• Published 23rd Apr 2014
  • 8,128 Views, 129 Comments

Cool Story Bro, But It Needs More... Ponies? - Shadowflame

High School just sucks overall. Every new day brings some new experiences; some good, and some bad as well... And there's the day where just about everything goes bad. And all started by growing a mane... A long, blue, pony mane.

  • ...

Another! (Update)

Wow, this story jumped from 29 likes to 43 likes in less than an hour?! That's a new academy record!

Anyways, I guess that means I'll make a continuation. Though, feel free to keep advertising, just to show how awesome the story is and get more readers on board for the next story.

Comment down below any ideas you'd like for the next story, and I consider putting in any that I like.

Anyways, as for the new story's release date, I'll try to publish it on my last day of school, AKA, the last Friday of May.

That is all for now,

Thanks for the support!


Comments ( 47 )

Wow, you get outta school later than me, mate.

I am quite honestly astounded by this quick raise in likes.

I can only imagine what direction this story can go in. Perhaps diving into the more complex and/or darker side of the witchcraft? Maybe lengthening the effects by accident? Unstable magical reaction that EQG's the whole school for a day and causes much confusion? I dunno. Just throwing terrible ideas out there.

Can you do a transformation prank? Making some random guy who messed up with our which girl gets slowly transformed into a pony?

Or how about a try at a multiple target curse, not limiting to one person transforming. Maybe like a date for Lyle and Emily? Kind of funny/cute chapter?

Haha, I'm honestly laughing both your guys' ideas. XD

1st: yay :yay: and 2nd: last Friday in May? My HS doesn't let out until the last Monday in June.

~When you're ripe with devastation
There's a simple explanation
You're a witch's transformation
Trapped inside a high school hall
And no matter how you scratch it
It is futile to resist it
So please, Lyle, stop your crying
And watch the clock on the wall~
(~When I was a little filly
A galloping blaze overtook my city
So they sent me off to the orphanage
Said, "Ditch those roots if you want to fit in."
So I dug one thousand holes
And cut a rug with orphan foals
Now memories are blurred and faces are obscured
But I still know the words to this song~)
~When they've all flipped off your hoodie
And you've got horseshoes, oh goody
Go and find your witchy buddy
As she casts the curse again
While your mom is dramatizing
And your crush is witness-izing
So just let her scratch your ears now
After you leave detention~
I regret nothing (even though I probably should)! :rainbowdetermined2:


:rainbowkiss: AWESOME!

:rainbowlaugh:Dude, never regret this beautiful piece of parody!

This story didn't go nearly as south as I had feared.

Bend eldritch forces beyond human ken to your will to perform harmless pranks? No problem!

It was very cute, and I appreciated it. :3

Meh, frick works for me.
I try to shy away from using the full F-bomb in writing, just because. Besides, there are a lot of words used by authors that aren't even real. But thanks for the feedback anyways. :)

4380061 They all sound great actually, definitely not terrible at all.

I loved reading the story :rainbowkiss: it was so good in my view and seeing this just made me even happier! :pinkiehappy: I can't wait!

You got a real potential for a lot more random (and possibly more permanent, hehe) shenanigans in this. Kudos!


I can agree with you on the pointing out thing:eeyup:

Especially when a large portion of your classmates have the collective intelligence of a pineapple:facehoof:

Good, the sequel will be out on Fimfiction soon.

4526475 You do know there is an edit button, right?

4381321 :rainbowderp: .... *adds a thumbs up*

4380096 Wait, Ray?! What are you doing here?! Get back to the Captain of Mining! You're not suppose to be here!!! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

The new Fics already out

4526799 I do what I want with my buddy Shadow.

Can't be tamed!

4526906 Hey, that's my line!! :rainbowlaugh:

4526917 Get mad sister! :rainbowwild::rainbowlaugh:

4526939 *le angry sigh* Do I have to wreak the comments on this story as well? :rainbowlaugh:

4527202 Roar?! You're here too?! :flutterrage: You're not suppose to be here either!! :rainbowlaugh:

Noms for you mate. Noms for you. And a hug!


This story deserves more attention then it has.

Really? 200 likes seems like a lot to me.

4676432 Enough is never enough! That, and it was smaller before I posted that.:pinkiehappy:

hey good thing to know when your friends with a mage anti-magic spell easy to assemble and feeds on spells cast at you but not your own

5304439 Okay, after reading "Yeah, it needed more ponies", I realize that Trevor is no where near as crazy as Angela. Angela is basically another Pinkie Pie.

I decided to reread this for tits and giggles and all I gotta say is that Angela reminds me far too much of my friend Brad:rainbowlaugh:

Well, anger isn't something I intended to draw out of my audience when I wrote this, and I admit it isn't perfect. It just proves that not every story is for everyone, as seen in contrast to your remarks by the people who did enjoy it. I'm sorry this story isn't to your liking, and that you aren't part of the intended audience of this fic. It just happens sometimes, right?:twilightsmile:

But maybe, my guess is, you saw the rating for this story, or have seen the seriousness of my other stories, or you just are more of a critique reader than most are, and therefore expected too much of it. I have had another reader point out the exact same thing to me in this fic's sequel, but thankfully I was able to alleviate some of his anger towards Angela by the end of the last chapter by showing she does have some morals she lives by. If you so choose to finish this story in its entirety, hopefully this gives you some peace of mind to do so.

In all honesty, this was just something stupid and fun that I wanted to create. I don't actually expect people to take it seriously. But I will, however, take any comments from my readers with all the seriousness they demand.

Thanks for the comment, and I hope we will cross paths online once again,

You definitely have the makings of a good writer. What I did read was well-written and enjoyable, and I want to read more ... I just couldn't take Angela's behavior and attitude.

You can find my review of this story here

*begins laughing* In two stories, she redeems herself... HARD. I mean, so hard. Harder than obsideon (I don't really care how it's spelled)! Seriously, keep reading, and read the sequels.

Nice story. I especially liked that scene between Emily and Lyle was sort of funny. A little rushed towards the end, but the first 2/3s were well-paced.

On the other hand, I really think Angela should've suffered for her actions.

That's a new academy record!

Yeah I'm on "were getting chased by wiener dogs":twilightblush: I'm just saying there needs to be more stories like this one.:pinkiehappy:

7374829 :fluttershbad:
I ABSOLUTELY HATED THE THIRD ONE!!!:flutterrage::flutterrage:

I just re-read this. Still a sexcellent story!

Wait, there's three?

You wouldn't happen to have the steps for the spell in this, would you?

Just, you know, as an amateur witchcraft user, asking for a friend.

Sorry, but I am unworthy of the knowledge of the dark arts required for witchery. Although, you would be wise to avoid such things. This life is too short to be plagued by needless troubles.:moustache:

One of my all-time favorite stories from the very beginning. But, since no one's done an audio reading of it. No One decided it needed an audio reading.

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