This story is a sequel to Rainbow Unicorn: Friendship is Magic
Rainbow Burst (a unicorn version of Rainbow Dash and student of Princess Celestia) get two tickets to The Grand Galloping Gala. Except she doesn't want to go because she finds the whole thing boring. Maybe it won't be so bad if she has a friend with her. Turns out that they all want to go. What is she to do?
This chapter made me wonder something, has anyone pointed out similarities between Rainbow Burst and Twilight Comet in this story, and the G1 characters, Moonstone and So Soft Twilight?
Question about the mane six cutie marks, are they the same as in canon or different in this AU? Twilight's and Rainbows cannon mark are related to magic and weather/flying, so I am imagining they are reversed in this story? Look forward to seeing were you go with this AU.
5627167 Rainbow Burst and Twilight Comet have different cutie marks, the others have the same ones from canon.
Hellz yes! Not surprised to see Rainbow Burst pushing herself too hard. Hopefully somepony can just put Applejack in touch with somepony who can sign off on her having a small concession stand selling apple appetizers (Appletizers?) at the beginning, instead of wasting her entire time there trying to drum up sales. Hay, I hope that most of the flops involved in canon can be avoided here.
5627298 Oh, don't worry. This going to become... very different
Looks good so far. Can'r wait for Chapter 4 to see what happens next!
That was a really nice chapter, but there a couple of times where your forgot to capitalise the "I"'s...
This chapter is really great
Nice chapter, but there's a very minor that you may want to edit.
That should be "friend's".
Good story.
I think you're getting better. Liking this a lot so far.
Damn Blueblood is a moron
that blueblood deserves jokes heavier >:c
Nice chapter, but I found two minor things you may want to edit.
That should be "Blueblood's".
And that should be a question mark. Also, I was really hoping the Rarity would kick Prince Ballsless in the "Royal Jewels".
Oh, dear. I think Rarity just got a sledgehammer taken to her dreams of dear Prince Blue-brainless.
Well, at least her sense of humor is intact.
Too bad nothing came of this. All in all, you kept the character well inside the role of Rarity's foil.
Now I wonder if you're also going to incorporate having Rarity and Blueblood make up by the time of "Sweet & Elite" ^^
Ah, Blueblood, you entertaining moron. Never that it remains highly easy to mock you.
Nice chapter, but there's a very minor error in it.
Flowershy is... The Beastmaster.
ShiningxCelestia, huh?
Why hasn't this ship set sail yet?
5723324 Wrong brother/princess combo
Yeah, this could cause a whole lot of trouble for Shining if Twilight found out.

5723324 I think he meant Celestia had an appetite for 'McDonalds'. (Big Mac). Shining is clearly hooking up with Luna.

BIG MAC!!! You got some explainin' to do!!!
5723393 FIMFiction: Let the Silence Sing

...Well, that answers my question...
Nice chapter, but there's one spot where you forgot to capitalize the start of a sentence.
Oh Blueblood...

You poor, poor, poor fool of a stallion...
And if Rainbow doesn't get you...
*Pulls out multiple prank devices, ranging from pies, hot sauce, etc.*
Then I will...
"Picked up his face"?
Shouldn't that be "picked up his pace"?
Nice chapter, but there's one little thing I noticed that you may want to edit.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but that should probably be "matter".
5727310 Nope, Blueblood was so shocked that his face actually fell off

Well at least you did one thing right even if this may possibly be non-canon to your story. Assuming the Alicornification happens; it has always annoyed me a bit when people go the not-immortal route without any real mention of proof behind it. There have only been two known alicorns for so long that there is really little way to tell if the new ones are immortal or not until they actually reach old age. The better stories at least give a good reason why they aren't or show them at the end of thier lives as proof.
What does Shining Armor have to do with this?
5731960 Massive typo. He popped into my head several times when I was writing this chapter for some reason.
Doubt it.
That's, actually very clever, it foreshadows Sonic Rainboom a bit better than the show did, even if it is a good episode, or, as it will probably be called "Twilight Starburst", but this is an interesting foreshadow.
What are they planning? Because this feels way too awkward.
What would they look like? I can imagine Rainbow's being Twilight's but with a Rainbow color scheme, but, Twilight's?
That might actually work, just ask politely, and I'm sure she'll say yes.
That's, a useful trick.
This. Just this. This is funny. Have a cookie. Also, don't you mean glanced?
Smart way to try and get the ticket without being too obvious..
Wise choice of words.
I see...
Oh dear.
Oh that is genius.
Perhaps he does, after all, he may be arrogant, but he's shown no signs of being an idiot. A jerk, yes, but not an idiot last I checked.
With that attitude? A LOT of doubt.
Wait, you're serious?
She's got a point.
Scary thing is, she would do.
it better be, for your sake.
I see.
Fait enough.
In the eternal words of TFS Trunks "Dammit!"
Would the Princess Celestia thing be fore cute or smart? Because beautiful and wise seem more fitting for Sunbutt.
As usual.
Then comes Cadence.
Shining Armor gets all the mares.
I can only imagine
Just wait until they offer her some escargot
Blueblood is doomed
Because it's funny.
Wonder how long before it clicks? Also, barely known now, but it's the place where Nightmare Moon was beaten, well, technically it was Everfree, but, it's also gonna be the place where Discord will get sealed, then reformed, the place where Rainbow will ascend to Alicorn, the future place where there will be the Castle of Friendship, and the place where Tirek will get sent back to Tartarus.
I so wish I was there.
Oh dear.
You are magnificent, Luna.
Take a wild f*cking guess.
Oh yes it will.
This sounds hilariously bad.
Ie, poorly.
Helpless, Angel, sure, let's, go with that.
Rainbow, Pinkie is the pronker, not you. But, yeah, I sense shenanigans.
I would pay to see that, no joke. Also you double spaced between in and streamers.
Oh god. What now?
Smart mare.
And it clicks. Oh this will be good.
Wise move.
You thougth she was a maid before she could say anything. And don't tell me you're racist against Earth Ponies, please.
You're, not very Genre Savvy, are you?
Most likely.
Congratulations on using flora and fauna correctly! Few there be that can do so!