• Published 17th Jun 2014
  • 2,643 Views, 558 Comments

TiM: Price of Victory - Twidashforever

TiM: #6 At what point does the cost of victory exceed the price of defeat? When would it be preferable to simply have lost?

Comments ( 76 )

Love you man :heart::rainbowwild::pinkiehappy:

Twidash on!

Let me first say this is my first time ever posting on this site. With that said I have loved this story ever since I first stumble upon it. Honestly I wouldn't worry about what up votes or down votes you get on your stories just do what you love to do. Though I do hope you start the new story for TiM sooner than later.

Taz!... Until he possesses somepony. Then it will be... Thrakerzod, destroyer of Twilight Sparkle!

Will we hear more about Dayspring Gleam?

Oh yes, he will be back.

That's hilarious!


Thanks for the posts! You all mean so much to me I can't even begin to tell you. I'm glad you enjoyed the story and hope you continue to read them going forward.

Honestly, I've read this from the first story to the last, and I've loved every bucking one of the stories, particularly "Firestar's Report" so that's a thing. You've done such a great job on this series that if you quit it, I might actually have to fund a legit memorial for it's eventual and very untimely death. This series has so very much potential that if it were to be stopped over some trolls and haters, I'd be a very confused koala (Don't ask). But very nice job on this series and I continue to look forward to more of the TiM series.

P.S. Other stories are going to be looked into, also, expect a bit more from me in matters of writing, I've got input sometimes that might actually be helpful! :D keep doing what your doing, you'll go far!

-Rain Shaker

5297563 Well in the Mentally advance series where Taz is, he possess Sweetie Belle and is named Thrakerzod, and the entire time is trying to kill Twilight Sparkle to take her soul that was signed/bet/dealed/gambled away to him xD

cant wait for the others this is my favourite ship yet

Amazing! big twist with Day Gleam as well, but reading the authors notes it doesnt sound like your gonna make a move on it...or the mystery in the moon...or FireStars children...or Twilights child that can negate her magic...or Rainbow Dash's hoof!


Oh no, I am continuing the story. I'm just taking a break.

The A/N was more or less just me bitching and moaning... I was worried about doing that but it was my chance to speak my mind sorta speak. Also to let you know why I'm going back to shorter stories.

That way even if they are hated on, i'll be done with it in two or three months tops. (I won't have to look at it for five months going what the hell did i do wrong.)

5297597 color me interested, I'll follow you to see what you do.

And I'm always open to any advice or ideas others have. They do help a lot!


it was a friend who recommended the name, she played me a short clip and I found it quite funny. (Never watched the whole thing though) I thought I would use it simply as a call out.


this is quite the amazing story, and series I might add. i really really enjoyed all of it. though you broke my heart in every story, these are probably some of the best stories i've read on fimfiction. Probably the best series I've ever read too. it's been quite the journey that i've thoroughly enjoyed reading. thank you. :twilightsmile:


If I did it right, I made you laugh, cry, happy, sad, angry, and joyful.

In the end, I just hope I left you with a smile on your face.


I'm starting to worry I'm too much like M. Night Shyamalan lol

Well, hopefully I'm not that bad :)

Twi, remind me to proofread this if I don't get to it by next weekend, would you please?

5302307 will do, Did you read it yet?

Wow.... :twistnerd: twisty!
I love it! A satisfying conclusion to a great series part.

Twidash is love. Nightaxia is life.


and I just finished writing the Nightaxia story :)
7k words before edits

5311845 I might actually read this one! I don't normally read clop.


They just... they just deserve it for lack of a better term lol.

How did you like the ending? I assume You finished ch 20.

5311921 There was an occasional cliché, but it was made up for by everything else catching me off guard. Fey though... awesome.


I worried I was a bit to obvious with him lol.


5300022 you have succeeded in doing so

You might be pleased to know that TiM: Later that Night is done! i have everything ready to go, just waiting on my editors and dec 1 to post it.

I think it came out fan-fucking-tastic to say the least.

their way, it approached her

Either put a period there, or use "approaching

The sheer velocity her group was travelling

With the sheer velocity

fire at them; Night did not

comma instead of a semicolon.

dragon fire; the very fire that burned with enough heat to kill other dragons; creatures that

Both semicolons should be commas.

as the Demigoddess of Magic, Shimmering Night; the pony who commanded magic itself, commanded it to be as such

as Shimmering Night, the Demigoddess of Magic, The pony who commanded magic itself, declared it to be such

She felt it, there was no logical reason

she felt that, even if there was no logical reason

(and remove the "but" after the comma at the end of this bit of the sentence)

Twilight Sparkle felt it too

comma before "too"

simply nodded, even with

Period instead of a comma.

and they had dealt to

and that they had dealt

The dragacorn and the mare, try as she might, Night was unable to merge the two of them.

The dragacorn and the mare, try as she might, could not be merged in her mind.

her scream carried with it


(Regardless of what may have actually occurred, that was what Ataxia felt.)

Did you mean to leave this? Because it feels out of place.

at that moment, for, at that time, all that mattered

at that moment; for now, all that mattered

daughter had come from, Night never before

Period instead of a comma.

came out, she tried a

Probably a semicolon here.

Shimmering Night, the Demigoddess of Magic she may be,

Shimmering Night may be the Demigoddess of Magic, but

seeing a creature the size of Ataxia move that fast. She had not been expecting that.

seeing a creature the size of Ataxia move that fast was very unexpected.

daughter’s life, to Shimming Night; Rainbow just

Switch the comma and semicolon around

in a sphere of purple magic. A much larger version of the one

in a sphere of purple magic, one much larger than the one

friend’s name again, after everything she

friend's name again, not after everything she

years ago, then

Period instead of a comma.

As she did not

Don't need "as"

after we were last together; but it doesn’t matter now, whatever happened, happened

after we were last together. But it doesn't matter now; whatever happened, happened.

what I say, and regardless what any of us do

regardless of what I or any of us say or do

(also, everything between "do" and the comma is unnecessary.

her like this. Her head propped

comma, not period.

the night reverent


Princess Shimmering Night, remove Ataxia’s power

Colon, not comma.

remove Ataxia’s power right this second, or I will kill your sister.

Hey, revenant. Aren't you forgetting something about Night?

(also, I figured Fey was related to Grim Night, just not Grim himself. Partial credit?)

that power, after

Semicolon, not comma.

I lead him to believe


he actually succeed. Knowing that you

comma, not period.

mind bulked at the


I'd hope her mind wouldn't bulk...

foal, it held her

Don't need "it"

bitch!” Fey tried to counter

Meant Grim, no? Might want to search for that to make sure you aren't accidentally using "Fey" after Grim revealed himself.

will verses his own


but there was a catch, he could not just steal Ataxia’s power

but the catch was that he could not just steal Ataxia's power

this situation, Ranging from

unnecessary capitalization.

by centimeter. Only leaving

comma, not period.

at a time. Until it formed

comma, not period.

to being with


Night saw it when she looked up in the sky. At that moment, the first of the meter showers started, as the debris from Rainbow breaking the moon reached the planet’s atmosphere.

1 month for that to reach the atmosphere? That's a little too long, don't you think?

For you will not be here to see it.

needs an endquote.

‘finite’ being a relative term in this situation

'finite' was a relative term in this situation

at that moment he simply ceased to exist.

just need "ceased to exist". "Simply" is okay if you really need it.

off so lucky, her body took

Period, not comma.

Dayspring Gleam turned and ran down the hill. Part of him hoped he would run himself to death, a death stolen from him by that accursed revenant.

I guess Dayspring is pretty much even less than a pony since he has no inherent magic, right?

Or did Night only take Grim Night's magic and what he had accumulated?

(Speaking of, Ataxia still has her magic, right?)

it off, well; she shrugged

switch the two marks.

well mostly gone

well, mostly gone

Almost as if, she simply

don't need the comma.

of sense, being everything that

Given, not being.

how to undue


How'd you do this one?

much so, that Night learned

period, not comma.

Night learned simply to not bring it up, it only seemed to

Night learned to simply not bring it up because it only seemed to

little different though,

little different, though.

part immediately, if her

period, not comma.

Regardless what that might mean.

Regardless of what that might mean.

front right hoof fell numb

front right hoof went numb

It’s been a while since she last had any and you need to take it easy.”

"last had any"? Unless I'm forgetting something from Best of Intentions, Night hasn't dated at ALL. The most she'd "had" is her own hooves! And/or a vibe at best!

Given that she was still recovering

Granted, she was still recovering.

of ponies, or griffins for this matter,

ponies' or griffons' anatomy.

I get what you're doing, but it's better to not include "for that matter".

real fear of, still

semicolon, not comma.

Radiant smiled, regardless how many times she said it; regardless how many

Radiant smiled. Regardless of how many times she said it, regardless of how many

lightly stroke her


fell asleep, he thought

Period, not comma.

’ He started thinking of ways he could use one of his wife’s bedpans without waking her up.



of the forest, she was looking

period, not comma.

Everfree was simple, everything bad

colon, not comma.

this place, so

semicolon, not comma

in the first place, no pony

period, not comma.

They told her, they told her


no so much

not so much

she had needed too at all


This patrol, like so many before it would

If you're going to have that comma there, there needs to be another after "it" to close off the extra bit.

personal best, with her babysitters

and with her babysitters

Luna knew better, her memories

semicolon, not comma.

down Twilight’s mane. Noting with a smile as her hoof ran though a few sections that had become matted and a little sticky

down Twilight's mane, nothing with a smile a few sections that had become matted and a little sticky

them, that was

it smelt of them, and that was

Rainbow smiled, she

Period, not comma.

thought about it, she supposed

Period, not comma.

can limit your choices, but, in the end, it is, and always will be your decision

can limit your choices, but in the end it is, and always will be, your decision.

What, no mention of me in that big wall o' yours? :derpytongue2:

Ataxia's magic is still there.

Or did Night only take Grim Night's magic and what he had accumulated?

She commanded the magic that made up grim to leave it's host. Day's magic was left behind.

"last had any"? Unless I'm forgetting something from Best of Intentions, Night hasn't dated at ALL. The most she'd "had" is her own hooves! And/or a vibe at best!

She's been celibate* for over a year. (That's about to change)

What, no mention of me in that big wall o' yours? :derpytongue2:

Sorry about leaving everyone out of that wall of text. I gave out my thanks to all my editors at the end of ch 19 'cause i knew that was coming. I can change it if you want.

celibate, not celebrant.

5330335 Edited lol

BTW, you get full credit. When you said that Fey was working for Grim I was biting my tongue lol.

How did you like the ending?

5330916 I knew pretty much as soon as Fey started pushing the "you must take away her magic!" angle that he had to be in some kind of cahoots with Grim. I just wasn't expecting it to be Grim himself.

Ending was fine. Kinda wish a couple characters actually died in the end (Luna, Icarus, etc.), not because I hate them but more because it lessens the ending to me. Until Night actually showed up most of Ataxia's hate was very misplaced (plus, the other alicorns were really only attacked because of the prophecy and were more convenient). I know that Ataxia's newfound fear of herself is probably what your plan was for the fallout, but even with Icarus's guards lying dead at her hooves I still feel like it would've been a bit more poignant if Ataxia had actually killed someone not only close to Night but close to herself instead of, effectively, nameless citizens and property. That's just me, though.

5331043 I went back and forth with that. Debating with having Ataxia kill off Luna or Cadance.

In the end i decided against that because I felt like I did not have to kill anyone off. There is more than enough death in the story that shows that anyone can die.

While Luna was easy to put on the chopping block. it did not mean she had to be put up there. Plus for what I have in mind coming next, Luna will play a much bigger role.

In the end just 'cause I can kill off a character, doesn't mean I will. (keeps people guessing, myself included)

Like I said before in your other stories A MA ZING!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your stories are one of the best if not the best stories I have ever read. You should think in making books for a living, I know I would buy them. Well I am both sad and happy that I finished this...Happy because it was a very good ending to a very very good story and sad because I have to wait....again:facehoof: to read more of your stories. But you know what it is always....ALWAYS worth the wait. Until next time I can not wait to read more:rainbowkiss::twilightsmile:

Your friend

PS I just thought of something....Since I finished this story and wait till you put up another one. That means that I can reread your older ones.....YAY!!!!!!!! Oooooooooohhhhh this is going to be fffffffffuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5374020 the sequel is out, but i know it's not for everyone.

Thanks for that comment though, this story... I was happy to have it done, but sad to be done with it...

Odd huh?

I've been going back and editing the other stories, so far I managed to get done with the first three, but I'm only one chapter into A tyrants words. they should be easer to read now, plus a made a few minor changes here and there. Nothing major but it should improve the story overall.

5374087 I tried to look for the sequel but I cannot find it unless it is Later that night then yes I already read it.It was the story that I found out that you back to write again before I finished this story......sorry my bad.

5374186 Yes it was later that night.

Ok. just wasn't sure if you know about it.


I need to ask. I was told when writing because as 'cause you add the ' before the word as to avoid confusion with the word cause.

Was this incorrect?


Wow I don't think I've ever actually seen that in practice, but it appears to be right. So keep it there. Hrmm.

I would be hesitant to just say delete it. I'm reading this more like a prereader, but I'm not building a story map nor mapping key points/foreshadows. Therefore it's probably best to leave it.

You're quality is getting better throughout the series and I'm only about half way through TiM. So it's really your call if you want to change anything here.


I thought about it and that one scene is not that important to what happens next. If it's that big of a distraction it might just be best to lose it. When you get about half way though let me know what you think. If it can be dropped to improve the overall story I'm not above making that change.

I've learned quite a bit since I started writing. I'm glad it shows. :)


oHH you're about to get started on one of my fav chapters :)


Let me give you this warning, read 5, 6, and 7 all in one go.

It's more of a... military thing.

Women (not all) tend to be, promiscuous in the military, or at least there's enough of them like that to give a stereotype.

Not saying it's bad either way, but that's where it comes from.


Finished this beast already?


How'd I fuck that up? Oops, corrected thanks!

6382989 the waiter has no clue that they're married.

In fact, while they are officially married, Twilight doesn't know that and Rainbow's pretending like they're not.


That was a lot of fun, I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

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