• Published 8th Jul 2015
  • 11,188 Views, 257 Comments

Nuptial Flight - RetiredAccount

Chrysalis searches for special ponies to help her sire a new hive. She finds the ponified Dazzlings.

Comments ( 67 )

The little changelings always enjoyed their mothers' brutal fights, taking sides, cheering for one or the other. They fueled the conflict with their magical voices, all the while absorbing Chrysalis and Aria's energy, leaving the both of them exhausted before they could really harm one another. Then the herd of purple changelings would crowd around the downed combatants, lovingly snuggling with their passed out mothers

That's the most hilariously adorable thing I've ever heard. Good on ya.

Thanks, I tried my best! This was an hilarious chapter to write, started as only fluff but there was some... "action" that got in there almost without me noticing. When I did it was too late.

6218811 I know right? Always derp at people that demand you explain an entire concept in less than two sentences xD
Granted, I could do with shortening down most my comments by up to 50 %, but still xP

And yeah, it is a very peculiar thing to map out. But like said: They're not exactly being very convincing xD (or at least not to anyone other than others with the same derangement)
But yeah, you definitely got the nail on the head there. Almost literally all dick words are "empowering" or "big", while, there barely being any cunt words, and almost all of them are "feeble" or "small/weak" so to speak.

It's actually something I've addressed in my fics, and why I very often use "gender neutral/unisex" terms. As long as it works biologically, I use it. As, otherwise, it'd be impossible to write "graphic" femdom. I mean, it's not exactly imposing to have ex: Chrys struggling to take a pony ½ her size's dick inside her "tight little pussy". Or have her monologue for 5 rows of text on how huge and impressive the dick is, then just conclude a "it's wet" to wrap up the entire appearance of her junk. Makes her the opposite of imposing, yet seen this approach several times in "fake dominatrix" fics with Chrys. Where she just fawns over how amazing the male is. Like, it REALLY doesn't sell the idea of a "dom chrys" when all she thinks about is how big his dick is, along with how she wants to worship and pleasure it xD Even the simple "reverse roles" character test reveals that xD (basically where you just R63 your entire fic to see if it's still any good/works. If not, then it might been an overhaul :P To all I know that have tried it, it's a incredibly useful and insightful tool :3 Used it on a popular incest fic, turns out suddenly the "male" (now female) went from being a romantic stud into a selfish cunt when the roles were reversed. Something I found interesting, as it proves some "stories" are only considered good with a certain gender role confinement.)

But yeah, trailing off aside. For the vulvae, I'd personally want to recommend reading some of my fics. Though, I'd really would need to try and pick out some good examples then xD As a lot are written just as experiments and whatnot. But yeah, could do a PM with some tips/tutoring perhaps. As tbh, to my experience, it's not that different to write for a cunt instead. Most terms CAN be used for the pussy as well as the dick. But, it needs readers with minimal capacity to comprehend things... as I've noticed not everyone are able to make easy connections. (like, literally had people reading my work, unable to link that "getting engorged", that means getting aroused for a male... what that possibly could mean if used on a female. Like, they literally were all confused, asking where I revealed the character was actually secretly male... trailing off again xD Know not all are this thick. but the chunk that are still baffle me xP)

Anyhow, so many that neglect the pussy forget the capacity it got. I mean, just take, in this case, the horsecunt: Not only is it prehensile, so it can be used to write in mutual genital detail, that ultimately can just serve as dick worship. I mean, honestly, my twat might not be prehensile, but the human vulva still got some clenching power, and I know guys like that, so I can def imagine how it can appeal too a guy to go to town on the idea of a vag literally giving them the equivalent of a handjob more or less. Not to forget it can be as tight around a pencil as around an arm xP And clenching power that greatly increase during orgasm in uncontrolled contractions. Not to mention the fact they can do a "come hither" using noting but their genitals. Atop being natural squirters xD Like shesh, it's like picking a class in a game with the most spells/gadjets, then stick to auto-attack xD Honestly reminds me a bit of those in ERP that just reply like "Mmm, yeah, harder.".

Though, granted, like you mentioned: Most simply seem unable or plain incompetent over what to write. And like you said: That's far from always their fault. As honestly, we got really shitty info in that area... hm, I might should try and get that dual-deepthroat fic I did finished... it has great equal focus on both genders as they take turn to DT each other :P But yeah, that aside, we'd really need more guides and whatnot on that... and I really have to write some fic that isn't a pun or poking fun at exaggerating something just to see the reactions xD Don't got too many generic graphical fics with cunt pandering tbh... but as a whole, it's not too different to focus on. All you do really is relocate the genital parts. You still got a "length" and "girth" and so on. But yes, not everyone is even aware you can "ramp up" a pussy in that way. But it can easily be done. Something I've done time and again ;3

But yeah, there's nothing inherently wrong, (nor gay) to like the D. It's when people make an active point to go the whole "dicks are amazing, fuck pussies" I tend to deadpan xP Like said prior, it doesn't really come off as convincing when they try to tell me how "no homo" it is to find female disgusting, yet wanting to gobble on dicks xD) So, really see nothing wrong with liking x or y until they make a huge deal out of it.

Either case, you should be pretty fine if you just implore the same tactic as for your dicks. Like, how's it's length? going from top to bottom, the color? any veins on it? or mottling? is it currently swollen? is the family jewel whipped out and winking? is it extra thick or plump, does the "hood" area protrude a bit? is their clit bulging/throbbing with arousal? The female arousal terms are barely good enough to write romantic softcore, you gotta snag the "unisex" terms :P Like, for random example, that I'm writing at the top of my head, 02:39: "Chrysalis grinned bemusedly, looking over her torso as she lay on her back. She used her magic to drag Aria over by her mane, pressing her muzzle against the bottom of her swollen length, dragging the pony's muzzle along her entire marehood, making sure to smear as much of her royal juices over the sputtering pony as she could. Her stiff crown jewel unfolding as she reached the top of her massive dungeon entrance, it's meaty, onyx surface covering both of Aria's nostrils with it's size, throbbing in arousal. The pony's eyes bulged out as seeing just how much "queen sized" this mare was actually packing. But before she could utter a word, Chrysalis shoved Aria's head forward, her lower jaw slipping inside the engorged depth, her upper jaw being smooched between the teats on the changelings abdomen. As she felt the warm, strong walls clench around her lower jaw, dripping with excitement, her cheeks were stretched to their limited a she felt Chrys push her head further against herself, the swollen bulge at the top of her cunt pressing uncomfortable close to her uvula. Aria narrowed her eyes as she was stuck muzzle deep inside the queen, locked in place by powerful muscles wrapped around her jaw, squeezing occasionally, and the strong musk of the mare's arousal stinging in her nostrils. She would have smirked defiantly if her position had allowed it. But then, to her surprise. The queen only grinned, and she suddenly gagged as Chrysalis whipped out her clit past her gullet, lodging itself firmly in her throat as Aria could do nothing but twitch her left eyelid, unable to think of how to respond to just having been deepthroated by a mare close to twice her size." ok, prolly needs a load of polish or whatnot, and perhaps not as cunt focused as it might need, but eh, rushed job xD Hope it might be of some use haha.

Oh, and just out of curiosity: Going world and anatomy wise, which gender do you think invented the glory hole (and urinals) in eqestria, along with being the ones to use em? :P

Awww what a loving family. A family of sex-addicts, deviants and straight-up freaks but a family none the less.

There's already a sequel? You horrible glorious bastard you.

I'ma go read it now.

Poor Chrysalis Junior, she's gonna grow up in the middle of all of this. Two parents who put dents in the walls when they bang, an aunt that keeps avoiding being alone with her, another aunt that is going to discipline her and an army of purple sisters/brothers that rampage through the hive constantly. Sounds like fun :rainbowkiss:

I'm off work right now so I have plenty of time to write, but coming august it's going to be tighter to produce chapters so fast. In the meantime I hope you enjoy!

I see her running away, telling her story to every pony/mare she meets and ends up banging them due her parents' influence and own genetics, as well as the mares' own maternal/comforting nature. Then her siblings show up and join in..... Man that got weird fast.

Got an idea for Junior, maybe a one shot about what's it like to live in her hive, but it's not going to be a clop. Maybe teen with sex tag for implied. Would take place some time after Nuptial and Escapades, could be prelude to next story. Not sure yet.
I already have Loneling's story and Sonata's adventures, so Junior will have to wait.

I am not a pervert I'm a furry

Needs more sex :trollestia:

Don't worry, Chrysalis is a breeding warrior.
Chryssi, what is best in life? Mount your enemies, see them seeded before you and to hear the lamentations of their males.

Are you crazy? The sex is already off the charts, it's approaching critical point!
And the sequels will take care of that :trollestia:

Just finished it and it was amazing :twilightsmile:

You did an awesome job making it so the scene's were not simply repetitions.

Starting the sequal now :pinkiecrazy:

Thank you! :pinkiehappy:
I tried to keep things fresh, even if the last chapter may have become a little formulaic, but I had fun until the end.
Sequel focuses on another part of the story, but we will come back to Chrysalis & Co at a later time.
Hope you like Escapades too!


Already read what there is. It is hilarious xD

Twilight being grossed out while that other mare want to fuck and the stallion just in between xD

Next chapter in the works! Will be done before the end of the week, hope you like leather and latex!

At this point i read about every fetish there is. The only one I realy can't stand is Scat. Which I avoid like it is the plague.

O and yes I realy like leather and latex :P

Scat falls under the "smellier" categories that I won't touch in Escapades, or ever. Even anal was something that I didn't think I would write, until a certain 6181147 convinced me to try. Didn't even throw up like I thought I would, so it's win-win.


I think the anal part was overshadowed by the fact that it was sex while birthing. Which you see very rarely

Holy crap you're right... Sweet baby jeebus I was so focused on the backdoor part that I didn't even think about it being sex during birth...


Something wonderful :pinkiehappy:

Waitwaitwait a minute. I'm about to read a story written by an author that didn't consider anal before birth sex?

This gun' be good.

Also, now there's something more surprising than butt sex - birth sex. Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

Yes, my priorities might just be a little fucked. But that's a good thing apparently!
Please enjoy this weird story, it's still fresh from the day it squirted from my brain.

Just finished it. This story is, indeed, beautiful. I could never imagine a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

And it is just perfect.

Welp fuck me, that just made my day!
Now i'm pumped to write some more!

I can make your day even better.

Reading your story is like watching the Incredibles, only the Incredibles are completely dysfunctional villains.

It's like seeing the Joker living in a trailer park, wearing a wifebeater, as Harley Quinn chases their two kids around the house. Batman comes in and the Joker says "Is this how kids are supposed to behave?"

Batman replies with his ridiculously raspy voice, "HEY, IT COULD BE WORSE. AT LEAST THEY HAVE PARENTS."

The Joker shakes his head slowly at the terrible joke, and Batman steps outside, where a small bat signal is visible in Joker's yard. He looks up at all the small bat signals shining in the sky, lamenting "I HATE BEING A BAT THERAPIST."

I had the idea of writing a short fluff piece looking into this crazy family's daily life, but now I just GOT to do it with the images you put in my head :pinkiecrazy:
I fricking love the Incredibles, so this is a really touching compliment. There's one scene of that movie that I'll definitely parody in my little fluff story, now that you reminded me of it.

Why thank you. I tend to be very imaginative. Give me a handful of words, and I'll give you a story title, complete with the short synopsis.

Writing whole chapters, however, is currently beyond my grasp. At least, not without an editor, or someone to bounce ideas off of.

Thank you! Fixed. Please tell me if you see anymore, English can be a harsh mistress.

Having just read the final chapter, I wanna be the guy to tell you that this excels as story-driven and sex-driven (much in the same context) and surpasses pretty much every other clop story on this site.

Not only is this well written, but the story makes sense, the personalities fit the characters as they have been portrayed canonically (with their sexual preferences mixing extremely well with those personalities). I totally thought this could happen to the canon characters!
The mix of the sirens and the changeling's attitudes made this so fucking perfect, with the obvious aggressions towards each other being instant from the beginning and following all the way through, I could feel the anger emanating from the screen.

And finally the kinks...holy shit the kinks.
All I have to say is that you are a god at descriptive literature, and the impregnation stuff was just...god im hard thinking about it.
The "hate rape" at the beginning was amazing, and when it was all said and done and it just kept going...and going...and going.
I honestly think this deserves award of the year for best clop story on fimfiction, everything is just so good.

serious 10/10 please write more stuff like this.
1+ like :pinkiehappy:
1+ fav :twilightblush:
1+ follow :yay:

Uh, didn't think I could actually blush from receiving a compliment on the internet... My cheeks hurt from smiling god dammit.
I mean thanks a lot for the praise, but I really don't think I deserve so much! :twilightblush:

In the end if I could make you that happy, it's the most important thing for me, so right now I'm on a little cloud. Gotta be careful to not let it go to my head though.
Crap I'm like gushing or something.

No but seriously thank you; as modest as I like to be your comment is a very welcome boost for my confidence to continue writing. And of course I'll keep at it, trying to get better. Will work on the sequel, on another story already started, and many others; comments like yours are the fuel to push me forward.

I'm sure I sound like a putz right now but fuck it, thank you again.

6234218 Don't feel like a putz! You really do deserve the praise!
Just continue writing awesome stuff like this and be safe in the knowledge that this story is trully one in a million for both clop and general story.

I think maybe my sexual preference may have created a little bias for this story, as I Love, Love, LOVE impregnation!
But I loved feeling the characters anger as they hate fucked each other as well!

Anywho, im rambling, you get on with your new story! I'll be anxiously waiting!

You know what is fun in this fic ? It is that reading it makes me lost my soul ! Yes indid !

So, trought the hard futa insect/incest clop, what comes out ? Galon of spunk, yes.
But I also find that there is a... How to say it ?... A terrifying precision. Yes.

I mean, the sirens sisters seems very IC for what I know. And it makes the whole thing more... Coherent.
You have succeded in establishing a coherent relationship and interractions between the characters and so, we are more implicated with what happens to them. And that's why that fic is dreadfull. Dreadfully good.

But for reading it... And wrost : enjoying it. You must have steel guts. But it worst the cost.

In short : hardcore xenomorphe clop and well writed and well developped characters.

Huzza to you.

Hooray for taking people's souls away and making them enjoy the process!

And the Dazzlings' personalities were really fun to toy with. They have a Three Stooges dynamic in the movie: the proud, the brute and the idiot. So playing around with them and making them interact with Chrysalis was a blast, I'm glad you liked it despite the dark setting.

Will write more about this happy murderous family!

6237999 This is definitively the Adams familly of clop. X)

6228356 *Deep and royal voice* Ahem, Thank you, kind sir but I would like to request that when you do the sequel to start off with sex, and end with a hot, messy, sticky orgasam. Thank you...:trollestia:

*stereotypical french chef voice*
You don't put the bread between two patties of meat! That's not a burger, it's an abomination! :pinkiegasp:
Same for stories: I put the gooey stuff between nice crisp buns of fluff, with a sprinkle of references and a a few slices of dumb jokes.
Or at least for this story line. I'll do a bouillabaisse of pure clop sometime.
Now I'll go twirl my moustache while I dunk my baguette into a glass of wine, but first I got to catch the mime that just stole my beret.

6240052 *Dick-head voice* You put an extra "A" :duck:
Also, for that comment, you just got a watch, a fav, and whatever else i can do.

I swear I want to write a story about a bunch of humans representing various stereotypes being sent to Equestria, but I know it will devolve into a shitfest of racism accusations and discussions about what can be used as a joke and what is true intolerance.
I have all the story in my head, and it's driving me nuts not being able to write it!

6240164 Just write it! Put it on google docs, I would. Set a link, and put a warning saying HEY, RACISM HERE!
It would make my day.

Awww, such cute little children.

Fair enough.
It seemed fun to me, having Sonata be her usual bubbly self except when she has "quality time" with Chrysalis, but if you dislike it I can understand.
The relationship between her and Chrysalis is not the healthiest, that's for sure, but they are both happy in their own twisted horrible villainous ways. The epilogue is a testament to that.
Hope you have enjoyed the story despite that!

PLEASE tell me Chrysalis bit Aria's wang off. The idea is just too good as a punishment and Aria knows she'd deserve it

We will come back to Chrysalis and her weirdo family after Loneling's adventures, don't you worry, and there might be a lot of biting involved. :pinkiehappy:

Well I had the comedy tag since the start, I didn't want a story too grim. I wanted the plot to go this way because I didn't see the Dazzlings as hapless damsels that would just give up, and I thought it was funny to have it turn into a weird dynamic between the four villains.

But I didn't know there were other stories that followed this structure, usually when I encounter a rape fic it stays dark as balls to the very end, I'm interested if you have some examples.
For research purposes of course...

Okay, whatever else I could say about this fic, Aria <)< Chryssi is now my favorite ship.

They just need someone to stop them everytime they try to kill each other. Double tsundere (if I understand that term correctly) be deadly.

6364327 Ah, I reckon Adagio would make a decent auspisitice.

“I do have another hole you could use…” Sonata sang, hiccupping again.
“You have enough difficulties breathing, I won’t…”
“I wasn’t talking about my mouth.”


Perfectly Insane

No offense to your story, but this is false. The sirens weren't ponies, there were giant dragon like creatures. They were banned to Earth as this form and turned human, even if their powers were lost they still wouldn't be ponies.

I never said the sirens were ever ponies before :twilightoops: On the contrary, I made it clear they didn't expect to be transformed into ponies.
My basis for this story is that when they lost their pendants they became regular humans, Twilight said so at the end of Rainbow Rocks. And since ponies are the equivalent of regular humans...
Saying my story is "false" is a little weird when it's pure fiction in every way possible.

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