• Published 21st Oct 2016
  • 4,724 Views, 2,083 Comments

Appledashery Vol. Two - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash and Applejack have a long, joyous, arduous relationship.

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A Blonde Goddess Walks Into a Bakery...

On a sunny day...

...during a sunny month...

The bell above the door to Sugarcube Corner rang briskly.

"Hmmm-hmmm-hmmm..." Pinkie Pie looked up from where she was mopping the floor behind the front counter. "Applejaaaaaaaaack!" She grinned from ear to ear, twirled the mop, and placed it against the wall beside her. "The apple of my eye! Howdy-howdy-howdy! How are you doin', pardnerrrrr?"

"Heh heh heh..." Applejack trotted happily towards the counter, sporting two bulging saddlebags. "Just came back from the market."

"Did ya sell a bunch of apples?" Pinkie Pie winked. "Huh? Huh? Huh?"

"Did some tradin', if you must know," Applejack said, giving her saddlebags a swat with her tail. "Exchanged some of our best fruit for some watermelons. This time of year, the pigs out back won't eat anythang else. Whew! That's what we get for buyin' livestock from them Fillyda breeders!"

"Wouldn't touch that province with a ten foot gator!" Pinkie Pie winked. "Trust me! I'm an expert!"

"Heheh... I hear ya, Pinkie."

"What can I do ya for?" Pinkie Pie bounced happily on her tippy-hooves. "Need some bakin' supplies for the Big Hoedown this weekend?"

"Well, I'm thinkin' about it," Applejack said, rubbing her chin in thought. She squinted at the bags of ingredients behind the counter. "I've been so busy buckin' apples for the fruit trade these last few days. All the shelves at the local market are probably empty on account of the local ponyfolk bakin' their own surprises for the meet-up. Not that it matters—ain't no ingredients in all of Equestria that beat what you and the Cakes have to offer."

"Hee-hee-hee!" Pinkie Pie grinned rosily. "Well, take a gander and I'll be happy to hoof it over to you! Whoops!" She momentarily motioned Applejack to trot aside. "Between happy, paying customers, of course!"

"Pardon." Applejack trotted aside, tipping her hat at a dark-coated mare shuffling up to the counter. "Didn't see you there."

"It's alright," the mare said, depositing a few bits onto the counter top. "Thank you so very much for the hospitality. Those doughnuts were absolutely delicious."

"I know, right!" Pinkie Pie swept up the bits and struck a proud pose. "Here in Sugarcube Corner, we sprinkle our pastries with peppermint! And love! But mostly peppermint! Heehee!"

"I'll be sure to put in a good review to this place once I'm back in Canterlot," the mare said with a nod.

"Okie dokie lokie!"

Applejack smiled at the mare. "You passin' through, ma'am?"

The stranger giggled slightly. "Well, at first I thought I was. Regular business trip. But everypony in this town is just so... so nice." She looked at Applejack. "In more ways than one." She brushed her silky bangs back. "What's this I hear about a dance?"

"Oh, you mean the Hoe-down?" Applejack shrugged. "It ain't much to fuss about—"

"Are you kidding, AJ?!?" Pinkie Pie gasped. She smiled at the patron. "It's only the fifteenth biggest annual dance we have in town!"

"Fifteenth?" The mare giggled again. "Wow, you Ponyvilleans must have a lot of dances!"

"This weekend it's being held at the Harvest Family's Farm!" Pinkie Pie said. "There'll be square dancin' and fruit bobbin' and bonfires and marshmallows and all the local fresh-baked-treats you could ever earn a cavity from!"

"Pinkie..." Applejack rolled her eyes, then smiled calmly at the visitor. "It's Ponyville Tradition. Every year when the Harvest Family finishes their pear buckin', they throw a good ol' hootenanny for the nearby farm families to come and mill about and enjoy life. I'm talkin' dozens of ponies sweatin' and laughin' their cutie marks off in a dusty ol' barn. Heheheh..." Applejack tilted her hat back a bit. "It's... n-not exactly a high-class party by Canterlot standards—"

"Oh, I don't mind one bit!" the stranger exclaimed. "It sounds delightful!" Her ears folded back as she spoke in a hushed tone. "I mean, is it... is it off-limits to out-of-towners?"

"Not at all!" Applejack stood tall. "Shucks, if you wanna come hang out, yer more than welcome! The Harvest Family's barn door is open to everyone! Locals and visitors alike!"

"Only entrance fee is a baked good to bring for the snack table!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"Buttttttt ya dun have to bring anythang if ya dun have the time to put it together in a kitchen." Applejack winked. "The Harvest family would understand."

"Oh, that's great. I-I'm sure I can buy something from the local market just to show my appreciation," the mare said. "Maybe some popcorn or drinking cups... just to be polite."

"Heheheh..." Applejack waved a hoof. "Seriously, Missy. Ain't no fuss. Just bring yerself. That's all the treat we Ponyvilleans need."

"It's Shadow. Silver Shadow. And thank you—I think I will." Silver Shadow looked down... then up... then down again. "Will... uh... will you be there, Ms...?"

"Applejack. And you betcha!"

"Applejack. Wonderful." Silver Shadow nodded. Then—with a rosy smile—she leaned forward and murmured in a warm breath. "I really... really hope I will be seeing you there."

Applejack blinked.

Bearing the same glowing smile, Silver Shadow backtrotted gracefully out of the eatery, silky tail swishing. "So long, Applejack. Hope you have a lovely afternoon."

"Er... same to you, sugarcube..."

A happy hum escaped Silver Shadow's lips... and she was gone.

Applejack stood in place, squinting. "...now what in the Hay was that about?"

Pinkie Pie giggled.

Applejack looked at her. "What?"

Pinkie Pie giggled some more. She slapped the countertop for good measure.

"What?!" Applejack frowned. "Pinkie, will ya stop laughin'! Yer soundin' like a jackass!"

"Oh AJ... AJ AJ AJ..." Pinkie Pie gave her a teary-eyed smile.

Applejack stared blankly.

Pinkie Pie blinked, her laughter dissipating instantly. "You mean you really don't know?!"

"Don't know what?"

"She was totally super-duper into you, girrrrrrrrrl!"

"... ... ...who was?"

"Silver Shadow! Our guest! That sexy pony lady who just up and went sexily!"

"... ... ... ... ... ...what?"

"Applejaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Don't be a Dense Miss-Dense-a-lot! She was totally diggin' you!"

"Like..." Applejack's muzzle scrunched. "...how a farm mare digs for plantin' apple trees?"

"No, silly!" Pinkie giggle-snorted. "Like a mare wants to toss another mare into a barn and go rolling around in the hay!"

Applejack's muzzle hung agape. She looked at Pinkie... then at the door... then at Pinkie again. She smiled in disbelief. "Nawwwwwwwwww..."

"Heehee! Yuh huh!"


"Yuh huh! Yuh huh!" Pinkie Pie leaned forward against the counter. "Are you telling me that you've never had another mare hit on you?"

"Why? Should I have?"

"It's perfectly natural, Applejack! Happens to Maud all the time when we visit the Annual Rock Candy Convention in San Franciscolt!"

"This ain't San Franciscolt."

"Stillllll! Doesn't stop seventy-five percent of the girly-girl Equestrian populace from wanting to get their girly-girl on with other girly-girls!"

"Pffft... I haven't noticed."

"That's because you're too busy bucking apples instead of other soft, ripe things! Heehee!"

"P-Pinkie Pie!" Applejack blushed red as a beet. She looked around, sweating. "Heavens-to-Betsy!"

"Heehee! I swear, AJ! You're too adorable sometimes!"

"I just dun get it!"

"How can you not get it?!"

"I mean... shoot..." Applejack shrugged. "Why would any self-respectin' mare be into me?"

"Because you're absolutely ravishing, darling."

Applejack jolted in place. She turned to look towards the far end of the eatery. "Beg yer pardon?"

A levitating fashion magazine folded shut, revealing a dainty unicorn sipping daintily from a dainty teacup. She looked over from her table with a placid smile. "I mean every word, for it is the absolute truth." Blue eyes glittered in the sunlight coming through the windows. "You are a veritable blonde goddess in a humble farming frame, dear. Every mare around town can plainly see it. Stallion too—which is a remarkable thing. I'm rather surprised a handsome gent hasn't fetched you by now."

Applejack squinted. "And you are...?"

The unicorn fluffed her purple mane. "Rarity the Unicorn. I'm the sole owner of the Carousel Boutique on the east end of town."

"... ... ...never heard of it."

"Mmmm. Yes. Well." A tiny blush crossed the mare's pale cheeks as she cleared her throat. "It... did open just a few weeks ago. Nevertheless..." She stood up, levitating a few bits that she carried with her over to the front counter. "...back to the discussion at hoof. I consider myself an expert on grace and beauty. And you carry that in spades, darling. Well... at least half of it."

"Jee." Applejack's eyebrows were straight. "Thanks."

Pinkie Pie giggled.

"I didn't mean that as a slight, of course," Rarity declared, smiling bashfully. "I simply wished to imply that—with a little bit of sprucing up and a fine dress to compliment your exquisitely natural features—you would absolutely murder at a ball, Miss Applejack. No doubt about it! You should be quite proud of what you've inherited! Most of us would kill to have such qualities!"

Applejack's eyes darted to Pinkie... then back to Rarity. "You ain't... hittin' on me as well, are ya?"

Rarity laughed airily. "Oh no no no no no... heavens no." She rested a gentle hoof over her own chest. "One of these days, I do whole-heartedly intend to be whisked off my hooves by a Prince Charming... not so much a Princess. Although... hmmm-hmmm... I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be flattered."

"Uh huh..."

"Ah." Rarity nodded. "Well, I can see you're not one to take compliments very easily, Miss Applejack. But never you mind." She stood tall, staring firmly at the farm mare. "Pay a visit to my Boutique sometime. I will make you a dress that will turn all the heads at any... 'hootenanny', presuming they haven't spun off their necks already. I mean it! It will be free of charge! Just for you!"

"Well... uh... thanks." Applejack tilted her hat back. "That's mighty generous of you."

"Mmmmm... yes. It is, isn't it?" Rarity's eyelashes fluttered. She turned briskly towards Pinkie Pie. "Thanks yet again for the tea and crumpets, Pinkie Pie. They were most divine."

"You're more than welcome, Rarity!"

"I've got business to attend to!" Rarity trotted off with a happy wave. "Ta-taaaaaaaa!" she pronounced musically.

The bell above the door rang and all was still again.

"Yeesh..." Applejack brushed her bangs back and looked across the empty eatery. "Is it just me... or did the town turn all fru-fruey between the last two apple harvests?"

"Heeheehee!" Pinkie Pie beamed. "Things are changing around here, Applejack!"

"Yeah. I can see that."

"Can you?" Pinkie stuck a tongue out. "Can you really?"

Applejack frowned. "I ain't got time for any sort of Special Somepony nonsense."

"Uh huh."

"Besides. I'm gettin' on just fine at the farm with the Apple Family." Applejack shrugged. "Just... dun see the need for romancin' anyone. Definitely not with any mares."

"Uh huhhhhhhhhhh."

"Dun you 'uh huh' me!" Applejack gnashed her teeth. "Someday I'll settle down with a stallion! Just you see! It happened with my Momma and it happened with Granny! That's just the way the apple falls, ya reckon?"

"Mmmmm... I reckon." Pinkie Pie picked up the mop and began cleaning the floor again. "Just lemme know when you're ready, Applejack."

"Why you rushin' me all of a sudden?"

Pinkie stuck her tongue out. "I mean for the baking ingredients, sillyyyyyy!" A giggle-snort. "Are you going to make ready for the Harvest Family Hoedown or aren't ya?"

Applejack blushed. "Oh."

"Heeheehee..." Pinkie Pie mopped her way deep into the kitchen. "Bumping into gates and knocking over fencessssss. Who is? You is! Applejackkkk...!"

Applejack stood alone. Fidgeting. Wordless.

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