• Published 28th May 2014
  • 8,272 Views, 388 Comments

Evil Always Finds A Way - TrombonePlayingPony

A human wakes up in a crypt in Equestria, is found by imps and dubbed the Overlord. How will the ponies of Equestria react to this new enemy?

Comments ( 50 )

I ll admit im one of the miffed ones but ive come to far to quit now and only hope he actually wins cause technically he s still labeled evil and i wanna see evil win for a change


Well that makes you such a moral person. Wanting to see evil succeed just because "it came a long way". That's a dumb reason!

He can be good and not bow down before Celestia and Luna, Establishing his own territory, thinking about how to spin the situation to his own victory(not 'hehe, I shall say I didn't do it! A foolproof plan!' but actually Thinking up the endgame) because currently unless he appeals to their emotions/etc, they will destroy him the moment he says he is The Overlord.

Because they are Good, and destroying Evil is Good. Not any ambiguity, you are Good or you are Evil/Destroyed.


Yeah, cuz after all they totally murdered Discord for his many decades of-oh, WAIT!

I dunno how to feel about this. On the one hand, I can respect wanting to avoid becoming another good fic that does the same thing other stories have done. On the other hand, I don't know if you're playing to your strengths with this decision. Honestly you had a strong story going, with a villainous protagonist, and now you're going to take him in a new direction that just feels too sudden. Even if you slightly foreshadowed something important coming up. I feel this change is a bad one.

I don't know how you could've handled this change better, maybe there was no way this wasn't going to feel jarring. Hell this might be the wrong story for this kind of plot. Perhaps if the story had started out like this from the beginning it would work more. I'm uncertain as to how this story is going to turn out, but I'm not ready to abandon it just yet.


He does not want Evil to succeed.

He wants to read about Evil succeeding in an imaginary multiverse, where it harms noone.

There's an important difference here. I also want to read about a story where Evil succeeds, if only because I have so far not seen a single decent one. This doesn't have anything to do with morality; I simply wish to see a happy end for the bad guys for once.


Nigel Chalmers, King of Angels, Darth Vulcan, Malideus, we have far too many tales ALREADY where Evil wins. It's overdone. It's done to death and there's no good reason to root for somebody who is evil just because. Good writing 101: you don't let the asshole succeed.

6289580 none of them are the overlord and i think ive looked at few of those and they werent as entertaining as this fic has been


Gonna have to disagree. There's plenty of Overlord stories here on the site too. And with the bad guy continuing to succeed like "Return of Evil".

It's all been done. A woo woo woo! It's all been done! It's all been doooooooone...befoooooore!

6289627 really, this one and return to evil are the only overlord stories ive seen you have names?


Those two, "The Overlord", "For the Overlord", there's a lot, really. As a close follower of all human involved stories, I've read many. So yes, the story has been done too often. The villainous human in equestria getting away with evil over and over plot has been done far too often. And they often don't even have good motivations. And when confronted with this, the readers just beat me over the head with arguments that boil down to either "shut up" or "don't read" or "so what". Those are fifth grader arguments.

6289647 thanks ill have to check them out and i try not make arguments like that i see it as ive got my opnion you ve got yours but its the authors story


I understand. But I want to truly comprehend the question "Why does the audience like this villainous protagonist"? If this was even remotely real life-esque, then you'd call people rooting for behavior like this sociopaths and demand they be locked up.

But let's try and think about this in a strictly literal sense. The villainous protagonist in work like this usually has one coda that's consistent. "What I'm doing is wrong, I KNOW it's wrong, but I'm gonna do it anyway".

Do they have good goals but evil executions OF that goal? Sometimes, but not often.

Do they have evil goals but are good to their minions or are affable to others? Like Hannibal Lecter types? Well, not usually. They often treat the Mane Six and their friends like crap.

Are they the ones we should root for because they're the more stylish, relatable and admirable lesser of two evils when compared to, say, a Celestia that's a tyrant or the like? No, because more often than not, the canon cast are fine, they're normal, decent people and it's the villain protagonist who's the scumbag that we OUGHT to hate but don't.

Are they easy to relate to, then? Sympathetic? Well...not usually. Why? Because their motivations are often ridiculously evil, moustache-twirling "Where is the reeeeent? I must have the reeeeeennnt" levels of wrongness. And they do stuff like mindraping children or slavery or the like. Now you could POTENTIALLY make them sympathetic or likable if we were shown softer sides of them, of them wishing they were back home, thinking about the family and friends they left behind, feeling trapped by poor decisions and the only way to go is forward, but even then that's both rarely done, if ever, because in most HiE stories, the protagonists either think Earth sucks, never talk about their old life (because it sucks compared to what they have) or never even SEE Earth again. The author is trying it here, but even then the idea 'they wouldn't forgive me' is sort of weak because after all, the cast forgave Discord, and he did AWFUL, disgusting things. But it makes at least some sense given the main character's age and thus we can SORT of chalk it up to "Oh well he doesn't know any better and he's scared and young".

But even then, there's SO many people saying "No! Keep him totally evil! Have him keep doing evil stuff"! Okay, WHY? Why should anyone WANT a main protagonist of a story to keep doing awful things to decent people and to keep getting away with it? That sort of thing only works if the villain protagonist fails just as much as the hero antagonist. But there really isn't a hero antagonist, nobody who can match the villain in works like this, and the villain often keeps succeeding over and over with the audience cheering.

So I put this question to all of you who keep cheering the villains on.

Why do you like seeing bad people getting away with doing bad things? There's other types of stories you could read or watch or play if you want to indulge in some kind of catharsis. At least Walter White and Dexter had their families. So tell me, please. I want to know.

WHY do you like this? Why? And if you tell me "It's just cuz it's cool", that is SOOOO weak. That's a middle school argument.

6289158 They tried to do it to the First Overlord (succeeded from their perspective), first time around with Discord is that Stoning is the most they could do.
They may have mellowed over the years and attempted to reform the Trickster God Discord, but would they do the same for the Overlord who almost destroyed/conquered Equestria/etc? On top of that, he went out of his way to 'Lol, evil' several situations he could have handled a different way.

6289719 alright, first, tldr

Second, you calling other people's arguments childish isn't winning you any favors.

Finally, I don't give a shit what you say in response to what I'm going to say. Call me "shooting down critique" or "acting like a 5th grader", the comments for my story aren't for you to do freaking psychoanalysis on people. Especially when it's obvious the idea of a villain protagonist being unreadable is completely your opinion.

Take it elsewhere.

6289719 Look, just because you don't understand why people enjoy a certain character doesn't mean you should be insulting a story that makes the villain a protagonist. That's simple logic of a sensible person to not hate the unknown, and thankfully you've taken the first steps into trying to understand the unknown. To answer why we love to see villains, I refer to this article (here). It's a few years old, but it gets the point across. We want to root for the villains because it makes our lives seem nowhere near as bad. We can vent our frustrations with life through these characters and that way we can live our own lives a little less stressful. It's not about seeing the bad guy in a good light, it's about understanding what makes them bad and seeing not only their rise, but their eventual fall as well. I hope you take this to better understand people instead of simply belittling them because you don't get what they like. Stay brony my friend.


But the mere suggestion of a fall here makes the audience screech in denial. And we don't really know anything about Don. He is in essence, brainwashed. He shows no real sign of missing his family or his friends or his old life, so he's less relatable than, say, Dexter or Walter White or even Hannibal, who at least had a tragic backstory and was charming.

And him being pretty much brainwashed by the will of the Overlord takes away a great deal of the "what makes him bad" point. Because it boils down to "he's evil cuz he's not himself and that's it". And that's really one note. It's why Sunset Shimmer isn't nearly as interesting a villain as Discord or even Sombra: they're acting of their own free will and have intriguing pasts, Sunset is just a bully who goes power mad and then turns good. And Dom is a lot like her: his rise to evil? Not much to it. So a lot of the charm is gone.

So the villain himself isn't very engaging.

Also, Trombone is immature and whiny. "What are you, asking questions! Who do you think you are?! How dare you have an opinion and approach this philosophically?! People came here to see a human doing sick stuff to ponies and getting away with it by looking cool, stop interjecting logic! I don't want people to think about this! I'M AN ADULT! I WRITE ADULT THINGS!"

6303435 What did I just tell you? Do not be insulting. I know the author actually and what you have been through every single on of your comments is rude. Simply because you don't understand why people like this story does not mean you have any right to insult or belittle them. Trombone has his own plans for the story and would simply like people to sit back and enjoy the ride but here you are constantly saying his story is something no one should read. So, how about you take a step away and learn the old childhood sayings of "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" and "do unto others as you would have them do unto you".


Calling someone out for immature behavior isn't "being insulting". It isn't "being rude". Saying to somebody "shut up and get lost if you don't have anything nice to say" is. I've been writing for over a decade, not merely on this site, but DA and FA and Fanfiction.Net, and I don't dismiss what others say just because I disagree with their points. If I think they're being unfair or that there's something they want me to improve on, I ask for specifics and try to incorporate their feedback because that's what a good writer does. I don't shut somebody down or tell them to get lost just because they're critical. That sort of behavior should be reserved for things like someone calling you an f-word or the like.

And what I am saying is 'This story has been done before and nobody can really explain why THIS story is so much different than the others, thus making it worth reading'. That isn't equivalent to telling someone to stop. I've already pointed out other ways other stories handled things, like how a villain should be relatable or have admirable goals or we should see them missing their home or family. That's constructive criticism because I'm saying this story doesn't really HAVE the things those others have.

And don't tell me "Don't like, don't read", cuz nobody told ROGER EBERT or the NOSTALGIA CRITIC "If you don't like a movie, don't review it". That's not how it works. Imagine a world where the only reviews or coverage permitted were POSITIVE ones. That's positively horrific. Nobody would ever review anything.

6304172 Honestly, I would like to continue this conversation, but you don't seem to be open to exploring anyone's views but your own. You see the world in your own way but ignore anyone else's. What you are doing is picking a part an incomplete story, that's not reviewing, that's nitpicking. I'm sure Trombone would be open to a review once the story is complete, because that's where a review should take place, not while it's still on going. This isn't your story so you have to allow the author a chance to explain the story in full, which for this one means waiting until it's complete.

Also, stories don't have to be "different" for people to enjoy reading them. So what if the big bad villain is something someone has done before? Does that mean people shouldn't be able to enjoy it? People have different tastes and this happens to be a story that a lot of people like. It's just how the world works: people. are. different. You don't have to know why others like it for you to read it yourself, that's their opinion and you don't have to follow it. I'm not trying to tell you to get lost, I'm telling you to be patient and wait for the author to explain things through the story itself and to not be completely critical to the point where you're coming off as simply being rude, which in some of your previous posts, you have. Stay brony, my friend.

P.S. If you really want to reply to this, don't post it here. Do it through a message.

I completely agree with your estimation, dude. I've had an in-depth conversation with this person once or twice in the past and can easilly guess with reasonable degree of certainty that all his comments are completely null and full of hypocrisy. He never actually considers what others say but still wants others to take him seriously =P
In any case, sorry for that bit of past misgivings making it to the top. I'm not usually the one to make it personal but I just got tired from seeing his accusatory comments all over the stuff I like when he himself can't write decently. Also, not going to argue with him because it is useless.

So, onto the other topic... I wanted to ask if this story is worth reading? Is the human actually badass and justified and not a pussy who gets thrown around and looses all the time thanks to Deus Ex Machina? Did he even interrogate or kill someone by this point? And what is the original story you all compared it to? Thanks!

Lets see where it goes from here!

YAY I'M CAUGHT UP IN THE STORY!!:pinkiehappy: :rainbowderp: I'm caught up with the story. :applecry::fluttercry::raritycry::raritydespair: I'm caught up with the story.

No offence, but why do people always try to use Terran equine biology to find technical faults with the biology of fictitious magical equines?

I'm not offended, but I am using the esters cycle of horses as a base. And while what you said is, indeed, true, if we ignore the only information that's remotely close to these multicoloured pastel ponies, pegasi and unicorns, then we could say anything we want and it will be true, because, there's no information on this specific topic in the MLP:FiM universe (at least I don't think so)

How so? I mean, I don't want to be rude, but, if you say that I'm wrong and not tell me (or anyone else as far as I know) how I'm wrong, then that would be intellectually dishonest of your part.
But, like any other good p, intellectual person, I would like some evidence that proves to me, that everything I have said in that statement is wrong.

You know what? I'm actually just bored enough right now to actually answer this, even though any idiot could have looked it up on Google. Horse estrus lasts from mid-spring to late November, one week out of three. Horses are no more sensitive to pheromones than you or I am or they would literally never be able to stop fucking. Most of us can, in fact, "resist a pussy," because most men aren't desperate basement trolls who need to take everything they can get for fear of never getting lucky ever again. I can afford to be picky. Whichever way you turn it, literally not one of your points was actually true where the reality real people live in is concerned. That you went out of your way to dispute an otherwise (comparatively more) accurate statement only makes it look even more stupid.


You know what? I'm actually just bored enough right now to actually answer this, even though any idiot could have looked it up on Google. Horse estrus lasts from mid-spring to late November, (1)one week out of three. Horses are no more sensitive to (2)pheromones than you or I am or (3)they would literally never be able to stop fucking. (4) Most of us can, in fact, "resist a pussy," because (5) most men (6)aren't desperate basement trolls who need to take everything they can get for fear of never getting lucky ever again.(7) I can afford to be picky. Whichever way you turn it, literally not one of your points was actually true where the (8) reality real people live in is concerned. (9)That you went out of yours way to dispute an otherwise (comparatively more) accurate statement only makes it look even more stupid.

(1) Yes and no, yes in the sense that the amount of months to estrus lasts, but the "one week out of three" has less to do with the estrus and more to do with the ovulation cycle (I'll explain as best I can later on)

(2) for being someone who claims to know what FSH and PMSG are, you're wrong, and horribly so.
FSH is (follow along kids XD) Folicule (F) Stimulating (S) Hormone (H) I have never mentioned the word pheromone, and that kinda proves (to me at least) that you don't know what you're talking about (at least not in that specific topic)

(3) I'm going to use the scientific method here, you (whatever your name is) has claimed a positive statement, the funny thing is that you never proved anything. The moment a mare is ovulating (thanks you FSH) the levels of estrogen increase, this in turn makes the horse increase its level of testosterone because the body (physiologically) is telling him "let's go have sex with that mare" and so it happens.

The problem with your statement is this. The estrus cycle lasts between mid spring to late November and the heat cycle lasts 4 weeks (3 weeks to prepare and one to ovulate), so. . . where's December at?

(4) what you've stated there is extremely sexist, so. Are you stating that ALL of us (women included) can't resist a good pussy. . . are you calling ALL women a lesbian? Because that's what it sounds like in that short statement.

(5) it seems that you need some help with writing, here let me help you "most of us men can, in fact, resist a good pussy" see what I did there? I said the same shit you did, without being a sexist. And again no,if all men could resist a good pussy, then there would be no teenagers (12-16) getting god damned pregnant.

(6) OMG, a stranger who knows jack shit who I am, where I live, what I do, and my socioeconomical standing has figured out who I am?! I mean, look, I know you have a serious case of oral diarrhoea, but don't spew shit about people you don't know. Because that's stupid, ignorant and a waste of time. And regarding "getting lucky" what are you an elementary kid? You must say "getting laid" cuz that's what I want (fun fact, I had sex yesterday, no luck there dipshit)

(7) so you so like a good pusy huh? Well not entirely because the woman (or women) must meet certain expectations before it gets the "honor" of having sex with you

(8) what people?
You're talking about the estrus, heat, basement trolls, sexism, ignorant stereotype of men, pheromones and me.
I'm talking about hormones (FSH and PMSG), ignorant people, writing problems and the fact that (some) of your info is wrong. People aren't the topic of this discussion.

(9) out of yours way? The f*ck does that mean? Oh, you mean out of YOUR way, makes sense now. And when you say comparatively um, comparatively to what exactly?

Do you know what accurate means? Accurate means (at least regarding information) it means to be correct in all details, so if I'm accurate and it looks stupid is because you're stupid XD (at least I think *shurg*) and what do you mean by it looks stupid? I'm writing this, so does that make letters stupid? I think you meant to say that it SOUNDS stupid.

PS: and kudos to those who know with is abriged serie "Oh look, a woman who doesn't know any better"

hope this still continues!:fluttercry:

7039626 It will. Recently though, I've just found I prefer writing entire story arcs before posting rather than chapter by chapter. Once I've got the next part of the story all finished and polished, I'll start putting out the chapters.

OH YEAH!!!!:rainbowdetermined2:
cant wait!:pinkiecrazy:

I respect the direction you want to take the story, but now I feel like we are stuck where the main character is chasing something (becoming the overlord) yet has lost his previous motivation to get it.

How are we as readers supposed to root for him if he wont root for himself

Cant wait to read the next chapter, keep it up


He has lost his previous motivation. It was never about survival, really. He could have just stayed under the radar and lived a perfectly fine life. It was the previous Overlord who fed the desire to kill and destroy. He wanted to kill the princesses more so for revenge. At least that's the feeling I got.

Now his motivation is pure survival. He's already taken things too far, what with Applebloom and several dozen murders, even if some of those could have been argued as self-defense, Don is powerful. He could have simply disabled them.

If Don came clean right now, there would be no way they would forgive him. And given the history of the Overlord, they would instantly take him down. They wouldn't be able to risk it, even if Don claimed that he was now in control of himself again, there's always that chance that he's lying or that he's being tricked. And that's just without mentioning Nightmare.

I could be missing stuff but this is all what I've gathered. Looking forward to more chapters.

Side note, Trombone, if you're reading this, just a small thing; "than" is comparative. Bigger than, faster than. "Then" is in reference to time. We go here then we go there. Then why are we lost? Then what?

I can deal with it, I just get slightly annoyed. For me, it's "the difference of knowing your shit and knowing you're shit." Love that saying. No offense meant of course.

Kind of figured he might want to purchase an item that would turn back time in some way so he could undo some of the evil he's done...

7635954 there is a difference between a rabid dog you had no connection with (based on the little information provided) and a person that most likely have family and friends that care about them

One request from a newly aquired fan: can you please have Don go back to being Dominus the Overlord? I like the introspecting and self-relfection on his past actions, but seriously, I am hating the "new" Don, because I can't see him NOT ultimately giving up on his plans and either getting literally stoned, or quietly fading into obscurity, never to carry out his evil plans again.

Aww, just when it was getting really interesting and before we even hit to see Chryssie's new form...

I've been reading Fanfictions for around 7 years and MLP fanfics for 4 years and THIS is one of my favorite fanfics OF ALL TIME! Not just from MLP but Fanfictions in generall and foe that I want to Say:

Thank you! Thank you for writing this masterpiece and keep up the amazing work you rock! :yay::heart::pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

... I have the game saints row get out of hell

This story went from really good to really weird as it progressed. I REALLY wish you would have warned us that is was a displaced fic before all the bullshit happened. Though if I were to measure it in quality anong other displaced stories, I'd say it's definitely better than most others (not that its an accomplishment.)

The whole redemption thing you pulled before canceling really miffed me, though. Why can't villans just stay villans in fanfiction?

I weep! Why are all the coolest looking/sounding story ideas always part of the displaced universe? Could someone explain to me why it's so popular, the only stories I've read from it have been terrible with the constant crossovers with random characters popping in making the original story a disconnected mess. So one of you out there, pilz i beg. Show me why it's so damn popular.

And Blood For The Blood Gods

*funeral March*

*spams the le F button*

Does he ever get turned back into human. I stopped reading after he was turned into a pony

😭no the last chapter of this storyyyyyy😭 I will never know how it ends

I haven't started reading this story yet since its canceled was hoping someone out there could tell me if it's worth reading in spite of that fact

hay continue it it's a good story

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