• Published 22nd Jun 2016
  • 2,566 Views, 38 Comments

Sparks - Harmony Pie

After a snide comment from Diamond, Apple Bloom learns the truth of what it means to be beautiful from confiding in Applejack

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The yellow-coated filly's hind legs slammed against the wall, and she let out a low groan of frustration.


Her attempt was weaker this time. Apple Bloom sighed, finally pulling herself up from her upside-down position on her bed, her strawberry hair falling over her eyes. She glanced down at her shiny, old bow, having been ripped angerily from her mane, and crushed it between her hooves. The ribbon fell to her covers, and with a satisfied smirk, Apple Bloom turned to the window.

Her room wasn't large by any means, in fact, it was quite the opposite. Her cherished books and trinkets lined against the walls and wooden floor, and those lucky enough to be on a shelf nearly tumbled onto her bed. But, she liked to think of it as cozy; a perfect place to curl up on winter nights.

Pushing aside a cracked flower pot, the filly leaned her head against the open window frame, breathing in the smell of the spring wind. Silhouettes of the whispering apple trees bowed with ripe apples not yet bucked, and tiny stars twinkled from above.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid," she muttered to herself, gritting her teeth together. She shut her eyes from the night, berating herself for a tear that slipped down her cheek. Submitting to silence, Apple Bloom laid back down.

She startled at the sight of her elder sister over the threshold. Applejack's sleepiness was apparent in her half-lowered eyelids, and mussy golden hair. Pulled over her ears was a snug nightcap.

"Applejack?" Apple Bloom murmured in surprise, pushing herself up to a sitting position. "What are you doin' up here?"

Applejack, despite her tired state, managed to raise a sarcastic eyebrow at her sibling. She motioned with her hoof to the partially dented wallpaper, leaning against the door frame with a yawn.

"Oh." Apple Bloom blushed, careful to blink her tears away. "That." She looked away, not sure whether or not to speak. She heard Applejack sigh and the older mare stepped into the room with moonlight illuminating her soft smile.

Applejack sat herself on the edge of the bed, tugging off her nightcap. "Sugarcube," she began. "Why the hay have ya been bangin' on the wall for the last twenty minutes?" There was clear annoyance on her face, but Apple Bloom noticed a hint of amusement beneath it.

Apple Bloom bit her lip. "I'm sorry," she said softly. "You can go now."

Applejack chuckled and shook her head. "Bloom, ya ain't gettin' me to leave that easily." Her emerald eyes trailed down to the bow on the sheets, and her mouth tugged into a frown. She picked it up and tried to smooth out the wrinkles. "Now, what did ya go and do to your bow?" Applejack asked, reaching out to tie it back her sister's hair.

Apple Bloom flinched back just a fraction of an inch and Applejack's frown deepened. She placed the bow down, and stared in bewildrement at the filly. "Bloom?" she whispered, her voice growing husky with warmth.

Apple Bloom took a deep breath, her forehead crinkling, and her lips drawn tight. "I couldn't sleep, Applejack," she told her, swallowing hard. "It was... stupid Diamond Tiara." She leaned back and willed herself not to cry.

Applejack cocked an ear. "Little Diamond?" she asked. "Why, Ah though y'all were gettin' along just fine!"

Apple Bloom shook her head vigourously, but then paused and nodded. "Ugh, we are! But-but you know how she, sis. Always havin' a big head, talkin' stuff she shouldn't be talkin' 'bout sometimes. She's tryin' to be a better pony, but every so often a thing will slip by; a word, a comment, a look, and I—" she broke off, her eyes shining.

"Oh, sugarcube," Applejack drawled. "Ya know that silly filly didn't mean nothin'. Ah'm sure if ya go an' speak ta her, maybe y'all can work it out."

Apple Bloom rubbed her face roughly. "No, no! What if it's actually true this time?"

Applejack stiffened. After a moment of silence, she continued; "Ah don't think anythin' she says is true, 'cause if it was ya would have figured it out a long time ago, Bloom." She nuzzled against her sister's head comfortingly.

Apple Bloom didn't return the affection. "Maybe," she mumbled beneath her hair, "or maybe I've just been too thickheaded to notice."

Applejack scratched her neck, her forehead drawing lines in sympathy. "Oh, come now. If anypony in this house here is thickheaded, it's me." She wetted her lips. "But, Ah'm not gonna let ya slip by like that. Tell me; what happened?"

Apple Bloom's chin trembled, but she held it in with a scowl. "We were walkin' home today. Me and Diamond, that is. It-it was going fine and all—she was with me 'cause the Crusaders were sick—and Diamond... hey, Applejack? You-you know that school dance comin' up? The one they've been advertisin' and everythin' for months? It's in a couple days, and..."

Applejack nudged her forward with what she hoped was a comforting smile. "Go on," she said.

Apple Bloom inhaled shakily. "She brought it up. 'Course, Diamond asked me who I was takin'. Filly's choice this year." A fierce blush overtook her cheeks. "I told her that I was just thinkin' about maybe askin' a nice colt in our class—grey coat—named Rumble. You might know him, sis. I didn't mean much when I said it, heck, I wasn't even sure if I really wanted to go. But... then Diamond just laughed, saying that she was gonna ask him instead. She laughed; made me feel so silly.

"Then Diamond got this sugary sweet look in her eyes, a fake face, and told me I shouldn't get my hopes up, 'cause he wouldn't want—" She cut her herself off when a lump rose up in her throat, that not even Applejack's concerns could take away.

Apple Bloom fought her feeling of helplessness, and pushed on through her words. "—said he wouldn't want a simple, rough farm filly like me. That he-he would want someone of graceful beauty like her." With that finally uttered, Apple Bloom collasped in silent tears, her shoulders shaking with each tiny gasp.

Without a word, Applejack swept her little sister into an embrace, rocking back and forth. "Shh, shh, shh," she breathed, glad that Apple Bloom didn't fight the hug. She brushed her sister's mane from her muzzle, not ceasing her comforting murmuring.

Apple Bloom stirred in Applejack's grasp and tried in vain to quell her whimpering. Her cheeks shone with tears. "Applejack..." she started quietly,"am I not beautiful?"

Apple Bloom immediatly tensed up as the words left her lips, and she didn't meet Applejack's gaze. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, that was a horrible question! I..." She trailed off when she realized her sister had lapsed into silence. "Applejack?" she whispered, feeling foolish.

The orange mare was peering at her with a mix of confusement and sadness. "Are ya kiddin' me?"

Apple Bloom drew back, stuttering out apologies.

Applejack sighed with a tilt of her head, and took Apple Bloom's trembling face in her hooves. "Ah said; 'are ya kiddin' me?'"

It took a moment for Apple Bloom to muster up the ability to shake her head no. Applejack dropped her hold, letting out a breath. "Golly, Bloom, why would ya ever think that?"

Apple Bloom swallowed thickly. "Why? 'Cause Diamond Tiara, she—"

"Now, since when did ya start carin' what she said when she was bein' rude?"

Apple Bloom went silent and her eyes cast downwards.

Applejack's ears flicked. "Sugar, come with me," she said suddenly. Applebloom looked up, her mouth forming a small 'o'. Not waiting for a reply, Applejack wrapped her strong arms around the filly's barrel, hoisting her into the air. Apple Bloom squealed as Applejack climbed onto the edge of the bed, placing her through the window onto the roof.

"What are you doin'?" Apple Bloom protested, digging her hooves into the tiles as the gentle wind played with the ends of her mane.

Applejack just smiled, clambering through behind her. "Trust me." She sat beside Apple Bloom, pulling her close to her side as their legs dangled above the darkened land. She seemed to be relishing in the serene quiet, before turning to her sister. "Ah wanted to bring ya out here," she began wistfully, "because it's a place that always used to help me when Ah was stressed as hay." She pointed a hoof at Apple Bloom. "Even ya used to come out here with me when ya were younger, get that? 'Course, it was without Granny's consent."

Applejack's shoulder's slumped when Apple Bloom didn't so much as crack a smile. "Listen," she said softly, "you're bein' so dang silly, ya know that?"

Apple Bloom flinched at her words. "No, I'm not! Sis, why don't you get it?"

Applejack leaned on the roof against her back. "Shoot, Ah never said Ah didn't get it, Bloom. The idea itself isn't silly, naw, it's just the fact that y'all are fussin' 'bout it."

Apple Bloom was taken aback by her lighthearted tone, but, then again, perhaps that was her sister's approach to things she didn't understand. "Why?" was all she could utter.

Applejack pressed her lips together, humming. "It's 'cause ya don't have to worry at all," she said.

Apple Bloom followed the horizon. "Well, a lot of ponies sure seem to care 'bout beauty," she muttered.

Applejack bowed her head down. "Heck. 'Course they do. But ponies are a fickle bunch, they don't understand much, myself included. Apple Bloom, when ya think of Diamond Tiara, what comes to mind?" she asked.

Apple Bloom scowled, a look very unbecoming to her features. "Gourgous. Beautiful. Lady-like. Rich. Powerful. Pretty..."

Applejack raised an eyebrow.

Apple Bloom clenched her jaw. "Selfish. Self-absorbed. Arrogant. Careless. Sometimes cruel."

Applejack nodded. "She's tryin', though, ain't she? Ah suppose that counts." She ruffled her sister's hair with her hoof. "But the point is, Bloom, Ah know she isn't always the most pleasent of ponies. And, yet, Ah have to admit, she is a very eye-catchin' young lady. Did that make any difference when she and Silver Spoon were teasin' y'all?"

Apple Bloom shook her head vigourously. "I couldn't even stand to be around her!"

"Exactly," Applejack said softly. "It may of made a good first impression, but her looks only took her so far." She pulled her sister against her chest.

"Can Ah tell ya a story?"

Apple Bloom stretched her forelegs, sniffing. "Sure, AJ."

Applejack shifted on the roof with a farway look overcoming her features. "Ah was silly, too, a little while ago. And it was only a couple years ago, Bloom. Ah was at one of Pinkie's late night parties, gettin' just a bit tipsy, mind ya, but Ah couldn't manage to have a good time. Ah simply couldn't keep mah eyes off of my friend, Rares, dancin' like a filly under the disco ball. With all the flashin' lights hittin' just so, and her mane flyin' everywhere... Ah started to wonder.

"Ah was sittin' in the corner, broodin' into a cup of strong cider, when Rarity grew tired enough to slide onto the seat besides me. Even with all the sweat pourin' off her forehead, she was..." Applejack paused.

"Beautiful?" Apple Bloom finished hestitantly.

Applejack chuckled. "Yeah. She was. Ah'll admit, Ah was jealous. Sickeningly jealous, sugar. Ah'm not proud of that. But, after all, Rarity was the one with the fancy hair and the flutterin' eyes. The one all the stallions looked to. And where did that leave me?" She let her smile fall for a second.

"And ya know what Rarity told me? She said 'Applejack, sometimes Ah wish Ah could be more like ya.'" Applejack laughed to herself. "Of course, it was so much more than that, at least to me. She just reached over to me with this look in her big eyes, and hugged me, Bloom. Told me that Ah have a certain type of beauty she's always envied."

Apple Bloom leaned forward, enraptured.

"And, that got me thinkin' 'bout things. 'Bout values of ponykind," Applejack drawled.

"How long have you been thinkin'?" Apple Bloom asked carefully, her shadowed face tight.

Applejack tapped the tiles underneath her. "Golly, Ah haven't rightly stopped thinkin' yet." She smiled lopsidely in that bittersweet way she smiled. "Now, this might not make much sense, but Ah've got a few things Ah like to believe.

"There are two sparks for a pony. They're both named beauty," Applejack breathed. "Golden little things, ya get? One on the inside, right inside a pony's heart. It's the largest and most special, but it takes a keen eye to find it hidden away like that. Most ponies foolishly fancy the outside spark, for they don't give a second look. Some forget that the inside beauty is more important than the outside one." Applejack looked down at her sister. "Especially one little mare named Apple Bloom."

Apple Bloom was silent.

Applejack continued, "Some ponies have stronger sparks on the outside, and find others adore them to pieces. Some choose to embrace their beauty, paintin' their bodies and faces in hopes to become even more pretty," she said bitterly. "While a few ponies know not even of their strong outside spark.

"The best of us have a great inside beauty, though. It's where the pony's love and kindness is. Their personality. That's what counts. Do ya understand?" Applejack asked, her eyes shining.

Apple Bloom bit her lip, curling her tail around her withers. "Yeah," she murmured, "yeah, I think I do, sis." Her voice was soft.

Applejack nodded. "Ah just wanted to let you know that. It's true. Ah didn't want ya to go out and judge ponies. Ah learned that a little too late."

Apple Bloom finally managed a wavering smile. "Thanks, Applejack. For tellin' me about... the sparks, as you put it. Diamond Tiara... I think-I think she could learn 'bout beauty, too," she said, laying back onto her sister. "I'm sorry. I'll try to grow the best inside spark, okay?"

Applejack lifted her chin up. "Okay, Bloom. And ya want to know something? Ya are beautiful. Don't let anyone tell ya different."

Apple Bloom jerked up. "I am? Even though I'm dirty and small?"

Applejack wrinkled her nose at the comment. "Of course ya are! Why, along with Rares, Ah've never seen somepony with both sparks so bright!"

Apple Bloom lifted up her ear. "But then why did you say all that?"

Applejack shook her head knowingly. "Ah said that so you'd understand. Outer beauty isn't everythin' Bloom, even if you've got it, too. Ponies need to learn this."

"They do. I did." Apple Bloom glanced up at the twinkling stars, her hooves swinging over the roof. She looked down when she felt a light pressure on her mane. A shiny, pink bow fell above her forehead.

"Hold on," Applejack muttered, finally pulling back when she had finished tying in the old ribbon. "There. Perfect."

Apple Bloom furrowed her brow. "You brought this outside?" she asked.

"Of course Ah did, sugarcube. Ah wouldn't leave the precious thin' behind after ya refused to wear it. What was that 'bout, anyway?"

Apple Bloom flushed. "I...I just thought that such a nice lookin' bow didn't belon' with not such a..."

Applejack brushed her mane back, hugging her tightly. "Oh, hush, Bloom." The moon had risen over the horizon, bathing the two sisters in silver. Apple Bloom let her eyelids close, listening to the beating heart of her loving sister.

Applejack's beautiful angel slept peacefully.



Author's Note:

First and foremost, I apologize for any similarities to another fic. This was purely based on my own ideas. It was only after I had written it that I realized a conflict. If anyone has any concerns, please PM me.

Thank you for reading:twilightsmile:

Comments ( 36 )

This would make a great premise for an episode.

And because I'm a horrible person, here's my summary of the story:
:applecry: AJ, do you think I'm beautiful?
:applejackunsure: Well, Sugarcube, ya sure got a great personality.


Ha. Thanks. Although at the end: She did say Bloom had both sparks

7327988 I know, I'm just ignoring that part for comedic effect :pinkiehappy:

Great job, by the way. I enjoyed the story.

This comment will not have a review of this story, but if you came for a recipe for apple strudel, you're in luck.

Apple Strudel:

You'll need:
1. 3oz (85g) raisins
2. 2 Tbsp brandy
3. 5 Eating apples (Granny Smith or Cox will do.)
4. 3.5oz (100g) dark brown sugar
5. 3 Large cooking apples
6. 1 Tbsp Ground cinnamon
7. Grated rind and the juice of 1 lemon
8. 1oz (30g) dry breadcumbs
9. 2oz (55g) chopped pecans or walnuts
10. 12 sheets of frozen filo pastry, thawed.
11. 6oz (170g) butter, melted
12. Icing sugar, for dusting

Serves 10-12.


1. Soak the raisins in the brandy for at least 15 minutes.

2. Peel, core and thinly slice the apples. In a bowl, combine the sugar, cinnamon and lemon rind. Stir in the apples and half the breadcrumbs.

3. Add the raisins, nuts and lemon juice and stir until blended.

4. Preheat a 375'F (Farenheit)/109'C (Celsius)/Gas 5 Oven. Grease 2 baking sheets.

5. Carefully unfold the filo sheets. Keep the unused sheets covered with greaseproof paper. Lift off 1 sheet, place on a clean surface and brush with melted butter. Lay a second sheet on top and also brush with butter. Repeat until you have a stack of 6 buttered sheets.

6. Sprinkle a few tablespoons of breadcrumbs over the last sheet and spoon half the apple mixture at the bottom edge of the strip.

7. Starting at the apple-filled end, roll up the pastry, as for a Swiss roll. Place down on a baking sheet, seam-side down, and carefully fold under the ends to seal. Repeat the procedure to make a second strudel. Brush both with butter.

8. Bake the strudels for 45 minutes. Let cool slightly. Using a small sieve, dust with a fine layer of icing sugar. Serve warm.


Yum. That sounds amazing! :pinkiegasp:

Oh, and congratulations for going through with it and publishing the fic.


Thank you. I think it was the right thing to do. :derpytongue2:

I'm glad you decided to upload this. It was very good and heartwarming. I spotted a few spelling errors, but they were pretty minute. It had a good message about inner beauty. Speaking as a guy, I can say this. It doesn't matter how pretty a girl is. If she's ugly on the inside, she's ugly on the outside too, regardless of her "outside spark" factor. Kind if like spotting a pretty girl with a cigarette. Your attractiveness plummets, because smoking is disgusting.

But I'm getting off track. As a guy, I totally believe that looks can be deceiving when it comes to beautiful girls and their personalities. Good for Apple Bloom to learn that now rather than later. If I were Rumble, I'd go with Apple Bloom, not because of this story, but because I still don't really like Diamond Tiara (though I can respect her for trying to redeem herself).

I liked how AJ talked about being jealous of Rarity, but then learning that Rarity was jealous of AJ for her own reasons. Giving AJ a little piece of wisdom to pass down to Apple Bloom. It gave a little insight into AJ's character, with the hardy farmgirl harboring her own insecurities, as well as Rarity harboring some of her own. Both are more concealed than other ponies, but they're real nonetheless. Apple Bloom's concerns are real too. Society today kind of paints this image for girls and guys, and it's only natural to feel insecure when you don't fit into the current definition of "beautiful". But beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and hopefully Apple Bloom realizes that now, or at least I hope she will in time.

The ending was also really cute. I did that a lot with my OC holding Fluttershy as she sleeps. I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff.

Another great story from the amazing Harmony Pie! I can't wait for the next one. Whatever it is, I know it'll be stellar.

I've decided to edit...


Umm, okay. I don't know what the "thing" you were referring to in the beginning of your comment, and I'd like to not know.

I was thinking that, yes, it may not have been the malicious, but Apple Bloom took it hard. She can't really control how she feels about a sensitive topic.

Thank you for your comment

...These comments...


No, I'm not going to... whatever that is. I'm 13 and don't want to know, thank you:twilightoops:

For inappropiate humour, considering the rating. Sorry. :fluttershysad:

Great story! I loved how you wrote Applejack and Apple Bloom, it was so sweet! Have a like! :twilightsmile:


Please stop. I'd like to keep it "Everyone" in the comments.:fluttershysad:

7328155 Oops, sorry. Still, it's up to the individual if they choose to look up those terms or not. Thanks for the responses & have a nice day. :twilightsmile:

A very sweet story with a nice moral, Applejack has got to be one of the best older sisters in the series, right up there with Rarity, Rainbow and Celestia. Another great one shot from you Harmony, and I'm glad ya posted it after all!

I'm going to try this...it sounds delicious!

A very perceptive and positive comment. I think the same way about beauty myself...it's the substance inside that matters most.

Oh, I also liked your thoughts on Rarity and AJ. I think you most correct in that they do keep a lot of their thoughts to themselves and what they do reveal is very telling about their personalities and character. Very insightful. And well done by Harmony, too, by the way!

First off gave you a thumbs up. It's a good message for sure, I would of liked a little elaboration on exactly what Rarity envied maybe pull some inspiration from that episode with Trenderhoof.

7328155 you shall not enter the dark realm of the internet, once you entered the dark realm, you can't (completely) go back

btw nice fic, i like it, and i also gave an upvote for this story, it kinda similar to the issues i'm having by now

I love this story! I like how you wrote the characters also!


Aww, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! But... why the chest pain? That's good, right?

Hey there! I just saw your story on the top of the popular list!


Congratulations! This story certainly deserves it! I'll leave a more thorough comment once I am less tired, but for now, know that I did thoroughly enjoy this piece!


Oh...thank you for that. I look forward to your more in depth comment, and I'm glad you enjoyed it:twilightsmile:

Alright, now that I am of a much sounder mind...

I have to say that this story was absolutely lovely. It captivated me from the start because you wrote Apple Bloom so well. She was perfectly in character, as was Applejack. And the conversation that the two had was absolutely believable. Not to mention that the message was beautiful and heartfelt, and definitely one that needs to be heard.

I did find a few minor typos, though I could point those out to you in a PM if you'd like. All in all, a wonderful story!

This is a really important lesson! Probably the third good Lesson fic I've read.

Apple Bloom is still super, super young, I'd range her just around 10 or a hair younger, and it's not at all surprising that she's feeling this way about a snide comment. To be honest, the younger you are, the less rational you are. While we may be able to say "Who cares??" at an older age, the ones we are to guide and teach cannot simply look over things. Hormones and figuring out who you are, it's chaotic and hard as hell growing up, sorry for the language. And even as you grow up, sure it may be easier to deal with the comments, but others will still get it under their skin. Everyone's different.

You've got a lot of talent :D Don't let others get you down, you've still got a lot of room to grow.

One typo I saw, "angerily". It's "angrily" instead. Super close!

Hello, I'm just looking back over my comments for this story and realise now I was possibly a little bit over the top in my use of inappropriate humour, considering the rating. I must have been in a silly mood that day. Please accept my humble apologies, and keep on writing... you have quite the talent. :twilightsmile:


Of course, I understand. Thanks, but no hard feelings:scootangel:

7328159 You, good sir, are deserving of a well done. Thank you for making the comments a better place, even if it was marred by your own words in the first place.
You have my thanks and appreciation :twilightsmile:

On another note, this was some great sister bonding right here! I feel so fuzzy inside. Very nice story :raritywink:

So, care to tell me what you posted in the reviews thread? ;)

Yeah, my bad :twilightsheepish:. I didn't know I couldn't do that.

I just wanted to thank you again for the review. It's still shocking that you would refer to Dear Sister, Sister as 'astronomical', though. I hope I can write/submit more stories to merit an acceptance into the café ^^

I love the sisterly bond of the two here. Nicely done.

This was sweet. I enjoyed hearing Applejack's thoughts on what makes someone beautiful, and overall this was just such a pleasurable, leisurely sort of wistful read. :twilightsmile:

I also imagine that Diamond Tiara's change for the better wouldn't be immediate, though I suspect she'd be more prone to little slip-ups in her conversations that she'd immediately apologize for after, as opposed to the more bully-like behavior she's been known for in previous seasons. Mind you, she probably has a crush on Rumble here, which might explain why her words were so unusually harsh. :unsuresweetie:

I love the aesthetic of the Apple sisters looking up at the stars while they talked, though I don't exactly think Applejack should be encouraging Apple Bloom to go sitting on the roof. :twilightsheepish:

I also loved that Applejack wasn't all mad at her little sister for waking her, but instead patiently sought to understand the situation. :eeyup:

The whole bit about the bow was a nice touch too, like a representation of Apple Bloom's self-esteem being cast away, and then her allowing Applejack to restore it. :pinkiesad2:

And now maybe Applejack can go back to sleep.:twilightoops:


I enjoyed this story. Very wholesome. Thanks for sharing! :pinkiehappy:

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