support. The bemused stallion was already chewing on a piece of bacon. He offered a conciliatory frown for the server, shrugged, and said, “You did interrupt us, sir… so… if you don’t mind.” He gestured with his eyes toward the kitchen. For their own good, he hoped they would get the message. Then, as quickly as they had appeared, the group of servers retreated, leaving their manager bowing and bumbling out apologies in their wake.  “O-of course sir, of course. So sorry, so sorry!” The disruptive entourage fled, leaving Jet and Delta alone with their forced silence. Jet quietly munched on his bacon, certain his ex would soon break their unspoken truce with another deluge of venom. He didn't have to wait long. “Bucking hell. How do you deal with those tailholes?” Delta grunted, picking up a fork and plunging it into the large platter of fruit, stabbing a slice of banana. Potassium was always good for hangovers. “I don’t know, you seemed to handle things just fine," Jet said, casting a line. Delta sneered and did not bite. Jet's slumped into his seat, grabbed a spoon and shoveled a generous portion of eggs from the central platter. At least the food was good. “So, where was I?” he asked, reluctantly returning to business. Delta swallowed down her banana slice. “I believe you had just finished some bullshitty reasoning about how pictures of my plot made you as weepy as a filly at her cuteceneara.” “I don’t quite remember putting it that way,” Jet said, quickly becoming resigned to his ex's verbal abuse, before pointing an egg covered fork back at her. "Maybe I deserve that. But I'm serious: it's been stuck in my head all day. Seeing those pictures of you messed me up." Delta rolled her eyes. “Yeah, that was the point of sending them." She took a sip of her very black, creamless coffee. It had a rich, robust flavour... much better than the usual caffeinated swill she drank. Not wanting to betray her satisfaction for the coffee, she dug around in her mind for more venom to toss. “Tell me again: why the buck should I care?” "I don't know," he said, angrily snatching another strip of bacon, shoving it in his muzzle and noisily chewing. "You tell me." "Excuse me?" "I didn't send those damn pictures or reply with that video." "And I didn't send pics of the whore twins." “No, you just responded by letting it get under your skin immediately." Delta looked away. "Why did you even show up today?" Jet asked, swiping grease away from his lips. "What do you want?" Delta set her mug down, dread wrapping its cold tendrils around her heart.. Normally she'd flip Jet the high hoof, tell him to eat her ass, then go find the nearest watering hole to crawl into and numb her doub-riddled mind. But not this time. Doubt was nagging at her. Screaming to be resolved. She couldn’t just avoid it this time. She had to settle things for herself, to resolve her feelings. She wouldn’t retreat into her anger, not this time. She twisted the mug in her hoof, hesitating. "Just tell me," Jet implored. "What are you thinking?" The mug shifted from one hoof to the other. She remained silent. "You'll feel better if you get it out." The mug commanded all her attention. She stared into it like it held all the answers to the universe. "Please?" The mug didn't hold any profound answers to Jet's question. Buck it. “I'm feeling all fucked up too," she said with a weary sigh. Before Jet had a chance to respond, she summoned all her venom and fire, staring daggers across the table. "But let me be crystal… bucking... clear..." "...I detest you." "I know," Jet said, pushing eggs around on his plate with his fork. "Thanks for the reminder." "You're bucking welcome. But to answer your question, it was upsetting." Jet swiveled his ears toward Delta to be sure he'd heard her right. She continued. "When I looked at those pictures of your… junk... I felt something." "You felt what?" Delta shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "I don't know. Something other than pure, visceral revulsion." "Wow, nice," Jet said, rolling his eyes. "Very nice." "Yeah, yeah," Delta groused. "It's not easy, okay dipshit? Coming here, talking to you about my bucking feelings. You! The last pony on Equus that I want to have these kinds of feelings about." “Well, I guess we are in the same boat then," Jet said. "I feel the same way." "...Fuck." "It doesn't even make sense," Jet mumbled, "I have no idea why we'd get so twisted up by something this silly. It's not like we don't get plenty of attention from the opposite sex." “Hells, not just the opposite sex… I get attention from both sexes… and you seem like one of those ‘closet’ colt-cuddlers.” Jet coughed slightly, as Delta’s needling slipped under his guard. Regaining his composure he shot her a glare and parried with a joke: “If I’m a colt-cuddler it’s only because my bedroom experiences with you made me gay.” Delta stifled a chuckle from behind her hoof, not wanting to seem too agreeable. But it was undeniable that some of the tension between them had lifted. Talking with Jet was proving to be more therapeutic than she'd have thought possible. Knowing he shared her anxiety helped her feel less strange. Less alone. She pushed her chair back, and crossed her legs with a wry smile, feeling playful in the momentary absence of the weight of her stress. “Bullshit: even you have to admit back in our college days, the fucking was pretty damn good.” Jet grinned, pausing a moment to reminisce over old memories, savoring them like a fine wine. “That they were. I always knew I was amazing, but you weren’t half bad yourself.” "Oh fuck off," Delta said, unable to hide an amused smirk. “I was doing 90% of the work, and you would usually half-ass it. I may just be a lowly ex-engineer, but that tells me you’re only 5% of a good fuck.” "Can't argue with your math," Jet said, "But that five percent was good enough for you five hundred percent of the time." He leaned forward and matched Delta's smirk with a sly smile. "If you know what I mean." Delta's eye twitched while she searched for the subterfuge in his obnoxious, cocky statement. When she could find none, she cautiously asked, "What's that supposed to mean?" Jet sighed at his own terrible, obscure sense of humor. “I meant I would get you off, many times over.” "Luna's slit, you're more awkward than an autistic foal, you know that?" Jet wisely decided not to rise to her bait. "But," Delta said, awkwardly drawing a small circle on the table with her hoof, "The sex was okay, I guess." Jet's left eyebrow raised a millimeter, causing Delta to huff and gesticulate animatedly with her hooves. "Alright, it was damn good sex. When you weren't too lazy to fuck me, of course." "Is it really all there was to our relationship?" "What else was there?" "I don't know, but there must be something more than wallowing in nostalgia about our lusty youth together?" "I don't like to think about my past with you," Delta admitted, "But lately I’ve been thinking about the past. Thinking too much.  About you. About… us." She shivered in spite of the callous shell she tried to erect, the memories of the good times which she forgot - or chose to ignore - tearing down the wall of bitterness she erected over the years. "But that doesn't matter!" she snapped, desperately drawing forth more venom, a state of comfort and familiarity, "because I sure as hell don't give two shits about you in the present." “Uh-huh, you’ve made that very clear," Jet said, slumping into his seat. But the two of them were ducking a more fundamental, underlying issue. There was more than simple nostalgia at work here, but both seemed willing to rely on it as an excuse. "So what should we do about these feelings we're having?" “Fuck if I know.” Delta sighed, poking at the pile of bacon and taking a strip out and putting it onto her plate, poking it experimentally. “It’s not like now that we know we’re both ‘nostalgic’ it make all those shitty feelings go away.” Jet watched Delta sniff at the piece of meat on her plate curiously. “You’re really feeling those urges too, huh? It’s weird… because of our history, that is. Like mixing oil and water… a pit of anxiety in your gut.” He looked over at Delta for confirmation, seeing her nod back at him while she held the strip of bacon up to the light with suspicion. “Like an itch you can’t quite scratch…” Delta looked over at Jet, then back to the piece of bacon. A crazy idea was starting to form in her head. If it really was just lust… if it was really just physical desire… if she was truly convinced that was all it was... She took a big bite, chewing with a thoughtful look then swallowing. “Huh.” She chomped on a second bite, finishing off the strip. “Well, we could always try something different.” A flickering amber light hummed noisily against the backdrop of a violet desert sky. The swathe of light poured onto a nearly empty motel parking lot, a lone beat-up pickup truck the only sign that there was any occupancy at the run-down, two-story off-highway motel. The entire establishment was decades out of date, a product of the bygone era when the train station was the center of Las Pegasus. Since the advent of air travel and the establishment of the metropolitan downtown core, this small outpost had become increasingly disused. Only the odd industrial convention and the use of the location as a seedy getaway kept the establishment fiscally solvent. But the low-land value meant it only needed a hoofful of guests a week to get by. And even now, a pair of two such seedy guests were making their way from the check-in office to their room. “Really? Here?” “What’s wrong with this motel?” “Vee, I doubt I could find this motel advertised in the classified ads of a local community newspaper let alone the EquestriAero’s Luxury Travel Guide. It probably doesn’t even have a star rating!” “Isn’t that your magazine? You can just pretend it has whatever star rating makes you feel good at night. If we went to one of your fancy-ass boutique hotels we’d be spotted for sure.” “I mean, still… I can only imagine the roaches… the stains on the bedsheets.” “Celestia, you’re such a foalish little filly. That’s just the price ya gotta pay if you want to contribute to those bedstains.” Delta hissed, prodding Jet in the shoulder. “Besides, you’re the one who insisted on making sure no one would know! I even put up with wearing this ridiculous coat.” Delta pulled at the tan trenchcoat while peering over the rims of her thick aviator glasses. Jet nodded at her over his own facade. “Yes, the disguises are essential, you have no idea how insistent the paparazzi can be whe-” “I don’t get it, is it really so embarrassing to be seen banging an older mare?” Delta growled, flicking the room key from her wing to her left hoof. “From what I see you don’t mind getting photographed being the little fuck-toy of every celebrity mare from here to-” “It’s not that Vee.” Jet groaned. “What I’m worried about is what happens if pictures of me and you end up in some trashy tabloid - and Apogee gets a hold of them.” “Oh.” “Yeah.” Delta sighed. It didn’t need to be said just how much even the possibility of her parents getting back together would affect the little filly. Like Jet, Apogee had learned a long time ago not to mention or hold out any hope for the possibility, but even though she’d grown out of those foalish filly questions about why her parents weren’t together, Delta wasn’t so blind that she couldn’t sense the intense hope from her daughter, bubbling under the surface. Jet scratched his mane at the awkward pause. He knew that there was no reason to confirm that this was just a one-night stand, and that the precautions they were taking to protect Apogee were necessary. Bringing it up would only lead to hurt and anger. Even thinking about it was painful. Tonight was temporary. “Well… I picked the motel. Please tell me that you brought the booze.” Delta grunted as they walked up the stairs to the second floor of the motel. “Of course, though I’m not sure if you need it.” Jet chuckled. “I can smell your breath from over here… off to an early start? I mean, Luna’s tailhole Vee, did you go right from the cafe to the bar after we agreed to meet later?” He grinned at himself. “I thought this was about hate-sex, not drunk-sex.” “Hah!” Delta laughed. “You’re adorable! I have a warm-up pint and you think that I’m drunk.” She patted Jet on the back patronizingly. “I suppose a light-weight like you would think that way. Especially after you got your liquid courage up with a…” She sniffed the air around Jet’s chin. “Is that a cosmopolitan ? Crap, I never realised that you were actually a closet colt-cuddler, you sure you don’t want me to go home and get my strap-on?” Jet laughed despite himself. “Fuck you. I like sugary drinks before flying with these.” He extended his right wing briefly. “Gives you some energy to burn. Still, if you’re such a goddamn alcohol savant, why didn’t you get the booze and I book the hotel?” “Because...” Delta replied, as they approached their door. Room 12. A small pop from a car passing on the nearby highway made both of them jump and look out toward the highway. “Has anyone seen us?” “I don’t think so.” “Good. Our room is right here.” PIC OCCURS HERE (Remove Space): derpi booru.org/1868301 Delta walked up to the door and unlocked the flimsy deadbolt, pushing the door open and ducking into the interior. The musty smell of the rather drab room struck her nostrils immediately. It was fairly typical of places like this that had no central air-conditioning. The room would sit for days baking in the intense Las Pegasus heat, giving the air a stale, sticky atmosphere. “You never answered me before... ” Jet asked motioning with his hoof as he prompted Delta to continue with her previous exposition, “...because…” He paused, waiting for her response with a curious arched eyebrow as he inspected the room. A dated tube television sat on a cheap dresser. An industrial-style metal round-table for two sat near the window and was flanked by a pair of seats that even Delta would be embarrassed to use as lawn furniture for her junkyard. A dark, puke-green high-traffic carpet covered the room’s floor, only broken by the transition to cheap, faded, white linoleum tiles in a dreary bathroom that Jet did not want to inspect. Finally, a rather plain queen-sized bed was centered between two flimsy bedside tables, both of which sported cheap lamps which seemed to be missing light-bulbs. “Oh? Oh, the booze.” Delta nodded, as she clicked on the in-window air-conditioning which rattled to life with a noisy and barely functioning compressor. “Well because I knew you’d end up springing for the expensive stuff.” Delta snagged the brown bag out of Jet’s hoof and slammed it down on the round table. “Let’s see what you…” Delta’s jaw dropped open as she saw the liquor: a 60-year old bottle of Glenhooffich scotch whiskey. Jet’s ears flattened as he saw Delta’s reaction. “Too much? I… I was hoping this might help smooth things out and I know scotch is your favorite.” Delta’s eyes were wide and watery, like a foal’s on Hearthswarming Morning. “Th-this… this is like… a 1500-bit bottle of scotch!” “Uh, yeah.” Jet rooted around in the room, finding a pair of plastic cups that were near the ice bucket and bringing them over. “And it’s not shitty over-priced pretentious crap. This is a bucking masterpiece...” Delta was in awe. “Aaaaand…. We’re about to drink it out of plastic cups.” She stuck her tongue out in disgust as Jet unscrewed the cap and began to pour each of them a shot. “Well Vee, tonight’s going to be all about taking the good where you can.” He finished pouring his shot and started filling Delta’s cup. “And trying to ignore the stuff that sucks.” “It’s a nice gesture, I’ll admit.” Delta grinned, before plucking the bottle and doubling the amount of scotch in her cup. “But I think I’ll need extra good tonight to put up with the suck.” Jet grinned, touching his cup with Delta’s. “Guess I’ll have to do my best to be extra good tonight then.” Delta groaned. She had stepped right into that one. “Well. Don’t expect any suck from me.” Jet almost choked on his shot. Delta grinned, she loved having the last laugh. She downed her scotch in one toss of her head and began to pour both of them another round. “Let’s get nice and bucked up.” “...and that’s why *hic* SpaceZed’s suicide burning boosters are *hic* PR-bullshit” Jet grunted thumping his hoof on the table before kicking back in his chair with a self-satisfied expression. “Hah!” Delta shook her head, “you’re just pissed that he’s getting all the spotlight now . He’s made spaceflight sexy. Unlike EquestriAero’s ancient stack.” Delta could see the effect of her words on the inebriated pegasus sitting across from her. Jet was no lightweight but, compared to Delta’s ability to hold her booze, pissing off the surly stallion was as easy as shooting seaponies in a barrel. “Gimme a fuckin’ *hic* break…” Jet frowned, “since when has spaceflight been boring!? Gimme one of those…” Jet snatched a cigarette from Delta’s pack, sitting in the middle of the table, clenching it between his gritted teeth before sliding the lighter out from its spot in the pack and flicking it alight, drawing deeply against the Marelbro smoke. Delta snatched back her cigarettes with a pissed off glance. She hated sharing and Jet had just helped himself to her precious smokes, as per usual, with nary a word. “Besides,” Jet either didn’t notice, or didn’t care about Delta’s reaction, “just what the hell is wrong with our rocket *hic* stack? Nopony else can put even *hic* half the mass to low-Equus orbit?” “How about you’re still using the same mid-stage engine from 12 years ago. That’s practically ancient technology.” Delta tapped some of the ashes from her own cigarette into the cup that had been recently been repurposed to act as an ashtray - the pair had just polished off the last of the bottle of scotch. Delta was buzzed. Not nearly as drunk as Jet, but that was to be expected: she was somewhat of a veteran. She was starting to feel alright… her and Jet just sitting in a shitty room, shooting the shit while getting progressively more wasted - it was just like old times... She could see things eventually leading to some tired but simple drunk sex, followed by sleep… at least that’s what they would have done in the old times. ...old times. ‘Fuck that.’ Delta thought. Despite her underlying physical desire, she didn’t want sappy drunken sex. She didn’t want to give those buried feelings even the slightest chance and becoming something. She was here to confirm that those fears in her gut were nothing more than that. That her treacherous body just wanted an old experience. To do that all she needed was a FUCK. And a hate fuck would work just fine. Delta smirked internally as she considered her trap. “Older doesn’t mean worse,” Jet complained, “besides if there’s anything wrong with the design it’s basically your fault.” Jet pointed at her. “That mid-stage booster engine was your design.” Delta’s eyebrow twitched. “You don’t need to remind me of that, you asshole.” Delta’s nose crinkled as she took a deep draw from her cigarette and considered her next thoughts. “Did you think I would forget that you stole my engine designs to build your company?” Jet coughed and laughed. “Oh give *hic* me a fuckin’ break. You didn’t design, engineer, fund, and build my early engines. I did.” Jet blew smoke out of his flaring nostrils. “You wrote a *hic* college paper about the theory of a closed cycle rocket engine: my engineers made it a reality.” “And yet you are happy to blame me if it doesn’t work well.” “I was joking: then you went and made everything so fuckin’ serious.” Jet slammed the last of the scotch in his cup and flicked it provocatively across the table. “You always make everything about you, make everything so damn complicated.” “Fuck you Jet.” Delta snarled. “It’s easy to be all high and mighty when everything is about you. You’ve gotten everything you’ve ever wanted, even when you didn’t deserve it.” Delta stubbed out her cigarette. “Especially when you didn’t deserve it.” “I didn’t *hic* get everything I wanted.” Jet sighed, wistfully looking beyond Vee. “Boo fucking hoo.” Delta leaned forward. “Are you sad that I didn’t roll over and ask you to marry me after you ruined my fucking life?” Delta slammed her hoof down, making the metallic table rattle and jump. “What the fuck am I even doing here!? I must have been a bucking idiot… I should leave.” Jet’s eyes went fiery and he leaned forward as well, bringing the distance between the two under a foreleg. “I didn’t ruin your life… I… we... MADE a life Delta. And you ran away... just like you’re gonna run away now.” Delta stood up with a start, shoving her chair back. “What the fuck did you say? I didn’t run away from anything. I was drowning Jet. I was trying to live!” She shook the table again. “Something you don’t know SHIT about. YOU... “ Delta jabbed a hoof forward that glanced off of Jet’s muzzle, “...got every damn thing you ever wanted handed to you on a fucking PLATTER.” She sneered. “You never had to try for anything… and the first time you DID try to get something you wanted - you fucked it up so bad that I STILL fucking hate you. How does THAT feel, asshole?” Jet stood up as well too, sending the cheap furniture clattering backward. “You don’t know what the FUCK you’re talking about. Everyday I try. I try so hard that I’m falling apart. But unlike you I don’t just give up and drown myself in booze. My company, my employees… OUR daughter need me.” “I don’t give a fuck!” Delta snarled. “You can lie to yourself all you want about how much you try. Doesn’t change reality: you get everything you wan-” “I DON’T have everything I want.” Delta snorted with a haughty laugh, slapping her own ass as her tail flicked. “That’s right isn’t it? You’ll never get what you want, because you’re not any better than me, Jet: you’re just too conceited to realize you don’t actually put yourself out there.” “What the fuck are you saying!?” Delta snarled back, “I’m saying stop pretending like you’re so fucking saintly and prove to me you’ve got some fucking balls.” She shoved Jet roughly, “try talking down to me when YOU try for something and lose it all because of someone else!” Jet threw the table away, sending it clattering with a tumble up against the bathroom door frame with a loud bang. It revealed Jet’s staggering form, and his bobbing half-erection. “You want me to just step and take what I want, huh!?” “I want you try!” Delta spat. “Unless you’re too much of a pussy you goddam whiskey dick!” “Arrrgh!” Jet stumbled forward, putting a hoof on Delta’s shoulder and pressing her over to the bed. Delta felt the edge of the mattress catch under her thighs, making her tumble backward onto the centre of the bedspread. She felt Jet’s weight crush down on top of her, heavy and uncoordinated, like a landslide. “Is this what you fucking want!?” Jet snarled, his head above hers. Delta spread her legs under Jet, dimly feeling the wet stickiness of the moisture between the folds of her nethers as they were exposed to the warm motel room air. “And since when did you give a buck about what I wanted.” Delta snarled, roughly rubbing her left leg against the inner thigh of Jet, making it clear what her true intentions were. It was then that she felt it. That thing that had started all of this in the first place. A hot bulge of wetness resting heavily on her belly. She could feel its weight growing against her, could feel a sensation of wetness as Jet’s penis grew more and more erect. Jet pushed himself off of Delta, pressing his hooves against the overly firm mattress of the dingy bed to raise his chest off of his pinned ex and look down on her with a half-intoxicated, half-seething face. He could see her spread legs, blue tail whipping wildly… the hint of dark blue, aroused marehood behind the obscuring cylinder of his fat stallionhood… and her vicious snarling face, looking down at his erection, her eyes burning with fire. He leaned in to steal a kiss from her, almost as a perfunctory act. Something needed before indulging in more carnal activity. He didn’t feel much affection for the bundle of fury under him at the moment. But he couldn’t just… fuck her. Delta saw Jet’s head movement, recognizing immediately that he was looking for a kiss. She turned her head away with a sneer, stopping him cold. Fixing her eyes on him without turning her head back, she mocked him. “Don’t kiss me you little bucking  bitch.” ‘She wants me to make it rough?’ Jet’s groggy mind raced, furious that Delta was forcing him to act like this… causing him to once again lose his temper… and furious with himself for so easily giving into that same temptation to take the oh-so-satisfying revenge available to him. ‘Fine! I’ll be ROUGH’ Delta looked down, returning her attention to the large, dark mass of flesh being dragged down her body by Jet. It left a wet trail of the stallion’s burbling pre-cum, starting just below her damn belly-button. Her nostrils were filled with his thick musk, Jet’s ardor easily swamping the lingering aroma of stale air and cigarette smoke. She could taste that salty sweetness on the tip of her tongue, could sense her body’s reaction as she began to drool in her mouth… and her nethers. The dark shaft slid through the crevice of her teats, sending her areolas twisting outwards and against the sides of her inner thigh. Her breasts were larger than they had been the last time this particular cock had been in contact with them, a little saggier too, but time changes all things, and not always for the better. She watched the thick flare, with its sputtering cockslit. Celestia, she’d forgotten just how slick Jet could get. It was almost like he was pissing pre-cum. The clear liquid trickled out and over the throbbingly erect stallionhood, now bulging with the force of Jet’s full arousal. She bit her lip with anticipation. It had been a long time since she’d experienced this kind of cock. As Jet shifted and fumbled with his awkwardly large endowment, she caught sight of his large egg-shaped balls hanging below, proudly nestled in a fat purse of slick dark skin. This was a stud. This was the feel she wanted. What she could handle. The thoughts she knew she could rationalize. If her focus, her feelings, her lust was just that… some nostalgic desire for what amounted to little more than throbbing meat… well, that wasn’t catastrophic: it was just horniness. No, what she had to keep buried, to reject… to deny… was anything about who that meat was connected to. Delta’s gaze flicked up, taking in the form of her former lover, and current enemy. His face was screwed up in earnest effort, struggling against the haze of alcohol that was close to overwhelming him, as he delicately tried to balance on one hoof while using the other to guide his cock lower, his addled and inebriated mind struggling to understand just how his hips should be positioned. Delta felt a thump in her chest. Her heart skipped a beat. She hadn’t physically been this close to Jet in years. All those features that she remembered from those times so long ago.. The little creases and furrows in his forehead as he grimaced, the way his nose looked from underneath… how his jaw set forward and thrust his chin outwards… it was all the same. Well… except for some new wrinkles, and he’d lost the goatee. Since then she’d always kept him away. Kept others away. She never wanted to let another pony get close to her again. And especially not him. They’d been so close back then. So full of hope. Each supporting the other. Like the final two pieces of a puzzle fitting together. He’d always cut right through her prickly exterior, always know just when to embrace her. A thought flashed through her head… unbidden, unwanted: ‘I wish he’d hug me.’ Delta’s eyes flashed wide with alarm. ‘What the FUCK was that!?’ She angrily thought to herself, setting her jaw forward again. She felt the rush of fear and anxiety that followed the shocking idea, and immediately tried to chase it out with images of lusty rutting, of his cock, of being fucked. Anything to de-personify the stallion over her. This was supposed to be about SEX dammit! “What the FUCK is taking you so long?” Delta snarled, reaching down with frustration. She gripped Jet’s cock with her forehoof with the intention of helping things align and getting the ball rolling a little faster. Something she’d done so many times before with so many stallions and colts. He was hot. She felt his pulse through the thick shaft of flesh, which she could not even wrap her hoof around. He was alive. It struck Delta that she was touching Jet. Really touching him. Not just his dick, but him. The Jet from all those years ago. Under the facade of his grown-up CEO exterior. The dorky college student who’d dreamed with her about a future filled with planes and rockets. “Fuggoff... “ Jet slapped away her hoof and renewed his efforts quickly positioning his fat tip against Delta’s winking, drooling cunt. “You wanted fuckin’ rough…” Delta chuckled to herself. He was also the pony who’d stolen all her dreams. Who’d crushed her soul. Who’d ripped out her heart and then had the gall to say it was her fault. How could she harbor any feelings for him? “I was just worried you’d forgotten what a pussy looked like you fuckin’ colt cuddl-UHnnnnn!” Delta snarled, her venom interrupted by Jet driving his head into her with ferocity. “THAT shut you up.” Jet grunted, bringing both hooves back to the bed to steady himself, letting him bring his hips back into play. “I just couldn’t find your loose cunt under all those layers of flab.” Delta grimaced, wanting to shoot back some insult about Jet’s scrawny arms, but she couldn’t. The truth was, while she had put on a little weight (though more of a light chubbiness, not flab)... she most certainly didn’t have a loose cunt. And she was feeling that now. The wind was knocked out from her. The huge bulbous cockhead felt like somepony had squeezed a buckball up her marehood. Her poor outer lips strained and stretched to accommodate Jet’s girth, the awaited sting of his sudden and forceful entry only tempered by their sexes’ copious lubrication. She panted slightly, consciously taking back control of her body’s control of her pelvic floor, releasing a deep breath and relaxing her tight muscles, unwinding like a cat uncoiling from a predatory pouncing crouch. ‘Celestia, he’s big. STILL big.’ Delta grimaced. Just as she began to regain control of her discomfort, Jet’s forehooves braced themselves against the top her shoulders and he began to thrust Her hooves clenched at the bed sheets as the invading flesh rearranged her insides, opening her clenching tunnel with vigorous ardor, parting her rippling velvet muscles with an insistent forward drive. “B-buck!” Jet grunted. This wasn’t going easy for him either. There’d been a moment when he’d been hovering over the smaller blue pegasus, when her attention had been drawn to his stallionhood with a rather fetchingly cute gaze, that he’d wanted to embrace her with fondness. This mare was the mother of his child, the spark that had lit a fire under him so many years earlier, somepony who had been so much more than a trophy fling or a notch on his bedpost. When she’d turned away from his kiss, it had cut him more deeply than he could bear. He was trying to hide it under a veneer of rage and anger, of rough ferocity… but he felt betrayed, broken, stupid… a fool for having opened himself up to be so easily hurt. If she wanted this to be just a physical act, that was fine by him. He could pretend that was all he wanted… for a little while. At least he’d get his rocks off. He pushed forward brutally, letting the weight of his body and the leverage against her sweaty shoulders impale himself deeper into her twisting cunt. Jet’d had the pleasure of bedding a selection of the most exquisite mares since rising through the strata of Equestrian society... and there was no logical, scientific possibility that a mistress from Ember’s escort agency to be bested in any technique, thrill or sensation by anypony outside of a demi-goddess. And yet… they were. Jet clenched his teeth and shut his eyes, unconsciously trying to strain against the overwhelming sensations wrapping around his cock as he sank inch after inch into Delta. Her strong muscles clenched at him, resisting him to provide the utmost in friction, while coaxing him still deeper into her honeytrap. Her burning heat seemed to melt him, her magma-hot juices spilling all over his balls and inner thighs. Her shuddering grunts, each coming in time with an ecstatic wink of her pussy, excited him like his first buck back in high school. He wanted to slow down, perhaps start slowly pumping and playing with the cacophony of sensation both of them were experiencing… but that would risk opening himself up again to being mocked, hurt, humiliated. So, he bucked. Delta felt the massive member piercing her deeper and deeper. She’d had large stallions since Jet, longer or wider or some other freakish combination… but something was different. He was truly filling her. Just as she feared that her pussy couldn’t possibly permit any more of his massive cock to enter, she felt a huge increase in width reach her pink inner lips. His medial ring. Involuntarily she clenched with trepidation. She’d forgotten what this feeling was like. The exhilaration of riding the edge of what she was capable of, the strange mixture of excitement and terror that quickened her pulse and sent adrenaline racing through her body, fireworks of alertness racing out along every branch of her nervous system. As she clamped down, her tight vagina molded all around Jet’s stallionhood, flesh shaped flesh with painful ferocity. She heard Jet’s automatic hiss of pained pleasure as he reacted to her convulsion, before he drove the medial ring with renewed strength, finally popping it into her body like forcing a golf-ball into a garden hose. “Ooof! B-big!” The exhortation slipped from Delta’s lips, pissing her off. It felt like a concession, the first defeat of the evening. She could only hope that Jet wouldn- “Heh,” She looked up to see Jet’s chuckling face leering down at her, “too much for the little filly?” Jet put his hooves on Delta’s upper arms and pinned her down, pulling back roughly with his hips, drawing part of his 13.5-inch penis out of her with a naughty squelching squirt. “Just shut your eyes and let daddy Jet take care of you…” Delta was about to snap back her own vicious retort when Jet’s flare reached the end of her pussy, and, just before sliding out of her… her reversed direction and thrust his fat cock back into her, sliding all the way back to his medial ring before starting to piston back out. As he changed direction, she felt the heavy, wet slap of his large balls slap against her tailhole with an audible *PLAP*. As Jet found his rhythm, hips moving at a steady in and out beat perfectly synchronized with the pull of his arms the slapping sound filled the motel room. *PLAP* *PLAP* *PLAP* *PLAP* Delta squirmed under the attention. Her lips drinking in every contour and vein of the stud rutting her like a jackhammer. Her already engorged marelips and clitoris fattened with her mounting arousal, as they thickened like sponges absorbing her pleasure-juices. She could feel the dancing sparks of pleasure building in her belly, tinders that would start a wildfire of an orgasm. If she let it. But this was her element. Jet might have a great cock. He might even have decent at laying his pipe… but she was world class. Delta pivoted her hips, kicking her rear hooves off of the bed and up into the air, which let her hip bones fall even more open, giving her more control over the well-practiced muscles in her lower body. She grinned with confidence, absorbing each of her stallion’s thrusts with precisely timed gyrations of her hips, turning the thrusting, slapping energy into a wiggling grind that forced Jet to squint in concentration and made the bed groan with a squeaking protest. *PLAP* *creak* *PLAP* *creak* *PLAP* *creak* She wasn’t even getting started. She concentrated on her powerful pussy, a potent mix of roiling muscles and velvet soft slickness that had been the ruin of many a confident young colt. She massaged the thrusting dick as it slid in and out of her, milking it like a skilled farm-maid might work an udder, curling and twisting around the entirety of the long, thick shaft Jet would slide into her. Clenching just as he would reach his medial ring and reverse course, forcing him to strain to withdraw, the suction of her airtight cunt pulling at his cock. Then, just as he would reach the far end of his pump and begin to drive forward once more, she would push out, making him strain against her superior pelvic floor muscles, the outward strain also sending squirts of her overflowing nectar splashing against the top of his dark cockflesh and soak the fur of his lower belly, before dripping off him to the sheets below. *PLAP* *creak* *drip**PLAP* *creak* *drip* *PLAP* *creak* *drip* Jet’s eyes were fully closed now. His lips were quivering. His forehooves, barely applying any pressure to Delta’s shoulders slid down to the bedspread under her armpits, absentmindedly clenching at the sheets and then relaxing. His back arched slightly and he trembled. She felt his heavy ball sack impacting slightly higher up on her body, slapping more against her taint rather than her tight ponut. He was getting close. She saw him bite his lip, hard, as he resisted the powerful urge to unload into her. ‘Not bad. Mmph. Pretty fuckin’ good actually.’ Delta grimaced, smiling. The older stallion was doing well to resist and not change his pace. She could only think of one or two other lays who would be able to pull off such a feat. Most colts would have already popped or would have had to stop and pull out by now. Her techniques were taking their toll on her as well, of course. Those tinders in her belly had definitely passed the bonfire stage. A burning tension of repressed sexual energy building in her body… potential energy like a coiled elastic band that would either need to be relaxed… or it would SNAP. But she knew her limits.. and could sense Jet’s. She was in full control. It was actually kind of fun. It wasn’t often that she got to win against him. She let a smile grow on her face as she basked in the pleasure of good, hard sex. Maybe this really was all she’d wanted. A chance to go up against what would have once dominated her… and conquer it. A good, rough rut that would quench any silly fears and desires. But she couldn’t let her impending victory pass without some snark at least. “Hah!” She huffed with a smile, in between breaths. “The guys at the bar fuck me better than this.” *PLAP* *creak* *drip**PLAP* *creak* *drip* *PLAP* *creak* *drip* Jet couldn’t even pause to open his eyes. His wings were already starting to extend in pre-orgasmic torpor. “I… huff… bet they… huff… smell better than you, too.” Delta chuckled, of course he’d go down fighting. ”Dick.” She whispered under her breath. “Cunt.” His reply was automatic, natural… comfortable. PIC GOES HERE: (remove space) https://derpi booru.org/1877329 She’d managed to find a comfortable groove. A happy medium. Sure, they were both pissed at each other. Furious even… but here, in this moment, that was just fine. Those fears of unwanted emotion were slowly slinking back, melting into the background of her body’s building tension. Her body ached with pleasure as stallionflesh slammed in and out of her with increasing intensity, all coaxed and cajoled by her skilled body. *PLAP* *creak* *drip**PLAP* *creak* *drip* *PLAP* *creak* *drip* Her stud’s pre-orgasmic throes were far long, now. He was losing the ability to control his motions, slamming with long, powerful, jackhammering thrusts… as if he were trying to drive her through the mattress into the bed frame below. *PLAP* *creak* *drip**PLAP* *creak* *drip* *PLAP* *creak* *drip* She felt the fat, hot, thick head of his cock slam into her cervix with brutal ferocity, again and again. It was a sensation that other mares might shirk from, but Delta had grown to love the raw sensation, the complete fullness of the thumping finish to Jet’s thrusts. She flexed and clenched her tight cunt, bringing her cervix forward to plant eager, wet kisses on the end of Jet’s flare. *PLAP* *creak* *drip**PLAP* *creak* *drip* *PLAP* *creak* *drip* “F-fuck! D-delta… I’m….” Jet grunted, his nostrils flaring and huffing hot air down onto Delta’s triumphant face. She felt his body tense even more, his thick cock twitching and expanding within her, straining and squirming like a cornered beast. Jet’s hooves slipped, making his entire suspended body fall with a heavy thump against Delta’s heaving, sweaty ribcage. She felt the whole of Jet’s mass resting on her, the warmth of his gasping chest against hers, the sweat from  his shoulders rolled off him and down her back, soaking the already drenched sheets beneath her. Jet’s muzzle had slipped next to Delta’s face in his fall, leaving his panting mouth close to her left ear. “Gods, Vee…” He whispered, his body already starting to buck uncontrollably, His shaking arms hooked under Delta’s body, pulling her into a hug, even as his thick cock began to flare inside her.“...I didn’t realise how much I missed you.” With a herculean thrust he drove forward one last time, hilting his massive stallionhood in Vee, penetrating the smaller mare’s cervix with his throbbing cockhead, just before it flared, expanding to monstrous size. ‘Me too.’ Delta’s facade crumbled. She felt like she hadn’t been touched in decades and was now suddenly being embraced for the first time in distant memory. She craved the touch, the warmth… the closeness... it was like a tall glass of water after having wandered in the desert of resentment for so long. The elastic band of tension, the smug veneer of control, the fear and anxiety at some unwanted true emotion sneaking out. It all snapped. A roiling wave started deep in Delta’s belly, around her thrumming, quivering womb. It boiled out in a torrential cascade, spilling up her spine and into her brain. The cacophony of fears, doubts, excitement, anger, and pleasure was overwhelmed with a bright pink flush of pure orgasmic ecstasy. The ancient parts of her cortex dumped their potent load of neurochemical dopamine, flooding Delta with a hit of pleasure she hadn’t experienced since getting clean. As the wave of orgasmic bliss cascaded back down her body, her lithe frame was wracked and responded purely on desire, no longer burdened by her desire to bury feelings, or nurse animosity. With a tortured groan her wings extended and reached out to wrap around her lover, pulling him in tightly against her breast, her forehooves digging into the delicate back muscles under his extended wingspan. Her legs wrapped around Jet’s hips, locking around him and crossing over one another as they desperately drew him closer, trying to coax an impossible further penetration out of an already hilted cock. Her tail lashed wildly, entwined with Jet’s. Her hips pumped and gyrated with abandon, grinding her pubic bone against his. Vee’s marehood winked out uncontrollably, spraying her marejuice in a cascading waterfall of splattering, clear lubricant. Her internal walls rippled in uncontrollable milking waves, slaves to the overpowering climax that was wracking her. Her cervix dilated and suckled, her entire feminine core coaxing the sputtering maleness inside her to pour every drop of his seed into her. Her head lashed left and right, eyes shut vainly as a shield against the intensity of feeling she was wracked with. “AHhhhhhhhhh!” She cried out, no longer in control, before desperately reaching forward to try to plan a kiss on Jet’s muzzle… but finding only his neck instead, and sinking her teeth into that with feral ferocity, her nip drawing blood. “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!” Jet swore in reaction to the sharp pain, a bright contrast against the heady pleasure of his pumping release, as he unloaded thick spurt after spurt into Vee’s thirsty womb. Pump after pump of thick, throbbing cum squeezed up his swollen shaft, before erupting with massive, spurting strength into Vee’s body, stuffing her fuller and fuller with his seed. Vee hung on for dear life, the tremendous feeling of fullness, of completeness, of satisfaction… still lost beneath a blissful wash of endorphins. Her teeth continued to dig into Jet’s neck, the warm crimson trickles sliding down her chin and staining the sheets under her neck. Finally, her mind began to clear. The pure pleasure wafting away to reveal a euphoric sense of catharsis underneath. Her eyes opened, revealing two unfocused lazy pupils, struggling to assert themselves. “F-fuck… I love… this…” Vee groaned out, unsure if she’d said or thought the forbidden phrase, but completely uncaring at this point. She gave a contented mewl as she felt the last pump of semen splash into her, leaving only the rigid and twitching flare to plug her womb. “I love… you..” She heard in her ears. She wasn’t sure who’d said it. But she thought it was Jet. At least, his body had gone completely limp right after she’d heard it, as he passed out on top of her. She should have been completely miserable. Covered in ichor, sweat, fluids. Smothered by a heavy, hot stallion that she detested. Torn up and betrayed by her own body, revolting against her feelings, and shamefully defeated by nothing more complex than a pleasure high. But here, in this sweaty, perfect moment. She was content. She snuggled into Jet’s chest, resting her head under his chin and letting herself be completely covered by him, connect to him, melded with him. Her eyes dipped, blinked, shut briefly. Then she fell asleep. > Epilogue: Disconnect and Separation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jet rolled over, looking out for Delta’s pack of cigarettes. He’d awoken with the first filtering rays of light cutting through the motel’s cheap window blinds. He’d always been an early riser. The sticky air stank of sex. The rattling air conditioner had done little to pull the humid musk out of the air. Though the smell of sweat and pussy soaked his senses, it wasn’t turning him on like it would have the night prior. Maybe he’d really managed to scratch that itch. Jet pushed up on his elbows to get the reach needed to snag the carton of Marelboros. Immediately he felt his flaccid penis dislodge itself from where it had been stuck between Delta’s sticky thighs, before it quickly shrank back into his sheath. He grunted to himself, the two must have slept connected for much of the night. His left hoof snagged the carton and tapped out a single white cylinder of premium tobacco. He used his wing to flick the lighter twice, trying to get the flint to catch, before drawing against the cigarette in front of the orange flame, thick smoke filling his lungs. “Hmmm… that better not be the last one.” A scratchy voice came from his right. “You’re up, too?” “No. But you’re being so damn loud.” Delta grumbled, still turned away from him. “If I don’t get my beauty sleep after a solid night of drinking I get the worst hangovers.” The blue pegasus shifted the blanket, pulling it tighter against her shoulder. Jet sighed, a small smile forming on his lips. She’d always been able to outdrink him, but it would always be him who’d get off scot-free when it came to hangovers. Maybe it was just a stronger liver. Maybe it was Equestria’s cosmic metaphor for their lives… Delta always had trouble with the consequences of her actions. “It’s not the last.” Jet breathed, blowing smoke through his nostrils. “And don’t worry, I’ll go get some aspirin and  dragonade before you wake-up.” Jet automatically let his right hoof pat Delta’s blanketed hip comfortingly, unthinkingly. As soon as he realised what he was doing, the hoof was froze in its location. His eyes widened slightly, looking down at Delta, unsure of what to expect. Would she slap it away, or start getting furious with him for acting familiar? He wanted to pull the hoof away but doing so too quickly could be just as bad. But Delta didn’t react. “Hmm… that’d be nice, thanks.” Delta rolled onto her back, tired eyes staring up at the ceiling. Jet let out a second breath of relief, bringing his hoof back to his side. He took in the environment once again. The empty bottle and discarded cups, his phone on the table red LED pinging incessantly with what was probably a hundred messages. The soaked, damp, uncomfortable sheets. The painful pinch of sticky fur on his chest, groin and legs whenever he shifted. Yes, last night really did happen. He looked down and to his right at Delta, still staring up at the ceiling, her eyes heavy and lidded. He knew that he shouldn’t say a damn word. That he should shut his muzzle, wait for Delta to drift off, take a shower, get her some aspirin, then go home and pay the damn babysitter and pretend that this evening had never happened. Certainly, that’s probably what she would demand for him to do… but Jet had never been good at resisting what he wanted. “Hey.” “Hm?” Delta blinked flat on her back, head burying into her pillow, not moving her head but looking over at Jet, his back propped up against the headboard. “How are you doing?” Delta let out a long, slow breath. “Jet…” her tone was one of annoyance, like somepony unhappy that they had to take the trash out. A chore done so many times before, but which you never felt like doing again. “...you know that this doesn’t change anything between u-” Jet scoffed, a short laugh escaping his mouth, around the teeth clenching the cigarette. “Don’t worry about that, I’m not some dewy-eyed romance screenplay writer. I know last night was just about, well… whatever it was about. I know we’ll be back to hating each other’s guts by mid-morning.” Delta tilted her head to the left, staring right at the stallion. She was too tired to start getting angry now. “So?” “So, I’m seriously asking… how are you doing these days?” Jet’s tone was full of care and compassion. Maybe for once they could actually talk for a few minutes like decent ponies. Maybe this was the only way they could talk. Delta’s face softened a bit, confusion on her face. “Do you really care?” She’d wanted to snarl it out, but it hadn’t quite worked. She was too tired, too emotionally overloaded, still too much on the wave of post-coital comfort to rouse her sleeping demons. “...yes.” Jet nodded. “Apogee doesn’t tell me much.” “I don’t tell her much.” Delta sighed, “it’s better that way. I’m… good. I’ve been clean for five years now. Finally paid off the damn piece of shit trailer, got enough cash to keep me going.” She paused, pulling her hooves from beneath the blanket and motioning toward the pack of cigarettes. “I see a few stallions from time to time. Got a nice engine refurb going on, I think I could sell a design improvement I’m coming up with. I’m living.” Jet smiled slightly. “That’s good.” He chain-lit a cigarette and passed it over to her. “It’s OK.” Delta took the proffered cigarette, inspecting it to delay taking a drag. “I still have no bucking idea what I’m doing with my life. Sometimes, I think I could just disappear. Like if I got hit by a spell from some super-villain out of Ponyville that annihilated me. And it wouldn’t make a damn bit of difference.” Delta pushed herself up slightly so she could take her first puff of nicotine. “Well… might do some good actually.” Jet simply shook his head softly. Delta’s eyes got a little bit watery, she took a small breath to steady herself. “Every once in a while, maybe every three months, I pull out a bottle of my old pills. I’ll stare at it for an hour. My mind goes blank.” A tear rolled down Delta’s left cheek. “I always put it away. But it scares the hell out of me. I tell myself that if I take one, I’ll take the whole bottle and just end it… I can’t go through that again.” Jet’s hoof patted Delta’s knee, letting her know he was there. She wiped the tear from her cheek, then took a steadying drag from her smoke. It let her settle herself. The rattle of the air conditioner was all that filled the air for a minute, before she reached down and patted the top of Jet’s hoof. “What about you?” Jet’s head snapped back to Delta, that was something he wasn’t expecting. “What about me?” “I spilled. You spill.” Delta shoved Jet’s right shoulder. Jet grunted. “I’m a super-wealthy celebrity CEO. Who owns a company changing the world. Living my dream. I don’t think that gives me the right to bitch.” Delta blew out a big puff of smoke. “And yet you’re just as miserable as I am.” Delta gave a weak smile in reply to Jet’s curiously arched eyebrow. “Misery can sense misery… c’mon, I’m giving you a temporary bitching pass.” Jet had to look away from Delta. “It’s pretty shit. I’m not so much a pony as an agenda. A list of actions. I do things because I’m supposed to, scheduled to. I don’t even know if I really choose to do anything anymore. I just evaluate probabilities and pros and cons.” He paused, then stubbed out his cigarette. “At least, that’s what I’m hoping to do… I don’t want to make decisions myself anymore. I’ve fucked up really bad Delta. I’ve ruined a lot of ponies’ lives.” Delta grimaced slightly. In her mind, she was one of those ponies. “You talking about me?” Jet sighed. “Yes… but so many more too. Tests I’ve run. Rockets I’ve launched. Ponies are dead because of me, Delta. And when I think back to the last time I thought I knew what I was doing… when I was making decisions. I couldn’t even make us work.” Jet’s phone buzzed on the table, another message coming in. “Everything I’ve built, it’s like a big cosmic joke. A mistake. A college dream that turned into a nightmare. And to stop now would hurt even more ponies. So, I’ve gotta run this race until I collapse.” Jet reached over and grabbed the cup he’d just stubbed his cigarette into, offering it to Delta so she could put hers out as well. “I’d feel trapped… but I don’t even know if there’s anything left to trap.” Delta’s hoof made its way to Jet’s knee now. He looked at her with a wan smile. “Only thing that keeps me going is her.” Delta’s head cocked. “That lawyer bitch?” Jet almost choked on a laugh. “No! Pfft… you’re such an idiot sometimes. Apogee!” Delta shrugged slightly. “I’d have thought Apogee would be part of that trapped feeling…” Jet looked contemplatively at Delta. Like he was trying to decipher something fundamental about her that he’d missed. “Apogee’s how I’m able to make it through each and every day, Delta.” Jet’s smile was sympathetic, almost pitying toward his ex. “You should try to connect with her more, y’know. She’s bright, funny, goofy… and she’s got a good heart. She loves unconditionally. That kid is everything good about this world, Vee.” Delta blinked. “It’s hard to believe that she came from the two of us.” Jet started to push himself up and out of the bed. Delta slunk back down so that she was on the pillow again, staring up at the ceiling. “That was… a nice talk, Jet.” “You know, Delta…” Jet stretched slightly, getting out of the bed, popping his neck. “There’s nothing that is stopping you from having these talks with me more frequently… eventually all the time… permanently…” Jet grinned, knowing that he was tweaking the tiger’s tail. “Yeah there is something, you dick...” Delta smiled, knowing that Jet wasn’t being serious, “... reality.” She pulled the covers up to her chin, scrunching into bed and shutting her eyes again. “I don’t know how you can be comfortable in those filthy sheets.” “Fuck off.” “Right, well… I’m heading out to grab that aspirin. I’ll just leave it on the table, won’t wake you up.” Jet stood up and snagged his phone. He gave a brief thought to showering first, but decided he’d rather get home, first. His hoof rested on the doorknob. “You know, I’m sure we’ll go back to bitching at each other.” “Can you just fuck off already, Jet?” Delta groaned turning away from the door and shutting her eyes tightly, her desire for sleep starting to overtake her. “You’re already pissing me off - let me sleep.” Jet grinned, “Was just gonna say - you’re still one hell of a fuck.” Delta rolled over to look at Jet, halfway out the door. Her eyes confused and uncertain just where the hell he was going with this. “I can make an arrangement with the motel to have a standing reservation… now you know I’m always just a photo-text away, when you need a dose of vitamin d.” He grinned maliciously. Delta threw a pillow at the door, which thumped against the closing door, missing the retreating, cackling pegasus stallion. “AIN’T FUCKIN’ HAPPENIN’!” She screamed at the wall, hoping he’d hear her. But she was grinning despite herself. She didn’t mind letting him get that needling in. She’d surely get him back soon enough. She flipped over and pounded her head against the pillow, hoping that sleep overtook her quickly. Just before passing out, the clarity of deep, pre-sleep thoughts filled her head. She’d scratched that damn itch… and what had she found? There was no basilisk of fear to confront there. She hadn’t instantly fallen back in love with her ex, negating years of bitter hatred that she’d lived through. She hadn’t been confronted with some sort of cognitive dissonance, shattering her reality and forcing her to admit that she’d been living lies. No… he relationship with Jet was complex, and unchanged. Well, mostly unchanged. She wasn’t wrong. He’d hurt her, badly. But he’d also loved her. She knew that they were still miles apart. She didn’t even know if those were miles that she wanted to walk. The road to becoming Jet’s equal… a prerequisite before she could ever even think about repairing their relationship. The miles the two would need to walk after that: healing decades of hurt… it might not be worth it. She let out a soft sigh as she drifted to sleep… at least she wasn’t alone. And this little armistice… a night carved out of the flow of time… maybe it was only ever a photo-text away.