This story is a sequel to Mending Souls: What's in My Heart
We all know Kibou's story and what his life is like, but what about the other Chaos child? Flitterbee may be just a pony, but she is determined to prove that she is still Discord's daughter and by no means weak and helpless. However it's this mindset and her stubbornness that lands her in a whole lot of trouble.
Rating may change to T...still deciding
Awwwwww this chapter it's so cute
First, sorry I didn't review the first chapter--I had been reading it late at night and had to go to sleep. However, remember that it has to be really good fanfiction or an author whose work I really like in order for me to stay up super late to read. And in this case, you're both, and this story is no exception. I was really curious about Flitterbee, and I just realized that you made her cutie mark a tornado of bees and that's she's yellow with a black mane (not her tail, but still).
How did I not catch that earlier?!? (Also, I love that cutie mark for her. Someone should do a commission of that, I'd love it. I think I saw someone is doing one of adorable little Kibou?)
And one thing I always love about your stories...No matter how many offspring or OC's you add, you still always go back to the fluttercord.
Yeeeeeeeeesssss. That's always what reels me in, baby!
But yes, I love how you decided to tell Flitterbee's story. I always was curious about her in the third part of the series. I love Kibou to pieces, I really do (because he's sweet like his mother--not to say that Flitterbee isn't, but still), but Discord with his little girl is ~so cute~! I loved this sentence and the way you described Discord's eyes:
What a great piece of imagery there. There's another commission that I'd buy! That right there, I can just SEE Discord's eyes looking at his baby girl. Ugh, so cute. And you still make it pretty believable too, because there's still plenty o' chaos.
Love love love love LOVE it!
Oh, yes, and 2) Do you prefer my reviews on this site, or fanfiction? I'm on here more often, but I do have an account, as you know, to get my stories more available to the public and would be happy to review you there should you wish it.
5287399 Thanks tater and yeah that's why I originally designed her that way, I added the white tail cause I wanted her to have both mom's n dad's features. Also the commission is for both Kibou and Flitter so you will hopefully get to see them. I'm super excited and grateful that the aritist is doing this for me and can't wait to see them lol.
5287399 I just finished reading the rest of your review and either way you want to review works for me. Which ever if easier and more available to you. I always post on fanfiction first because I don't have to go over and re-edit as much as here, but I'm going to try and keep them updated at the same rate. So whichever you prefer you know I always love your reviews thanks again!
I love the teasing romance too, it's always so cute!!! And perfect. And just "YEEEEEEEEEEESSSS".
I also love what you did here. I love how you have emphasized how both parents are important to her and are a part of her. You may be writing how much of a daddy's girl she is, but she obviously loves and respects her mother, shown by the talk they have about her singing. Not only that, but you show she has some of her mother's traits as well, like loving animals and having a talent with them, as well as a little shyness in some things (though obviously not nearly as much, haha). You've got a very well-balanced, beautiful Chaos family. I think it'd be kind of awesome to see a little more Kibou and Flitterbee too. I know they're close, but with Kibou around his fiance so much, I wonder if Flitterbee ever kind of misses him? Or maybe they're just as close? I'm just curious.
Also, I normally don't point out these things, but when Fluttershy says it's just a phase, you spell it "faze". It should be "phase". Darn the English language and all those words!
Great job as always! *squee*
5291105 omg.... I can't believe I did that lol oh i'm so ashamed . Oh n don't worry I'm going to have a moment with kibou later too she's still very close to her brother even if theyre so different from one another. I'm glad you liked the chapter ty
5291847 Ashamed of what? The typo?? I do those all the time. Not only that, but remember the part in my first chapter of My Little Draconequus where I have Discord bash up a bunch of instruments on the moon? I said at first that he enjoyed the twang of the cords breaking, but guess what?
They were jazz brass instruments, like a saxophone. They don't have strings.
And I'm made plenty of other errors, so yeah. Just shrug your shoulders, say "Oh well", and move forward! March!
Pfffft I don't know what I'm doing anymore.
I loved this so much, so so Much. And having Little Hope in the game is even better! The dream was so vivid, I can't wait to see what it means...and how Flitter may play into all of this. Maybe she will show a little bit of her own strength? And I loved the Element version of Rock Paper Scissors! Brilliant. And Discord stuck watching Fluttershy...I anticipate lotsa fluff! Squee!
Before I do anything at all, I gotta respond to this.
[quote"Great...just what I need...another Fluttershy, ow!"]BEST. THING. EVER.
He would so do that, romance or friendship! That made me smile so much. Thanks for that! It cheered me up, so much stuff in the news lately...
What I always love about your stuff is its warmth. It always warms my soul, and every time I see an update I know I can sit back, relax, and expect something cute to happen, but not without its struggles. You do a good job of mixing it, but you haven't been repetitive. I love what's happening here, and that Flitterbee's problem is pretty much the exact opposite of what her brother's was...and her father's. And instead of having one pony interested in her...Two! Though DL seems to be taking the spotlight here...Hm...
YES!!! SIBLING LOVE!!! YEAH!!!!!! Makes me think of me and my brother! Loved the lullaby, and I just love that he still plays with her and loves her bunches even with a fiance now, and everything. I just love the importance of family and how you highlight that, with Discord being a freaking adorable father, goodness gracious.
And I can see why the wait took a while. That was a really long chapter! And I loved every word of it. Your writing and grammar just keep getting better and better. Be proud of yourself, okay? You've been doing fantastic and continue to do so!
5346859 aww thanks your reviews always make me smile and feel better. I love that you write such long reviews I'm glad you enjoyed it. Although the next chapter wont be out until sometime next month since I'm creating several Fluffy Fluttercords for the holidays
Thanks again Tater I'm glad to have a loyal reader like you btw did I tell you that I'm translating LOP into a real novel?
5347756 I'm glad you enjoy my long reviews, they're always my favorite when I get them, so I give them when I can. And yes, you did tell me about the novelization of it! Are you working on that now as well?
5349907 yes I am, I've gotten the first two chapters written and I'm working on ch3 whenever I get a chance'M SCARED!
Is Flitterbee gonna be ok?
Oh my gosh! What about Kibou or Discord?
Oh Fluttershy?
Oh dear! I'm really, really, really scared about whats going to happen!
Btw great chapter! I love it and can't wait for the next one! :)
It is quite obvious now who the villain is. I think this will be interesting.
I'm also curious what the powder will do to Flitterbee. I can't figure out the villains plan now, which makes it even more interesting. Just can't wait to see what will happen.
Cant Wait For The Next Chapter
5590883 thanks sorry it took so long.
Btwyour name reminded me of something. Have you ever seen this cartoon called 6teen?
5591001 Yeah I Used To Watch It All The Time Btw Don't Apologise About A Late Chapter Id Prefer A Late Chapter Thats Great Then A Quick Chapter That Bad
OMG!! I'm so scarred!! What's gonna happen?!!!?!
Btw good chapter
No!!! Fluttershy!! Discord!! Flitterbee!!!! AWWWW!!
How I felt at the end of this chapter....
Great chapter! Can't wait for you to update this and Las pegasus!
Research = "no idiot ball for me, thanks!... Maybe later..."
OH MY GOSH THIS IS AWESOME!!! I'm squeeling and jumping around in excitement! I found myself crying quite a few times lol! Great chapter! I loved how Fluttershy is protecting Kibou and I loved Discord's fight with the changelings!
Great job! I can't wait for Celestia to come and help for once in her life lol! Keep up the good work
YYYEEESSS! OH THIS IS AWESOME! I LOVE IT! WAS THE MOST EPIC THING I HAVE EVER READ IN MY LIFE!!!!! IT WAS AWESOME AND I WAS SQUEELING AND FREAKING OUT!! OH I LOVE THIS!!....wait....theres gonna be a surprise in the epilogue?....oooohhh! Me excited!!......UGH! WHY CANT I LIKE A STORY MORE THAN TWICE!!....this is just....*sniffles* beautiful! *starts sobbing* YOUR AWESOME ATOMICPUFFIN!!!!
I must say this was very AWESOME!!!!!
Great job!!! Can't wait for the surprise, but I'll be sad when it's over . You have done an amazing job and you deserve way more likes on this story than you have!!!
My goodness this is aewsome! I am sad this series is over. I'd like to see another book but all good things must end. I love that video. You are awesome! Cant wait to see what other stoeies you will be working on. MS Out
You are an amazing writer, and this series was amazing.
Whenever I read Mending Souls, which is often, I cry every time Discord "dies".
Real emotional tears.
Your stories are so amazing that they trigger real emotions and take the readers on a field trip to Equestria.
Only amazing writers can do that.
Keep writing amazing stories (i'll keep reading them.)
9001 thumbs up /)
( why its "thumbs up" instead of "hooves up", i'll never know.)
Perfect ending to an awesome story.
It was so sweet and funny.
YES!!! THAT WAS SOOOO AWESOME !!! I love how Flitter totally dodged the question! Fluttershy and Discord never get old and you do a amazing job writing them!!!
This is such a beautiful series! I love it and your awesome Atomicpuffin! Thank you so much for these good stories and the FlutterCord!
noooo! It ended!
Anyway, great story!
NOOOO!! FLITTER YOU TOOK THE BAIT! And you could have easily have made this situation easier for you and your family if you had chosen your words better!!!!! For example, you could have gotten the same thing if you wished that "I wish that I had magic LIKE my father's." Instead, when you wished that you wanted your father's magic, you TOOK AWAY Discord's magic and it was thus transferred to you. So now that fairy chick can come and invade your home and you are going to have trouble controlling your magic while your brother is left to defend everypony!
But the story is amazing I am lovin it
Now ONWARD! To the next chapter! Chaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgeee!
Hooooooooooo boy the suspense
This was a great chapter
YASSSSSSSSS! This is another fantastic chapter
Now, *Dons armor*
NO DON'T END IT! please make another one, you have five stories on my five stars list!
6309730 thank you that means a lot to me, but every good series has to come to an end and this one has reached its limit.
plus I'm not writing fanfiction for this fandom anymore (explained in my blogs) so there wouldn't be another book either way I'm sorry.
6310267 it ok, I found the blog after I had read all of the stories, felt kinda stupid after I read the blog and completely forgot about the comment!
I love this series!!!!
Fluttercord with fluff galore!
If this is the last story in the series, I am going to cry!
6490279 I'm sorry *hands box of tissues*
How DARE you make me feel?!? How dare you write all these awesome stories and make me feel! How dare you ship these two so well! HOW DARE YOU!!!
I like it, don't stop!
6944441 lol I'm sorry for making u feel so hard. N also I'm sry to say that there won't b anymore for this fandom ( w/ the exception of my anniversary special.) But I hope you'll check out some of my other stuff on fanfiction n wattpad!
Also (shameless plugging ahead) be sure to check out my blog about my YouTube channel n send in any questions you may have n want to know about me.
I've loved reading this series so much!! I even prefer it to Bride of Discord/Daughter Of Discord & that is truly awesome too can you tell me how old Kibou is at the end of this story (when he's getting married) how old Storm is & Flitter? I'm just a little confused as I'm sure I read in the last story Kib was 14 at the end & Flitter was 8 yet Discord said to Flitter "in the 18 years since you were born"