• Member Since 20th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 19th, 2023

North Bound

" I don't believe in God." "It doesn't matter. He believes in you."


No one. No one is going to read this.... at least not yet. · 8:24am Nov 13th, 2014

On a day like to day,
I pass the time away,
Writing blog letters at 3am.
How I laughed and I cried,
Each time I saw the time,
Writing blog letters at 3am.
I made a vow that I would always be true,
And finish my lab work so I could sing with you.
Now my broken heart aches,
with every second that shakes,
while I write blog letters at 3am.

Report North Bound · 314 views ·

Also this... this is amazing....