• Member Since 15th Jun, 2014
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“An artist's job is to captivate you for as long as we've asked for your attention. If we stumble into truth, we got lucky, and I don't get to decide what truth is.” -Tabitha Fortis, The West Wing

Comments ( 189 )

Cue the obligatory theme song:

And FIRST! And Fave!


...How does one accidentally end up on one of... *shivers* those websites?

8186247 You'd be surprised. My first exposure to that was from clicking a random link. I've never hit the X button more quickly.

Which was annoying since I had other tabs up as well.


The only way I even know I'm looking at the link is if I ACTUALLY look it up...

If there is a random link... or a pop-up ad... I always avoid it. Always have always will.

8186307 I was young and foolish. And Twilight has no idea what she's doing.

Oh so very true, about Twilight.

And about you, I guess I was just raised differently or something.

8186605 I was not warned. I was unprepared for the horrors. What I witnessed cannot be unseen. It haunts me, dogging my steps and cursing the shadows to twist and distort, causing them to writhe and undulate back and forth. The sounds echo through the wind, cycling over and over and driving me to insanity. Yet even there I am not safe, for 'tis the broken mind which hath created the horrors which so haunt me, and they thrive in the twisting chaos of my shattered mind. Verily, there is no escape to be had from the tortures and horrors that...

Too dramatic, or should I continue?

I think...

I think, that was a good way to be dramatic... holy crap... I've never felt a chill go up my spine like that since I read the current English version or Edgar Allan Poe's 'The Raven'. Jesus...

8186948 Ah, The Raven. Love that poem. Memorized it years ago. I'm honored by the comparison.

Realy? Every time that a story were a human gous to equestria there little pussys. Can some one make a story were the human kicks ass? If I didt know any better a would say that all the autors of fimfiction ar pussys in real life. The point is can somone makes a story with a human that is not a little pussy! please!

8187354 Dude, she just got there. Give it time. By the half-way point, she's going to be leading armies and wreaking dragons. For goodness sake, she's currently a teenage girl who's probably never even been in a slap-fight before. Give the main character time to grow.

Feh, should have ditched town as soon as the Tyrant's student moved in.

Sigh. This is another fanfic where Celestia's the 'evil tyrant ruler of Equestria' isn't it? And I bet Luna's the heroic rebellious leader. :ajbemused:

Sorry, not trying to shit on your story. I'm just tired of reading fics where Celestia's evil and Luna's Miss Goody two-Shoes. Here's the good part of my comment. The displacement is somewhat unique in that it doesn't automatically happen as in most cases. The character is somewhat introduced with a tiny bit of her personality shown thus far. I look forward to continuing reading!

8188171 Do bear in mind just who, or rather what, it was that accused Tia of tyranny. There are two sides to every story.

But to be frank, FAUST, NO! I hate needlessly tyrannical Celestia! Some stories make it work, but I don't think I could put my heart into that. Severely flawed Tia? Goodness, yes. Evil Tia? Heck no!

I look forward to further comments, though. Thanks for giving this story a chance!

You should check out griffin the griffin

I have seen griffin the griffin and I love it but that is only one! There should be more storys like that. Also who ever didnt like my last coment can fuck off. I like storys wiht strong humans so what? Is not my falt that everyone likes to make human look weak

8190048 I personally haven't loved a ton of HiE stories. The ones I have are either crossovers (Metroid: Equis) or powerful Displaced (The Mighty Warrior of Epicness, Gravity of the Situation). I can see how the "weak human" thing could be annoying, though. Rest assured, Angel will be developing rather quickly once the story starts earning its "Adventure" tag.

So, Griffin the Griffin. I've seen it around, but haven't had the opportunity to read it. What's it about?

I'll make it short. Griffin the griffin is about of a lot of humans that were taken to equestria by gods as ther Champions. There the humans will be turn to different species then they start ther New life. Griffin the griffin is about a guy that was turn to a griffin and stars a war. What war? You have to reed in order to know. Or you can look for it in YouTube ther you can hear the whole story

8190569 He also makes a cameo appearance in Echo the Diamond Dog. Which is the fic that started that whole group.

Omg. That testing scene had my laughing so hard.

8199121 It was so fun to write! I chose 5 deaths as an arbitrary number, and then I had to figure out how to kill her over and over. I'm going to have a LOT of fun killing her with this next chapter.

Comment posted by Endlessshadow deleted May 30th, 2017

Hilarious as always

We need a Nanoha displaced in my opinion, it's a rather underappreciated series.

8201989 AGREED!!! Yo write it, I'll crossover with it.

On a related note, I do have a Nanoha crossover fic in mind. Post-A's pre-StrikerS, starts between Seasons 3 and 4, humanized (mostly, horns and wings) Equestria. The Elements are Intelligent Devices, the Crystal Heart and Tree of Harmony are Lost Logia, Celly and Lulu have some experience with ancient Belka, all that fun stuff. I've got the outline all written up and ready to go, but I want to get a LOT further on this, A Heart Eclipsed, and It's Not Easy Being Orange before I jump into it.

Listen, thats a changeling! They are going to think Tia is a tyrant, cuz ponies thought changelings were evil cuz they need love to survive and booted them out. Thus, the hate.


Glad you've been enjoying it.

Yeah, no shit.

I thought I had put the part where I said that might be the reason in that comment... meh, whatever. Point is, I dun care.
I have since ceased reading this story. From what I've seen (up to the beginning of chapter 2) it's rushed, the fact that the character is, y’know, fucking immortal kinda kills all potential tension in any combat situation that could happen in this story. The fact that they regard their unusual sudden knowledge of how to do things and then completely toss it to the window due to “fuck it. I got powers. Don't need to know how I know how to use them.” Just really irritated me for some odd reason.

But of course, to each their own. I don't hate the story, just not interested in it due to some of the reasons stated above. Also the fact that they didn't wait long for a crossover. You need time to set up the world properly, before you crossover.

Actually there's a whole list of things I could point out that offsets me from continuing this story. But this comment is long enough, so I will end it here.

Actually, if you don't mind, could you send me a PM with what all you don't like about it? I'm trying to improve my writing and I can't do that without feedback, especially constructive criticism. Thanks for giving it a shot.

Heh. That was an interesting chapter. Though I'm wondering if Discord really has to go back in his prison. I mean, they could simply skip the whole imprisoning thing to go right for reformation! :pinkiesmile:

Why does discord hate code wow

By the time he's finished with that code, he'll be BEGGING to go back into stone.


huh, Discode, wonder how that will turn out.


I wonder how he would react to a Linux computer.........:pinkiecrazy:

Congratulations Angel, you broke chaos.

Let me guess, When He makes a promise he has to keep it no matter what.

Yeah. That's a pretty standard thing for beings of ultimate power. He didn't cross his fingers, so now he has to hold himself to his end of the bet.

Ah discords one weakness, order, i feel this chapter was based off the recent episode.

Actually, that's just a happy coincidence. I didn't see the episode until yesterday.

So did i. It wasn't too bad of an episode in my opinion.

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