• Published 14th May 2014
  • 7,456 Views, 211 Comments

Chrysalis' Love Hotel - Razalon The Lizardman

The once despised Queen Chrysalis has now become a symbol of hope and happiness for Equestria's virgins.

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Comments ( 51 )

Celestia forgave Discord, Discord, for... well, everything. I find it hard to believe she wouldn't be more lenient with Chrysalis. Seems a bit OOC for her.

Nice speech, Celestia!

Kind of a sad ending. Would prefer it if changellings had been accepted into Equestria in time, although I guess there is nothing stopping Cheeselegs from trying to change the treaty later on to allow some kind of slow melding into equestria.

Well that was a downer of an ending.

Celestia is kind of a hypocrite here. Discord and NMM did much worse and they reconciled.

She's full of crap.

I can't believe it's over. :fluttercry:

Found a type o but im not telling:pinkiecrazy:

1-5 - nice.
6-7 - disappointed


5004384 Celestia forgave Chrysalis by pardoning her, but that doesn't mean she won't be set free without punishment. Nightmare Moon and Discord suffered their own, and now Chrysalis must as well. Besides, Nightmare Moon was her sister, and Discord is a special case since he never really had evil intent, just selfishness. It's not that hard to believe Chrysalis would be burned harder for what she did when taking those facts into account.

At any rate, she gets to keep the Love Hotel, and that's all that matters for her. She may not have a better life, but she and her changelings will survive well enough like they always have. Even better, in fact, with the Love Hotel.

All true. But too fast. All the drama and build-up, and curling this in two chapters.

That was... unsutisfing.

5004473 Chrysalis could always argue that no ruler of any nation would show weakness by crawling to another leader, begging for aid. That and most ponies were xenophobes. Add that with the fact their swarm was desperate and the result is a bunch of bad decisions. Chrysalis should be sanctioned for her actions, yes, but on a permanent basis, would be too unfair. That would make a nice thing to consider for an appeal, I think...

5004357 And Discord was there first, so Celestia and Luna really took the land and free the creatures there from him.
While I love, Chrysalis, she did try to conquer a land that was already nice and friendly.

Kicking, Chrysalis, while she was already down was kind-of-messed up but, I guess this was like a final punishment that all of Equestria's enemies have to get hit with.:twilightsheepish::trollestia:

Great story! Even if it was a bitter sweet ending.

A bit of a low blow celestia and kicking them while there down

Love the whole story.
That ending though. The feels. All the feels :raritydespair::pinkiesad2::fluttercry::ajsleepy::applecry:

For those who think Celestia was too hard:

6. Should unforeseen circumstances necessitate cooperation between the kingdom of Equestria and the changeling swarm, the stipulations set forth by this pardon may be rendered null and void until said circumstances have come to pass.

Could also warrant a rewrite if Chryssy shows her remorsefulness and loyalty to Equestria in their time of need. So there is that. Also possibility of a sequel with this maybe? *Looks hopefully at author*

Man, even I, who am one to find ways to bend rules to my advantage to points that most wouldn't even think of, cannot find anything but #6 to make things work to their mutual benefit.

5004895 Funnily enough, I do have a small inkling of an idea for a sequel. I won't say what it is, and I can't promise it'll happen anytime soon, or even at all, but rest assured it'll have a happier ending. :twilightsmile:

If and when you do start on it, I still want to see a pony bring in a picture of Chrysalis.

Didn't Celestia just sentence the changelings to death anyway? The changelings needed supplies from the cargo they stole, didn't they? The changelings need information on ponies in order to accurately represent pony's crushes, don't they?

5006191 Chrysalis only got that cargo in order to spruce up the hotel, and she got everything she needed from that one raid. As for getting accurate information on ponies, chapter three established they now have bios on everyone of significance, and that ponies requesting time with a lesser known person can just describe their behavior to her.

Rest assured, they'll be fine, or at least until I decide to write a sequel.

Bravo. That is as simply as I can put it. Nice job, and the ending really made me think.

Celestia is a prick.

I really HATED how the story ended... Celestia just was a total bitch to Chrysalis' species... And even though it kinda made sense... It really crushed me to see Chrysalis and the Changelings get the ending they did...

5100881 Thank you for sharing my point, good man/madam.

5101264 Okay... Also, do you think the author would be willing to do an alternate ending?

5101266 not sure some of the previous comments seem to hint that there may be a sequel in the planning

5101312 Yeah, you're probably right.

5101313 if there is a sequel i hope the changelings do get a better ending than this

5101356 I agree completely.

Really that ending was like go fuck yourself maybe instead they could of started a relationship then making then still live a harsh life in the badland. Besides their love hotel is the only reason they live.

Oh my god. Such ending. I kneel before you my lord.

Great story are you planing to do sequel? Please let there be one if you can .:fluttershysad:

Great story read it front to back and it was very well done.
Ok , I did have one problem.
Since you've gone with the starvation angle and they way you've built the changelings there is NO reason for Celestia's part at the end, If the changelings are doing so bad it's because the world views them as monsters, pushing them to attack because "why be hated, feared and hunted when you can be hated, feared and respected by forcing your way into society?"
People use the "then why didn't you just go talk Celestia will help anyone" well it doesn't matter how much the fly watches the spider be benevolent to it's own kind it will not seek refuge in it's web.

So the only issue I have is the out of nowhere utterly meaningless mean spirited stab at the end, It only serves to reiterate the belief that caused Chrysalis to attack canterlot in the first place: "Those with power make the rules, the strong prey on the weak, and life is without mercy".

It’s for that reason you’ll never set hoof in Equestria again, Chrysalis, and you’ll never have a better life than one in the Badlands

This is not the words of a patron for peace or someone always trying to find a way for all to live in harmony.
They are the word of a spiteful Bitch and none other, and since I don't see an alt-universe tag where Celestia is tyrannical,even a sequel can't explains such OOC actions, (other then going mad with hatred) It makes no sense to be there as the message is already clear by the also ill conceived treaty. nothing is gained. just stupid actions by a thoughtless princess. No reason. but since that's just what's tacked on at the end it still doesn't stop it from being a fun read.


Celestia forgave Chrysalis by pardoning her, but that doesn't mean she won't be set free without punishment

Then Punish Chrysalis, what you have punishes her people, race and her children more than it does her, and the fact that someone like Celestia wouldn't act with such oppression and malice against someone already so defeated, let alone a populace for any reason they could a least mostly justify.

Nightmare Moon and Discord suffered their own

Nightmare Moon was caused by betrayal on the ponies part and something like that happened over time, Since the elements changed her back to luna (and the s4 scene you can see her crying) Celestia did not have the power to defeat her so she used the elements. I can only assume that it was because celestia blamed herself for what happened to Luna she hadn't the strength to break the curse so it imprisoned her until someone could. Because of this I believe Celestia suffered more under the weight of sun,moon and her own guilt for a thousand years (also explains a bit why she knows and does nothing to stop Nightmare moons return)

Discord was irredeemable as the king of chaos, couldn't be swayed from his actions when he returned both times turned to stone but even after equestria wide destruction and chaos, as soon as Celestia believed he could be changed she ignored all risks and put faith in harmony.

Chrysalis is already making changes for the better and is in no position to argue so the actions of the last half of the chapter are senseless. (It would have been stronger and more moving if the treaty had been a test that if she'd sign without her vanity screw everything up then she has proven she is ready to take the road to become part of equestria)

Discord is a special case since he never really had evil intent, just selfishness. It's not that hard to believe Chrysalis would be burned harder for what she did when taking those facts into account.

If this was the Canon Chrysalis from the comics then I'd agree she's an irredeemable, vengeful, power hungry, vain, remorseless creature of nightmares... But that's NOT the character you've written, she would not have changed her ways she'd have revenge be her first priority and would Die free and fighting not under the hoof of anyone else, so I cannot agree to that in this case

For a story that has lines like:

The look in her eyes made it clear she was drawing upon all her centuries of experience dealing with foreign species to put together a plan for extracting information from the captured changeling drone

it's clear anyone with "centuries of experience" wouldn't act the way celestia does at the end, It only makes integration harder, strains an already strained understanding, and keeps ponies ignorant and afraid of what could be the most versatile and productive ally the ponies could ever have. This is not Punishment, it does not teach a lesson or bring Justice, it's subjugation for the sake of suffering. Tyranny. It's a whole lot of thoughtlessness all on Celestia with no good reason, and that's not something that was built to, it comes in out of nowhere at the end. You can't even justify these actions in a sequel as all it is, is celestia pushing around the weak and doing the very things she stands against.

Sorry if I seem harsh It's because I like the story, I'm passionate about it. so when things make no sense in any of the established context I hold nothing back in my constructive criticisms. and I realy do like this story a lot.

Great but in the end....that was too much...the conditions are a dead sentence in itself.

The ending seemed so out of character for Celestia. Way too vindictive, and that treaty was just purely and unnecessarily cruel.
Celestia doesn't strike me as the type to kick someone while they're down, and she just flat out attempted to crush Chrysalis' spirit and hopes.

5385477 Well, the show doesn't really give us a know how of celestias 'in character' so... Really, you just mean diverging from widely used fan-canon. ... I do agree though. Celestia was a bitch at the end. Not that she wasn't already one before.

4786420 Dat is.....a really good questiun.:rainbowderp:

This was a good read.
If anything, I would like to know if there are any really bad effects on the ponies for being drained of love (or maybe I missed it?) It would justify Celestia's actions.


Consider what Chrysalis did; she tricked her, hurt her niece, hurt her personal student (& surrogate daughter), and damaged their relationship, hurt her future her son-in-law (Shining, I think that's how marriage works), hurt her Little Ponies (multiple ways, Changeling had to have been infiltrated and pretending to be ponies beforehand to feed on some love, Ponies will suddenly lose friends, lovers, family, and that'll be massively damaging), busted up her city & castle, and then for the Piece-de-resistance, she bested Celestia herself and embarrassed her.

If Celestia has any sort of pride, or ego, or isn't a completely submissive ball of hugs, that's a lot of hurt to deal with.

Comment posted by Moonshine-Dusk deleted Dec 31st, 2015

I have to applaud how Celestia's portrayed. That is the mark of a true leader, someone who seeks peace even if it's distastful. Who extends the peace but reminds her defeated enemy "you done fucked up". Great story, very well balanced.


On the flipside, Celestia MUST'VE done something to Chrysalis.
Look at Chryssi:
The leader of a race who clearly deeply cares for them (emphasized by both Chryssi leading the assault on her own, and not just strait kidnapping Shining.), leading them on a hunt for food (said by Chrysalis herself). They're obviously starving, pushed to desperation (why else would a race known for their stealth and trickery perform an all out assault?), and 'kind' 'loving' Celestia, hearing that her people are searching only for FOOD, decides to stand and fight, trying to push Chrysalis and her race out, presumably to starve to death.

Celestia condemned an ENTIRE RACE to genocide, just because they aren't ponies.

Now this was one Damn good story, i loved ever bit of it, too bad you can't figure a way to turn the Badlands beautiful like Equestria is, maybe if you have the Changelings find a giant Magical Jewel or something and use it on the badlands to change it to be like Equestria or maybe have it break the badlands off from the ground and become a giant floating island and then the magic could effect parts of the badlands to be like different parts of Equestria, like large grassy plain, lush forests, have a large crystal blue lake, a mountain area with snow over it, so sort of like the Floating Island from 'Sonic the Hedgehog' that way it could float in the sky and the changelings would be able to go where the high winds would push the floating island then and they could even dock the island up against say Cloudsdale or even near Mt. Canterhorn or where ever you would want to have them dock the island.

Well, that's interesting ending and I was enjoying reading. 👍

Hey there. I have to ask seeing as I noticed someone added this story to my 'Female-Animal-Bestiality' group. Is there female animal bestiality in this? Wanted to make sure to ask before I remove this story.


Okay. Thank you for your help! :yay:

This chapter is pure bullshit. Celestia wanted to kill Chrysalis for the love Hotel existance alone. That peace never would have worked. Celestia is a hypocritic. Chrysalis should ally herself with other and go for joined world conquest alone for that.

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