So there I was at my first convention. Awesome costume? Check. Few hundred bucks to waste on merch? Check. Keyblade to complete the costume? No check, couldn't get one cheep. Imagine my surprise when I find perfect replicas of both Oathkeeper and Oblivion. For two hundred bucks! The vendor is as creepy as all get out, but hey, a good deal's a good deal!
Next thing I know, well, you've heard this story before. Whisked off to Equestria, trapped in stone because of a misunderstanding, heartless trying to consume the world...
OK, that one's probably unique to me.
Edit: OH MY GOSH! Featured first day, 7/5/2015! Thank y'all so much!
Edit: currently undergoing massive revisions leading to its resurrection. Thank you for your patience. 3/8/2019