• Member Since 18th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen May 19th, 2021


young adult who loves reading books and stories as much as he hopes to write some someday. Also can do grammar editing.

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So, I'm officially a world traveller. · 12:15am Jun 11th, 2015

So, I went to Italy at the end of May. Pretty fun experience, really. I was admittedly all ruined out by the end of it, but I seriously enjoyed the landscapes as well as ruins such as the Coliseum, The Sistine Chapel and St. Peter's Basilica, and Mt. Etna. Oh, wow, Mt. Etna was glorious. The views coming to and from the mountain, actually going up 10,000 ft. to the highest safe point on the volcano, feeling the gravel under my shoes, and actually putting my hand on a warm spot near the top was

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Thanks for the fav.

Hey, thanks for reading Actually, I'm Dead, glad you liked it. Since I'm always interested in my readers' opinions, I would like to know yours too.

Have a Bowie's thumbs up.

Thanks for the fave on One Heck of a Case! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fave!:pinkiehappy:

Thanks for putting my fic on your bookshelf :D Hope you enjoy! :twilightblush:

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