• Published 4th Apr 2014
  • 8,621 Views, 356 Comments

Dragon Re-Quest - Tatsurou

When a red dragoness arrives in Ponyville, many lives are turned upside down...especially when a certain assisstant makes her want to make her stay a protracted one.

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'Dina wasn't sure how Pinkie managed to throw her a successful surprise party, despite being informed well ahead of time of the exact time and location of the party, and journeying there specifically for the party. Maybe it was Pinkie's exuberance in shouting "SURPRISE!" Maybe it was the fact that the entire town was there to welcome her. Maybe it was the fact that Pinkie had somehow managed to comfortable contain the entire town in the main room of Sugar Cube Corner without spatial manipulation magic, while still leaving room for everyone to move about and mingle. Or maybe it was the fact that Pinkie somehow already knew what her favorite gemstone flavors were. One thing was certain: 'Dina was surprised.

As she walked around and mingled, she internally sorted the guests into six groups in her mind: Pinks, Drags, Gawkers, Strutters, Crashers, and Kids.

The Pinks were those who - like Pinkie Pie herself - knew that she was new in town, and were there specifically to make her feel as welcome as possible. The most notable amongst this group - besides Pinkie herself - was the DJ she had gotten for the party, one Vinyl Scratch. Vinyl had taken time away from spinning the tables to make sure 'Dina was enjoying herself, and to ask what she thought of the music. She had to admit, 'dubstep' was certainly a new experience for her, and what she'd heard so far was enjoyable.

The Drags, as she dubbed them, were those who didn't really enjoy this sort of party, but got dragged into attending, either by friends, significant others, or family members. Octavia - who Vinyl had introduced 'Dina to - was firmly in this camp. 'Dina recognized this about her, and beyond a few pleasantries, decided to leave her alone for now. She could always seek her out later for conversation if she so desired.

The Gawkers were those who heard about someone new, and decided to come check her out and see what she was like. She didn't get much chance to interact with anyone from this group, as they mostly found good places to pony watch and stayed there. The impressions she got from seeing them ranged everywhere from cautiously welcoming to guarded hostility. She put this out of her mind, though, figuring that no one here would be an actual threat to her.

The Strutters - as she termed them - were there to show off. They ranged from a few stallions who tried to look subtly wise, to mares deliberately positioning themselves in flattering positions, and all the way to one pony who constantly shouted "Yeah!" as he flexed to show off his muscles, while trying to draw attention away from his tiny wings. He had introduced himself as Bulk Biceps, but said she could call him Snowflake. There are certainly some unique characters around here, she had thought to herself as they parted ways and she sought others to mingle with.

The Crashers were those who would be crashing the party, if not for a fact that this was a Pinkie Pie Party, which apparently meant everyone was invited. They didn't care what the party was for, just that it was a party and that was enough reason to be there. A few of this group actually looked like they were drunk or high, despite the total absence of drugs or alcohol at the party.

The Kids made up everyone at the party under 14. Internally, this group could be further delineated in the same way the adults had been, but the variations were harder to notice as they were all overcome by the standard childish enthusiasm in the presence of loud music, free food, games, and ample amounts of sugar. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were a plain example of this group, and Pinkie frequently had to stop them from doing something crazy. ...this would have been more reassuring if Pinkie had been shouting "No! No!" instead of "Me first! Me first!"

Finding a large selection of flavors to try - both gem based and otherwise - 'Dina did her best to sample all of them. She found particular delight in the flavor identified to her as 'chocolate'. She'd never tasted anything so good, and the only gem remotely close in flavor was obsidian, which she'd only ever gotten to taste once. She probably broke a few dining etiquette rules indulging in chocolate, but she didn't think so. She only got a few eye rolls and chuckles after all, and weren't you supposed to drink from a fountain?

All in all, she was enjoying her first party ever...until she mentioned that to Pinkie. The gasp that followed was all the warning 'Dina needed to know she'd said the wrong thing at the wrong time.

"Your first party ever?" Pinkie cried, plainly shocked beyond belief. "But what about birthdays, and holidays, and family reunions, and Blue Moons, and Solstices and Equinoxes and-"

"Parties just aren't a part of dragon culture," she interrupted, again feeling this was the wrong thing to see, as Pinkie's shock became determination.

"That is a deficiency I must correct! Imagine going through life without parties?! Don't you worry your head, I'll make sure your time in Ponyville is more than full enough of parties to make up for all the ones you missed!" Pinkie gasped. "Starting with your very first birthday party! When's your birthday? What's your favorite color? What's-"

'Dina held up a claw in desperation. "Perhaps you could follow Twilight's example and give me a questionnaire to answer?"

Pinkie let out a loud gasp and dashed off. 'Dina shuddered internally. She hoped Pinkie wouldn't go to over the top in parties for her, though that seemed a vain hope even now. She decided to put it out of her mind and enjoy herself for now. Besides, something else was happening that caught her eye.

Rarity seemed to have experience drawing eyes at parties. Today was no exception. Everyone at the party - especially those who were part of the group 'Dina had dubbed Strutters. Her wardrobe was still her standard fashionable, but with certain modifications that readily drew the eye and made her intentions plain. Her tight fitting, dark blue blouse had a bit wider neckline, and the plunge of the neckline was much more daring, giving a much greater than normal view of her cleavage and - if one was daring enough to stare - a slight hint of her pale purple bra. Her black skirt was long, fit snugly around her hips, and the slit up the side went much higher than normal, allowing a much clearer peek at her well shaped legs, which was only accentuated by her high heels. Always before, her wardrobe shouted for others to see her and pay attention to her, and would have a message to share. Today, the message was clear: she was on the prowl.

What stallions dared approach her were politely but quickly brushed aside. The mares who approached her - other than her closest friends - were greeted in a friendly manner, and she then excused herself. She looked around, searching for one individual in particular...and when she found him, went right to his side. "Hello, Spike," she said calmly.

Spike looked up, blinking in shock at first at hearing her call him by name without the usual nickname, and then in awe at her subtly altered appearance. "R-Rarity!" he stammered. "You look amazing!"

She smiled at him. "Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself." This was clearly making conversation, as Spike hadn't changed out of his day clothes before coming to the party. She sat down beside him. "Spike...can we talk for a bit?"

"Sure," he replied, making room for her. "Umm...why aren't you calling me-"

"That's part of what we need to talk about," she interrupted. She sat for a time, gathering her thoughts. "I admit I've been...taking you - and your feelings - for granted these past few years. You've probably noticed, when you weren't...swooning."

Spike nodded. "Yeah, I noticed." His voice was even, neither judgmental nor forgiving. He clearly wanted to know where she was going with this.

"It wasn't for the reasons some of our friends thought...and likely not for the reasons you thought, either." She took a glass of punch from the nearby table and took a sip. "You know that I've long searched for the perfect gentle stallion, dreaming he would be a prince or noble or a important political figure, someone who would sweep me off my hooves and whisk me away to a life of luxury and adventure." She chuckled. "A childish dream that I've had a hard time letting go of. But after having it dashed several times - Blueblood was an ass, Fancy Pants was already married, and Trenderhoof...well, the less said about that debacle, the better - I've begun to rethink it. You see, while it sounds wonderful, it would mean giving up the life I have. The friends I know, the business I'm so passionate about..." She chuckled. "Between all that and the adventures we go on as a group to save Equestria, I already have a life of excitement, adventure, and luxury. But I still want a true gentle stallion to be my special somepony...but it would need to be one who could accept and support the life I choose to live. It took me a long time to realize all I was looking for could be found, not in a gentle stallion, but in a gentle drake."

As Spike looked excited, Rarity held up her hand. "And this is why I haven't acted on your feelings for me. Because as perfect as you would be for me....there are many questions that need to be answered before anything can happen between us. Would we work out as a couple? Would romance put a strain on our friendship, or my friendship with the other girls, Twilight especially? All this I might consider risking, if not for one question that is of greatest importance...would a romance between us be what's best for you?

"And that is a question to which I don't know the answer."

She stared into her drink for a time. Spike spoke up. "Rarity...I..." He hung his head. "I want to say that it would be, I really do. For so many years I've hoped, dreamed...but now..." He shook his head. "I'm learning so much about myself - as a dragon, and as Spike - that I don't even know me anymore. How can I answer that?"

"I know, Spike," Rarity replied. "That's why I never acted on your feelings...took them for granted. I thought I would have plenty of time to think things through, figure out the answers...but that's not the case. Letting all that time slip by was a mistake, and now I need to act."

Spike blushed. "Rarity...I..."

"That's why I'm not calling you Spikey-Wikey," she said. Spike's eyes started to waver. "Because I need to see you as more than the cute little dragon boy who is always so eager to help. And you need to see me as more than Lady Rarity, the idealized mare you have had a crush on for so long." She took another sip, as Spike's eyes showed confusion and hope. "We need to get to know each other all over again, explicitly in the light of courtship. At the same time, 'Dina has already shown she intends to court you. So I want you to promise me something." She put a finger to his lips before he could speak. "And hear the promise first. Don't just agree to anything."

Spike nodded. "Alright. W-what is it?"

The white unicorn smiled gently. "Give both of us an equal chance. Let us both show you what we have to offer, along with anyone else that might show interest...and then choose what is best for you. I know I had my chance to claim you without competition and squandered it. For now, we will each seek to win your affections, and I want you to promise me that foremost in your mind when you make your choice will be your heart and your future."

Spike blinked, and then slowly nodded. "Alright...but..." He swallowed, unable to say any more.

Rarity cupped his cheek gently. "Don't worry...no matter what happens, I won't hold it against you. And when it's all over, you'll still always be my little Spikey-Wikey." She gave him a light kiss on the cheek. "I want what's best for you to be what decides this. Promise?"

Spike thought for a time, then nodded. "Cross my heart," he said, making the motions, "hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Rarity smiled broadly. "Thank you, Spike. Now that we've settled that, how about we go help make 'Dina feel welcome?"

Smiling, Spike stood up, offering his hand to help Rarity to her hooves.

Having witnessed and heard the entire exchange, 'Dina couldn't help but smile. Seems she really does live up to her Element, she thought to herself. She stood up slowly, preparing to go meet them. I don't mind a little competition, she thought silently, especially a friendly one. And the prize is certainly worth it. She chuckled as she joined the two, pulling them both into a hug that deliberately squished Spike's face into a double dose of cleavage. She looked forward to seeing how he dealt with being the prize in a mare fight.

...she idly wondered if he preferred mud, oil, or jello. She made a mental note to ask him at some point.

Comments ( 122 )

oh lordy...it ...is...ON!! Between 'Dina and Rarity that is~! I can't wait for the next chapters!

that was strangely mature for rarity....
you did good, you did good rarity.

That's actually what I really wanted to get across here. My interpretation of Rarity's behavior in the show, relative to the Sparity ship.

Yes, there's a lot of things that can make Sparity work, but there's also a lot of things that could easily make it sink. My interpretation of Rarity in this situation - being the more mature one in the relationship - is as having recognized the risks inherent in it, as well as putting the well being of a close friend over her own personal happiness, which fits in well with her Element.

I'm glad I did a good job.

that ending dam you man no i got a raging bonner

that last line...kinky!!

mud...oil...or jello?

What the f:yay: is she planning?

If they're going to be fighting over Spike, they might as well wrestle at some point.

Rarity would probably insist on oil, chosen for the kind that is good for the coat/mane/scales/all three.

To quote Tucker from Red vs Blue "Bow, Chicka Wow, Wow."
That aside it's nice that Rarity and Dina are on good terms, all too often in a fic like this you'd have your Ayeka and Ryoko fights between the competing paramours. It's a good set up.

I've never actually enjoyed Ryoko/Ayeka situations in love triangles. No matter what choice is made in that situation, realistically it ends in tragedy. This way, they can all stay friends no matter who Spike picks.

Unless it's like Tenchi GXP (I know stupid title because Tenchi isn't even in that series), but anyway instead having to pick one, he gets all of them. :derpytongue2:

Alright nice play.

That is very mature of Rarity and a good move in all things considered. Don't want a friendly comptition to get violent.


4292201 ooooh....I get it now.
I was kinda scared for a moment. Thought it would be more....promiscuous.

Okay. Now I need to know what you were thinking.

4292472 ummmm.......kinky fun times? :twilightblush:

Ok. I can totally see Rarity getting Spike. Then a few generations later Dina getting Spike forever after.


Thank you for writing Rarity as a mature, understanding, caring individual. More of a proper cougar than what we see from most people who include Rarity, either being an airhead, annoying busybody, or absolute bitch who doesn't really care about anyone but herself.

Honestly, now I'm kind of with Liqwidice about this. Spike's more or less immortal, and 'Dina should be, too. Rarity's got what? 80-100 years left? He could hook up with 'Dina now, and Rarity could go without Spike for the next century of longing and regret until she dies. Or he could go with Rarity, then after she passed and he managed to move on, hook up with 'Dina.

(Or, if he's throwin' down that good gangsta shit, wind up with both of them.)

What have you done, Tats? I don't even like Spike normally, and here I am shipping him. I ship Rarijack, not Sparity. Argh.


What have you done, Tats?

Apparently, a good job.:rainbowlaugh:

Thanks for the positive feedback, and I agree with what you say. With rare exception, Sparity I see and read that's more than one shots either has Spike doing all the work, has Rarity completely bending over backwards to be 'worthy', or makes one or the other look really bad to make the ship seem unrealistic. With this, I knew I wanted to address and include Sparity, and I wanted to do it while keeping the characters true to themselves - people. Good people, but still people, capable of both making mistakes and correcting or dealing with them.

As for the suggestions regarding shipping...

Loving the new addition! This story is good and I can't wait to read more.

After that conversation Rarity and Spike had, all I could think of was this:

"Your first party ever?" Pinkie cried, plainly shocked beyond belief. "But what about birthdays, and holidays, and family reunions, and Blue Moons, and Solstices and Equinoxes and-"
"Parties just aren't a part of dragon culture," she interrupted,

"We live for so long that years aren't a big deal, so we don't celebrate annual events. It would be like if you celebrated your birthday once a week instead of once a year."
:pinkiegasp: "That's a great idea!"
:facehoof: "'Dina, what have you done?"

4292210 The line is 'Bow Chicka Bow Wow', as confirmed by all the official RT 'Tucker' merchandise featuring that line.


Equestrian currency replaced by Pinkie Pie party favors. Produces shindigs like the mint.

Okay, thanks. I thought that's what she meant, but I wanted to ask to be sure.

Awesome chapter!!!:twilightsmile:

...she idly wondered if he preferred mud, oil, or jello.

What about chocolate syrup and whipped cream?:pinkiehappy::rainbowwild::trollestia:

Kinda wish Spike would choose both of them.

4293969 That is how, my good sir, we get fine cloptional chapters, keep an eye out if the author does one. :raritywink:

Actually, I put it more at 10 or 20 generations back, and the traits simply happened to become very strong in her, kind of like things that crop up in a bloodline only once every few generations.

I love that neither Rarity or Dina are acting like squabbling children or mean spirited shrews; nor do they think that they deserve Spike more. Both love him, both know that the other loves him and they will accept what Spike chooses with dignity. Love mature relationships

Oh, I see.:rainbowderp:
I was asking because in a future fanfic series I am making, there will be a part when Sunset finds out about her Dragon heritage. Yes, I am now part of the 'Dragon Blood' headcannon train. Lol.


The problem is, if it's too soon - at the four generation point - then the dragon ancestor, while no longer considered 'legally' responsible for her actions, would be expected to step in and correct her once she got that far out of line.

...or was that part of your plan?

Ummm..no not really.
Actually, the part you said, about her strong traits only appearing every few generation, might actually work better for part of her back-story maybe.

This story takes place in an alternate Universe/History though. Instead of being a student, Sunset Shimmer is Princess Celestia's adopted daughter (Princess Sunset), and later becomes best friends with Twilight. I'm still trying to work out which parts will be the actual (first) story, and which will be flashbacks. And whether the story should begin during Season 1, or between Season 1 and 2.

If you want a more detailed description, let me know.

I'd definitely like to hear what you have planned. But send it in a PM.
And generally it's just one particular draconic trait that extends beyond the first two generations, which then crops up at full strength every few generations.

And okay, that's kinda important to know. Thanks.
How far back would Maud & Pinkie be then?

Pre-unification era or earlier. Back when ponies were still learning the basics of their magic. So far back the family doesn't even remember that it's part of their heritage.

We need more Spike/Dragoness fics.:moustache:

That's Waaaay back. Same as Flutters I guess?

Here Here!:moustache:

No, Fluttershy's a bit more recent. My headcanon is she - and Rainbow - are direct descendants of Hurricane from different mothers, so Fluttershy would be from the dragoness Hurricane mated with.

Great chapter! It felt a little fast, but I enjoyed the scene with Spike and Rarity. Still hoping for them to pull through. :rarity wink:/:mustache: :heart:

The only issue I have with this now is the fact that either way Dina is going to get Spike. Even if Rarity wins, she will eventually grow old and die. Spike, now without someone to love, will be open for Dina to walk back into his life. So either way, its not a matter of if she will get him, but when. :unsuresweetie:
(Great story so far though.:twilightsmile:)

4299186 Yea but that is a big if tho. That is is Dina wants to wait around for him to finish being with another woman, being sad over her death, and then finally getting over it. Not to mention that Dina seems like she would have to much pride to be "Second place" to someone.:moustache:

Ok, slight confusion by dina's last thought :duck: but, i think i get it now :ajsmug:. Which even tho it's kinky :rainbowwild:; it might be a lil early thinkin lik that just yet :facehoof:. Anyways, pretty interestin fic so far :yay:; um... i'm basically goin to follow n' see what happens next :pinkiehappy:

...she idly wondered if he preferred mud, oil, or jello. She made a mental note to ask him at some point.

dat choice! Id have to go with mud tho. Been a small dream of mine to see two fighting in some....

so who's going to get spike at the end of this story?

I am most impressed with this story so far, my good sir:twilightsmile:. I always fancied novels that involve romantic rivalries and yours is, in my opinion, worthy of eternal glory. In other words, I really like your story. Please carry on with it. I would pay a king's ransom to discover what will become of Spike and his female suitors (not literally, mind you):raritywink:.

Your fellow brony/writer, Cavalryunit001

4314285 Nah, go for the oil. Less obscuring plus the slipping and sliding bodies are accentuated.:yay::moustache::moustache:

you make a valid point there.... :unsuresweetie:

you also have to add the fact for jello: They would taste so good afterwards.

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