• Published 26th May 2015
  • 7,297 Views, 79 Comments

H2O: Just Add Friendship - Burning Sunset

Leaving Canterlot after being expelled due to the Anon-A-Miss incident, Sunset finds herself in a new city where she will find new friends. When her old ones come looking for her though to apologize, will she even listen or stay with her new friends?

  • ...


“What do you want me to say? I fucked up! Okay! I get it!” Celestia sobbed out, her voice broken and slurred as she slammed the cheap bottle of beer down on the desk before her. Normally she wouldn’t be at school over summer break like this, but she needed to find and fix her greatest mistake. How could she have been so stupid in the first place?

“Yeah you bucked up! I left Sunset in your care, in the girls’ care, actually trusting that she would be taken care of instead of insisting that she come home with me when she said she felt she needed to stay here.” Twilight snapped out, hurt overpowering her anger as she was reminded of another incident where she herself was hurt just as badly by the pony counterparts of these people. And now these human versions have basically done the same to Sunset. And even if she did forgive the pony versions, this was opening old wounds making her wonder if maybe this was natural to this group, both ponies and humans alike. Was it worth trusting either group any longer? When it was just herself, the answer was yes, but now that she relied them to care for somebody very special to her? She just didn’t know.

“I’m trying to find her! I knew something was off, but what did you expect me to do? I overlooked things so much to give her a chance and this happened! The entire school was on the edge of a full blown riot where many would be hurt! I did the only thing I could and I don’t have to answer to you for it!” Celestia growled out, throwing the empty bottle at Twilight who just stood there unmoving while the bottle flew past her head making her hair fly out before shattering against the wall behind her. She knew she wouldn’t be principal much longer as she didn’t feel she deserved it and if that wasn’t enough the school board was trying to force her to retire. And if she didn’t retire she had no doubts they would just fire her.

“No, you just have to answer to yourself!” Twilight snarled, turning from the shell of a woman and stormed out of the office. After slamming the door she leaned against one of the lockers outside and sighed. She really should have tried harder to encourage Sunset to return to Equestria, but as much as she wanted to be selfish and force Sunset to, Twilight couldn’t do it in the end. She wanted Sunset to be happy, and she was happy here with the friends she made. At least she seemed to be until now.

“What am I supposed to do? I don’t know this world well enough to search for her on my own.” Twilight groaned out. She didn’t really want to ask the human versions of her friends as she wasn’t really on speaking terms with them right now. And after the recent altercation with the principal, just another added to many these past months, she didn’t feel very confident in the woman either.

“Why are you so desperate to find her?” A voice asked, startling Twilight. Turning she saw Luna standing there, at least this world’s version. Twilight didn’t really know the woman that well, but she seemed to be a lot different than her own Luna.

“Because it was my fault for not making her come home.” Twilight sighed looking up at the woman who gave a smile that didn’t seem to reach her eyes in the least.

“So, you are blaming my sister and your friends for what had happened?” Luna asked, arching a brow. When Twilight just glared at her, she sighed as her shoulders slumped. “Okay, yeah they are partly to blame. All of us are and I do want to find her.”

“Why do you want to find her?” Twilight asked, her glare softening.

“Because I love my sister and want to help ease her pain. She’s the best principal this school has ever had, but she isn’t perfect and she makes mistakes. I know that better than anyone.” Luna admitted, swallowing a little before continuing. “As much as I love my sister though, I just want to find Sunset and make sure that she is okay. If Sunset is happy where ever she is, I have no intentions of dragging her back her.”

“Good, because if she’s being dragged anywhere then it will be back to Equestria with me.” Twilight snapped.

“That’s fine if it is what she wants to do. The fact remains though that you know nothing about this world while I not only am the best around here with computers, I have the most resources to actually locate her.” Luna said, “Though it may take time, I am more than willing to help you in this endeavor.”

It took several seconds for Twilight to decide if she should accept help, before facepalming and asking, “You’re a gamer, aren’t you?”

For several minutes, Twilight’s only answer was a blushing, sputtering woman.


“I’m worried about my sister.” Cleo sighed as she sat at a booth at the JuiceNet nursing a juice while her two best friends sat across from her. She was a little shocked to see that not only were they acting like they were done fighting, but they seemed closer than usual. She was happy about it, but she was a little curious as to what happened. Her worry about her little sister though quickly pushed the curiosity out of her mind.

“Why, what happened?” Emma asked, sounding a little worried herself which Rikki didn’t blame her. It was no secret that Kim and Cleo constantly fought and sometimes they couldn’t even help wondering if Cleo even cared for her little sister.

“First she doesn’t give me grief or charge me for doing the dishes this morning, and then she heads out really early for her instead of watching her music countdown she never misses. She said she had to meet up with her friends, but I know them, they wouldn’t miss watching that either.” Cleo explained, leaving out the fact that after a few minutes after Kim left her dad mentioned he was worried to. Cleo had left to find Kim, but couldn’t find her at her normal hangouts so came to the conclusion that they may have been meeting up at one of her friend’s houses to watch it.

“Sounds to me like she might have a boyfriend.” Rikki said with a smile, though she was feeling extremely nervous. She had promised Emma she would tell Cleo about almost dying and living at the trailer park. She was thankful for this distraction, but doubted it would last long.

“Maybe, as long as nothing happens to her.” Cleo sighed.

“I’m sure she will be fine.” Emma smiled, “If you want we can all go look though.”

“No, I’m sure the little brat is fine. Just probably messing with me.” Cleo said, tough her friends wasn’t too sure about it. “What did you two want to talk about though, the text said that you really needed to talk this morning.”

“Well, I kind of have some things to admit.” Rikki said, looking around to make sure that they were still pretty far away from anybody. They picked this booth often because they could openly, if quietly, talk about their mermaid secret. As far as Rikki was concerned, this was to be just as big of a secret as if people like Miriam found out then things could end up worse. “You see, the reason I needed that reward money was to pay our rent and utilities up until my dad is expected to recover. They were going to evict us because they were behind so much.”

“Why didn’t you just tell us that?” Cleo asked in horror yet sympathy.

“Because I was afraid to tell you because then you would find out where I live. That I live in the trailer park.” Rikki explained, dropping her head to look down at her hands in embarrasement. She was surprised when Cleo took her hands.

“That’s why you are always so defensive of the place?” Cleo asked as pieces of the puzzle that was Rikki fell more into place as Emma hugged her from the side. After a slight nod from Rikkie, Cleo continued, “Rikki, we don’t care where you live as long as you are safe and happy. You are like a sister to us, we love you.”

“Thanks girls.” Rikki said, teary eyed as it seemed like they really did want was best for her. Rikki was relieved when Emma whispered to her, “Don’t worry about the rest, just drop it.” That way she wouldn’t have to upset Cleo even more as she was the most emotional of the group and didn’t want to burden her with that detail anyways. Only reason she was going to tell her at first was because Emma made her promise, but thankfully it seemed Emma was dropping that part of the promise and wouldn’t get any arguments over it.


“That was so AWESOME!” Kim cried happily as a now human Sunset and Kim laid on their backs looking up at the sky, a surfboard sitting several feet away. At first Kim wasn’t sure why Sunset wanted to come all the way to Mako for lessons, but after hearing that people would freak if they saw a mermaid give surfing lessons, she gave in.

“I actually wasn’t too sure what to do, I have no idea what I’m doing.” Sunset laughed, “Though I guess this is working, and I do admit it is nice to have someone to talk to.”

“It was fun anyway you looked at it. I just wish my sister cared enough about me to do this with me.” Kim sighed, having a deep suspicion of what Cleo was. While pissed at her sister for lying and hiding it, after hanging with Sunset even more steeled her resolve to help her sister for now and maybe confront her later.

It wasn’t that Kim hated her sister, but ever since her mother had left them several times for a separation lasting four to six months each time, the youngest Sertori was left with abandonment issues that made her lash out at her family. She believed it was better that she distanced herself from them so the inevitable heartbreak of them leaing her permanently wouldn’t hurt so much. And yet it had hurt very badly when Cleo ran away a few months ago. Thankfully she came home, though it made Kim think a lot and realize she missed the close relationship they once shared. Since then she had tried several times to be a better sister, but often gave up when Cleo always questioned her motives and turned her away.

Then came the shark attack, if it wasn’t for Sunset Kim was sure she would be dead right now. It made Kim really think about things and she came to the conclusion that there would be no more trying, she would be a better sister. She wouldn’t give up and she would make Cleo see the truth, though she wasn’t sure if she should confront Cleo about being a mermaid or not. She wasn’t completely sure if her sister was like Sunset, but she had a very strong suspicion that Cleo was.

“Are you sure me pulling the board slowly is good enough?” Sunset asked, referring to her basically towing the board slowly while letting Kim get used to the movement and practice keeping her balance. The waters were usually pretty calm at Mako for some reason unlike the mainland which was prime surfing.

“Yeah, I’m just a little worried about that shark or anything else. If I have someone like you with me protecting me though I know I’ll be fine.” Kim said, not admitting that what she really wanted was companionship since her friends dumped her. They thought she was being too soft and weak when she admitted that she worried about her sister. When she told them she was sick of their peer pressure to act like a bitch, they dumped her and told her not to come back unless she grew a backbone. Kim would rather have no backbone than act like them though.

“I can actually talk to them, you know.” Sunset admitted making Kim’s eyes bug out.

“Are you serious?” Kim asked in shock.

“Yeah, it’s kind of weird. I don’t think I’ll ever eat seafood again.” Sunset laughed, “Not that I liked it much to begin with.”

“I guess that’s why Cleo avoids it as much as she can.” Cleo admitted to herself.

“What was that?” Sunset asked, unsure of what was said.

“Nothing really, just thinking out loud.” Kim said, though she was getting more and more positive that she was right before. That Cleo was a mermaid.

Author's Note:

Heeeyyyy, quick question!? Should I pair Sunset up with somebody? Twilight? Rikki? Rikki and Zane, though I'm not too sure about that! Let me know below! :heart:

Comments ( 50 )

I've no shipping preference, go where the muse takes you I say.

I'm coming to really enjoy this relaxed Sunset Shimmer. Being a mermaid, discovering new variations of her old magic, being able to use magic again period, exploring what being able to live in the sea is like, and being in the relaxing setting is healing her spirit pretty well.

Twilight Sparkle gets shafted though, she had no hoof in any of that :fluttershysad:

I find it difficult to believe that she'd leave the setting so quickly even if she fully forgave all her old fair-weather friends. Heck, even if the event had never happened in the first place and she was on excellent terms with everyone, discovering a form of magic might be a, pun unintended, irresistible siren's call. At least for a little while.

Then again, Sunset Shimmer isn't like the others, she'd probably have valued the friendship above anything else. It's why she didn't return to Equestria after all, even though she had 'made things right' by the time of Rainbow Rocks.

I don't know much about the H2O setting, would she even be able to function well away from the sea? I get the impression she has irrevocably changed.

IF you want, my personal favorite is Twilight and Sunset. I actually know that hsow (because I was bored a couple of years back and the show actually didn't help, yet I still watched it) and I'm not sure if any of them is a good pairing for Sunset.

But then again, who am I to discuss love? Am 21 and still no girlfriend. Plus, I don't remember the show that good, so only take my first line seriously.

Story is surprisingly good. I didn't expect much, but it's surprisingly balanced. Hope to see more interaction between Twilight and the rest soon, but then again, the story focuses around Sunset.

Love this update, I'm surprised on how upset Celestia is, i mean i knew she feel bad, but seriously drinking and throwing a beer bottle even if she wasn't aiming for Twilight, if anyone finds out.
Celestia will lose her job no if or buts.
Hope she calms down if she wants to lose her job fine, but not before trying to fix things with Sunset some form of closure at least.

Understand how Twilight feeling, this does open old wounds, but at least they repaired the damage, Sunset however went thru far worst sadly.

Sunset made some terrible mistakes, and left her old world came to a new world and well you know what she did.
After made to see how she hurt others, she had reach a low point, even when the girls reached out to her, it wasn't easy.
she was hated, and she understood why, she felt this is what she deserved, in the second movie it showed that she felt she couldn't shouldn't try to bond with the group as they fought the Dazzlings till everything went bad to worst for them.
Even after straighten out the band and getting them to unite, and then later joining them, the look she had as she took the mike.
Showed she still wasn't sure she belong till they won and she became a member of the band, and finally felt she belonged.

She redeemed herself in front of the school and most of all redeemed herself in her eyes.

.....Then it all goes to into a fire and gets burned away to ashes!
Everyone hates her again, and worst yet her Friends those she loved and trusted turn their backs on her, after all they went thru they in the end assume she was guilty and left her alone abandoned, and heartbroken, that was bad enough then Principal Celestia expels...not suspend EXPELS Sunset!
Even if the school was about to Riot she could of just suspended her till a investagtion was done at least!
Talked to her let her know so she understand but, no she Expel her from the school choosing the easy way to me to settle things.
In way she BANISHED Sunset from school if not the city as this would ruined her name for good if not for the truth being found out.

So yeah she left the town the city her old life , from the betrayal she felt, and the trust that was broken.

I'm happy dispite everything she gone thru she made some friends or the start of friends, that she helping Friend Ship problems get solved and families as well.
She doesn't know it, but she already on a path to be a Princess as well still, Twilight would be so proud of her.

Oh as for pairings, so hard to choose but I say Twilight would be good. Thou how they meet up if she no longer lives in Canterlot, i wonder....hmmmm.

you know when I read about the comic, this was my first thought

"oh god it's A Canterlot Wedding all over again"

Poor Sunset! Four legs, then two, then two and a fish tail! Great chapter. I always get excited when the characters start putting the pieces together.

If its romantic shipping I'm not the go to griffon, but when it comes to character interactions, I think I can work some good ones.

Sunset and Merriam would clash like oil and water, since Merriam is basically old Sunset, the alpha bitch. Let Merriam remind Sunset about the old her and watch sparks fly!

Other then that, I can't see much in good character interactions between Sunset and the other cast members of H2O, ok, maybe let her mingle with the vandal gang or whatever their called, but that's about it.

You're wrong,you're forgetting one person:Lewis. Now hear me out. In the Rainbow Rocks novelization 'Sunset Shimmers Time to Shine',we find out that Sunset happens to be very good at math and science related stuff . Which makes since anyway, because Equestria magic itself is a very sciencey like discipline,seeing as how Twilight constantly does experiments with it. Not to mention,shes Celestias former student. I reallly doubt that she wouldnt have Sunset studying academically.Maybe she and Lewis could work together on firguring out the girls transformation. With her knowledge in magic and his academic mind,I think they could accomplish a lot. Also,I think that if you try hard enough,you can get good interactions for Sunset with everyone in the H20 cast. I think her interactions with Kim right now are pretty good,sort of like her seeing Sunset as a second big sister,yet with a child like awe,because well,she saved her from getting eaten by a SHARK! Of course she would think of Sunset as a savior.

Yay, a new chapter! :twilightsmile: I have no idea how I didn't see this before now :derpytongue2:

I think it's really nice to see the motives behind Kim's actions :twilightsmile: And there is supicion, much suspicion..... which in my viewpoint, is awesome :pinkiehappy:

6170800 I have several ideas, and personally my newest one is the one I'm leaning towards, but want to give everyone a chance to say if it's what they would enjoy reading. BTW, my newest addistion to the list is human Twilight after moving there with her family.

:pinkiehappy: Wow, I'm happy that you like how Sunset is acting. She wants to find peace and expected to do it from everyone, though she is learning that she can't do it alone, because she will never be alone.

Twily kind of did get shafted over the whole thing, though Sunset probably won't blame her too much over it. Unlike the others. I really do pity them.

The magic will be an irresistible siren's call, no doubt about that, but the fact that she will have a real place to call home will play an even bigger part in her decision on if she should stay or not.

Sunset will, and does value those she loves beyond anything else which is why she was hurt so badly by feeling as if those she loved stabbed her in the back. It will take a lot to get her to forgive them, but I seriously doubt she would ever forget what happened.

There are actually 2 ways that will play out as I have ideas for both. 1 where Sunset is irrevocably changed to the point she is no longer a normal pony and 2 where she may receive a power boost in Equestria if she ever returned or not be able to use her mermaid powers at all there.

No matter what though, Sunset will find happiness there. :yay:

6170813 Hmm, human Twilight or pony Twilight. So many decisions! :rainbowlaugh:

It's totally awesome that you enjoy the story, and Twily will interact with the girls more especially in a few more chapters when she won't have much of a choice. Hopefully they will be able to work things out between them, because when it comes to Sunset only 1 of them has a chance of actually being on good terms when and if they meet up. :heart:

6171246 Thankies! Celestia really does love her students like her own children which is why she hands out so many chances. Sometimes she can mess up though, especially during times of a lot of stress like Christmas. It's too bad that she let the superficial evidence convince her of Sunset's guilt instead of investigating it more, but if she did this story couldn't have happened. :raritywink: After all, needed a good enough reason for Sunset to give up on Canterlot so she could move on. :pinkiehappy:

I can't believe how good a reception I got over the similarities that I pointed out between the wedding and Anon~A~Miss shit. I was for sure I'd at least get a few people bitching saying I was cray~cray, but so happy I didn't. So yay! :yay:

Sunset did always have insecurities, but she finally came to believe she had those who loved her even if she didn't really have a real home. She will be getting a real home soon enough though! It's the reason it hurt her so much because she finally dropped the last wall around her heart and left herself vulnerable which crushed her when everyone turned against her.

Any yep, the banished thing was me trying to banish Sunset from the school just like she was banished from the castle in Equestria. Tried to make it somewhat similar, only this time instead of the mirror, Sunset ran from the city unsure of where to go or what to do. I'm sure she is doing really well and would be on the path of being a princess and alicornhood, though I'm not so sure yet if that is even a possibility for her anymore. Time will tell though! :pinkiehappy:

I already know how pony Twilight will meet with Sunset again, but I have a new possibility for the pairing. Which is better, human Twilight after her family moves there, or pony Twilight? :heart:

6171874 :rainbowlaugh: I thought the same too! :heart:

6172497 Thanks, Kim will solve the puzzle very soon. Though it's hard to tell who will discover the other first: Sunset discovering the trio, or the trio discovering Sunset. :raritywink:

6172629 I'm sure those two are going to have some serious problems with each other unless Sunset can convince her to change her ways. OH! Ideaaaaaaaaaaa!~:raritystarry: Thank you!

I actually thought about making the vandal gang her new lackeys, but in a good way. Probably not going to happen though, I must have been sick when I thought about that, damned cough syrup. :pinkiecrazy:

6173468 I haven't got a chance to read that yet, but when my fiancé and me get back from our honeymoon around the first, I plan to get it and hopefully a couple other books I've been wanting. Why is it our library never has good ebooks? :raritycry:

I always thought Sunset would be awesome with math and science being Celestia's student which means she had to be extremely gifted. And I'm sure both would be needed for advanced magic and theory meaning Sunset was probably taught a lot of those by Celestia and for the most part, I'd think it would be easy to translate it to Earth styles or Sunset would already be adept at learning it and soak in Earth's versions like a sponge. Now history, no body likes history. It's sooooooooooooooooooooo boring! :pinkiecrazy:

Oh wow, that's exactly what I was trying to go for, Kim seeing Sunset as another sister and kind of a substitute for the way Cleo and her used to be. Though things will get better between the two sooner or later. :pinkiehappy: I have plans for the main trio and Lewis, maybe even a little jealousy on Cleo's part until Sunset assures her she isn't interested in him. Hopefully it will all turn out to be awesome! :pinkiehappy:

6173663 Thankies! I like to think that Kim is nowhere as bad as she is portrayed, though she probably is for the canon. Still, she won't be for my story lol! :heart: There is a lot of suspcion, and soon things will be learned that can't be unlearned. People they never wanted to know will find out secrets they have been hiding, but nobody bad really! :pinkiehappy:

Gotta say, I need to watch the regular H2O series, but I do like the Mermaid Adventures animated show. Anyway, glad someone did a crossover with that, keep it up. :twilightsmile:

Rikki. Rikki. Rikki. Rikki. Rikki. x5000000000

Also :heart: this story

Yes, who would have thought it possible to cross over these two shows in such a sensible way? :pinkiegasp::rainbowkiss::heart:

So does this and some of your other works with AU sunset shimmer all form part of the same verse? (its hard to tell since none of the ones I've read are currently complete)

Anycase this is a pretty interesting story, I would never have thought this was a workable crossover but it seems to be doing nicely, I look forward to whenever you take it off hiatus.

I take it Luna was on Team Sunset(I like to think that there were some people who did not think Sunset was Anon I noticed a few people were absent from the cafeteria scene in the comic like Vinyl,Octavia,Flash,and Derpy so I am believing that they belived Sunset so I made up a little group called Team Sunset or the people who don't think Sunset is Anon)considering how friendly she was with Luna. In fact it seems to me in a lot of these stories Luna seems to think Sunset is NOT anon well whenever she is in the story that is. In fact in one story which is the now cancelled Apoligies Are Not Enough by SadisticFluttershy Flash believes Sunset and even saves her from getting beaten into a bloody pulp from some vengeful students. Who knows hopefully Hasbro will do a continuation on the holiday special because I am interested to see if Sunset questions her friends if not the entire schools trust and a bunch of drama unfolds.

I really like how this crossover blends and contrasts two different types of fantasy. While Equestria is very much high fantasy,because you couldn't walk one inch without finding something obviously magical. There are wizards,mythological creatures, citizens using magic for everyday life,and spell duels of all kinds. Their magic tends to be flashy.

H20,on the flip side,is an urban fantasy,where while magic DOES exist,but it's a lot more subtle and difficult to find if you're not specifically looking for it. It's more hidden and people don't realize it's there most of the time.
I like urban fantasy,it's one of my favorite genres of literature,which is why the Mercy Thompson series is one of my all time favorites.
I wouldn't like it if it turns out the moon pool was caused by Equestrian shenanigans because I feel it takes away from Earth having it's own type of magic that's different,yet the same.

Did Sunset move to Australia or have you transplanted the city and Mako island to America for the purpose of the story?

Please more!!!

I would have twilight punch one of the girls or dragon back to equestria to get buck back through the portal.

At first Kim wasn’t sure why Sunset wanted to come all the way to Mako for lessons, but after hearing that people would freak if they saw a mermaid give surfing lessons, she gave in.

:rainbowlaugh: Indeed. :derpytongue2:

Very nice work, hope you get back to it eventually.

That two events in each world where characters had a hard time trusting each other.

Equestria world:

Lesson zero.

The main cast thought twilight was being foalish for worrying over a friendship report

After they promised to always considered her thoughts the canterlot wedding happen.

Equestria girls:

The girls didn't even give each other the benefit of doubt when sunset spilt them up.

And with Anon-a-miss the girls didn't take their lesson well.

this story is fantastic I can't wait for the next chapter :pinkiehappy:

How long till next chapter feat story

:twilightsmile: nice work and yeah twilight and make her a mermaide too:twilightsmile:😇

want to c more love story

Return to us and give us more

This story is dead. Hasn't been updated in two years. I think the rules mean that this story is up for grab now. Even if the author says no. I think the only way for the no to be creditable if three chapters are put up within one week of someone taking over the story.

That kinda sucks ass right there. Anyone up for it? I would but I don’t know anything about EQG or H2O.

I know a lot about the two series. For Equestria Girls all that is require knowledge is my little pony friendship is magic season 1-3 season 1&2 both have 26 episodes. Season 3 has 13 episode.

Equestria Girls movie 1 here.

MLPFIM season 4 26 episodes
Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks

And the Anon-a-miss holiday comic.

The h2o is not the original series which was live action. The one feature in the story is the Netflix animated version called H2O Mermaid Adventure which I do know a lot about the original and the anime remake. If you have any questions I'll be glad to answer them by PM

Send me the stuff about anon-I-miss the rest I’ll binge. Though fore worning I’m not that great at writing a coherent story.

Comment posted by Rainfall_Burst deleted Oct 6th, 2018

I hate being "that guy" but is this story canceled or on indefinite hiatus?

Hey, is this dead?

Sadly time has said f you will never get to this

What about adopting it?

My schedule is to hektic to try I really want and tried but nothing came of it.

Still, wait for next chapter.

this is going on my tracking

(Heeeyyyy, quick question!? Should I pair Sunset up with somebody? Twilight? Rikki? Rikki and Zane)
i personally like sunlight ships

“I guess that’s why Cleo avoids it as much as she can.” Cleo admitted to herself.

Should probably be Kim, maybe?

It's an interesting story and has me hooked. Would love to see more.

Please more I can’t stop reading it PLEASE

This, was surprisingly good, like really good... I wasn't a big fan of h2o tho I watched most episodes, and the way you've made sunset seamlessly a part of their world is really good, and I like hearing bout angry twilight

I got into this story. If you watched H2o Mermaid Adventures, would you sign this and share with friends to get this on dvd?

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