• Member Since 20th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 26th, 2020



First feature · 5:03am Sep 22nd, 2017

Dear Fimfiction

I honestly never expected to return. I wasn't even reading much over the course of the past few years, who could blame me? College came and I was bogged down with life, whether readings, my mental health, and lots of shit happening.

Needless to say I came back, and this was spurred partly by B_25's year ago comments on being inspired to write SpikeDash partly because of an old fanfic of mine.

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Comments ( 47 )
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Miss ya, buddy.

Hey thanks for favoriting my story, I REALLY appreciate it and I'm glad you liked it :twilightsmile:

Does "dear twilight" have a sequel?

Comment posted by MoveAlongMk2 deleted Feb 7th, 2016
  • Viewing 43 - 47 of 47
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