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Woo, incest!
626434 My thoughts exactly. XD
Holllllly Hell man...
I... just..
626434 yep, it's another of MY stories. You don't like porn? Then zip it and leave. Thank you
626438 and same answer to you.
626445 came?
This will have to be read after work.
I think the Sex tag was enough warning about sexual content.
Also, character tags. Use them.
Yes, this was amazing!
It fucking works!
And to all the down voters: puu.sh/w0kN
...I just don't know what to think...I don't want to read it...but...i...ARGH! going in my read later box for when I'm not in a thinking mood
I was reading and enjoying this, until my mom came to my room to take my laundry..... I felt something inside me dying slowly....
626475 well it's not really SAFE for it
626515 I skipped character tags since it would spoil WAY too much. The image to the fic itself should speak of what to come...
626581 not worse than that time I was "going solo" to a flash loop of Pinkie getting tentacle raped and then my girlfriend walked inside my room...
Image to the fic itself should speak what to come
Character tags would spoil
"What the hell do you call THAT?"
"...the Aristocrats!"
No comment... honestly... I also plead the 13th (the Canadian version of the 5th Amendment of states)
626620 fic contains 4 characters. Image shows two.
I feel like a worse person for reading this, even if it was very well written.
Fantastic work! Keep it up.
I feel bad for masturbating to this... Is it bad that i had the best orgasm of my life just now? I don't regret any of it. But i'm still going to hell...
Haha awesome as always Soulhook!
I fucking support this!!!!!!
626880 sounds like somepony needs to clop. That's what I do when I get depressed
627202 I certainly will!
627247 the less you regret it, the further down into the pits of hell you go. Take my hand and let's go to the basement level
627281 all of my thanks!
627429 woop woop!
Very well written incest.
That was beautiful. Very well written.
soulhook....... you are awesome
you know you did too dont lie.
While reading this fic, I:
- Nearly cried
- Laughed like a maniac
- Suppressed barf
- Banged my head against a wall multiple times
I think you can probably guess by now that I like fics that shock me. And you did a damn good job.
I will not admit I clopped to this... I have standards... Wait... Damn it...
i dont like incest, i dont like how the farther took advantage of this etc BUT the way you write is fucking amazing, you have a talent at this and i hope you write more, hopefully based on normal pairings or something but wow man, i give you an A+ just for how good you are at this!
I really don't think you need to explain the whole last name thing. it really does not seem like family names exist. but that was good
Dat picture.
Dat... well, damn.
Well that's one more for the therapist.
I actaly enjoy incest... I'm going to pony Hell...
Well, don't we all feel a little closer after reading this. I'm not going to lie I clopped to this.
got purple, which really padded it out more than it needed, but otherwise, nice.
I wha....My penis be confused...
At first I was like this: i.qkme.me/3oxe5s.jpg
Then I was like this in the middle: 1.androidauthority.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Not-Bad-Obama-Meme2.jpg
And then, at the end: clean.alltheragefaces.com/img/faces/large/me-gusta-creepy-me-gusta-l.png
U mad, 626459
I'm not a full fan of incest, but this was very, VERY unique
Its was all good and nice until those stallions showed up! So keep it up i guess, vanilla sex is not quite my cup of tea.
You my good sir. are definitely going to hell.
But I wouldn't mind if you made a few more stories before you leave.
627788 It's not a matter IF I did it.... it's how many times
627940 keeps making me happy hearing such things
629003 I got a seat right here for ya
629502 best rainbow pic EVER!
630601 you just became one of my favorite persons for saying that
630624 that's alright, man. I'm fully aware I can't please everyone with my works. And I respect your opinion
628235 that comment is going up on my tumblr wall...
631009 and that's why I actually finished reading this, and changed my opinion.
If I dont look at it as Incest, it's a very well thought out piece of work. It may be weird for Twilight and the other three to be doing something like this, and I didnt think for a second that animals in our world dont succumb to this kinda thing.
I forgot that ponies are still animals, only intelligent.
SO I've decided to fave, and thumb this up instead of down.
Also because that Soulhook is a nice guy. He took my old opinion not to heart, but respected it. That actually takes more power to do, than to say you did. So kudos.
631048 thanks, I appreciate tolerant people like you
631067 What can I say? Sometimes, even in the heat of the moment, you gotta drop the shitty attitude.
I just dont wanna be "That guy" you know the kind? I dont think I need to explain it, but yes.
Faved, watching you now, and blah blah.
Now onto my own matters. I got chapter 4 of my own shit I gotta fix....ugh.
Even if I hate going back, sorta like backtracking in a video game, sometimes it's necessary get something you missed, like in my case, some dialogue needs tending, and this will reward me with better views if I fix these things....15 chapters....hoo boy. Part 2 is gonna be more fun after this is all done.
At first I didn't mind with the pairing
But then the twist in the middle? O_______________O
I love it!!! /)^3^(\
At first I was like (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Then I was like ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)
But in the end I was like HHHHNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGHHHHH!!! >//u//<
Thank you, I needed that
Keep up the good work
And to all the haters who down voted?
Don't judge if ya don't like
631084 I know that feeling. It's like when I go back to my old chapters of Ponyville's Lusts and edits them. I don't feel any nostalgia, only despair of seeing almost 10.000 words that needs re-reading
This was great! Very well written and just glorious!