• Published 6th May 2013
  • 2,768 Views, 63 Comments

The Incredibly Dexterous Hands of a Musical Mare - JaketheGinger

Witness the day Lyra and Cloud Kicker met. It doesn't take long for them to bang. However, they also shared something quite special together too.

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Comments ( 63 )

And thus, the Winningverse gets its first fic featuring (short and relatively tasteful) clop. Considering how Cloud Kicker runs around, I'm surprised it took this long.

None can resist Cloud Kicker for long!


Yeah, no joke. Still, very well done for the WPverse's first mature entry.

What's with all the dislikes? :applecry:

You know, I really like the Winningverse series.

You've just managed to ruin it for me.

Thanks. Thanks a ton.

D'aww, that was so nice. :heart:

I mean, it was cool having Winning!Clop, but the story took center stage, as is to be expected with the Winningverse, which made it much better.

Not sure about whether a hoof should be able to fit inside without any preparation or lubrication, though... :twilightoops:

Not your thing, fine. Don't start causing a fuss about it. Just walk away, and ignore it. How do you thing the author must feel, reading a comment like that? And really, considering Cloudkicker, I'm surprised that you aren't okay with this. :rainbowhuh:
I am disappoint. :ajbemused:

Loved the story, JJ, thanks for fleshing out the 'verse a bit more! :twilightsmile:

Not a huge fan of clop, but this one add a lot of nice backstory to the winningverse, and the Lyra/Cloudkicker relation.


Fine. I said my peice and so be it.

Oh, and to the fine gentleman who took it upon themselves to downvote all my stories for having an opinion they didn't like, thank you for showing me that three-year olds can, in fact, use a computer.

Admittedly, my comment was somewhat of an over-reaction, it's just that I felt ithe series was doing fine as it was.

How have I gone all this time without having hit the 'Follow' button for JJ??? :rainbowderp:

Seriously, I'm only following like 3 of his/her stories! :facehoof:

2535736 lol seriously?

Really should get knighty to have that 1 minute on a chapter timer rule before you can vote...

3 year olds don't have any patience to be trolls when they're forced to wait.

manchildren tho... are pointless devoted. but can't do anything bout that... and life does your revenge for you.


I didn't vote at all, thanks. Saw stoy, expressed disappointment, went on with life.

You know what they say about assuming, right?

Your ass appears to be muffling what you're saying - perhaps you should pull your head out of it.

unsurprisingly, this was really good.

May is now officially the best month ever :rainbowlaugh:


if only there was a mirror for sound, because you need to be hearing your own words.


Sorry? All I heard was "Mff mmn mnnn mmf mmm--mmm m mm mm, pffh nnnm mmn mmm nph pffft pfft mmm nnnf."

I actually enjoyed this piece.

First I was a little sceptical, but it's sure written well and I could feel the emotion.

well ARGH I shipp Lyra way too much with Bon-Bon.. so I'm waiting for that kind of story. :twilightsheepish:

But still a good enjoyable story

2535492 Lots of people have a lot of hatred for clop.


Speaking for myself, I simply feel that such things do not belong here.

Okay, so Rule 34 and all that, but it would be nice to find a place beyond that.

That's all I want.

2536795 Sorry, human nature and all that. Just turn on the mature filter and ignore it. It isn't forcing you to read any of this.


Well yes, I understand that, of course, but I equate that to turning a blind eye to a forest fire: I can no longer see it, but the trees still burn.

2536829 Not quiet. Maybe if the forest fire was burning in a completely separate part of the forest, and with no way to spread around to yours to just consume it.


It's just the way my mind works; let's leave it at that. Fair?

2536859 Fair enough. As long as you don't go around posting antagonizing comments, which you haven't done here so I assume you don't anywhere, we are good.

Though, minor edit, the post about this ruining everything, when you knew they had sex if you ever read a Winningverse story, is really dickish. You seem reasonable, but still that is a little much.


Oh, I know, but I wouldn't have thought many of them would be interested in the Winningverse, considering it started with CK's sexcapades. :applejackunsure:
Yes, there's a difference between 'Teen - Sex behind the scenes' and full on 'Mature - Clop', I know, but I would have thought that the interests would be more correlated.


Not sure if you mean Winningverse, Fimfiction, or MLP, but my answer to all of the above is Freedom of Expression, and more specifically for the two former, that it is the call of the person in charge, Chengar and Knighty respectively, to decide what does and doesn't belong where. Please respect their judgements, as applicable, and not voice non-constructive negative feedback when you disagree with a given idea. This does not detract from the Winningverse in any way, and is no less endorsed and edited by Chengar Qordath himself.

And yeah, what 2536814 said.

Sorry about the fracas, JJ. Hope it's not too much of a bother.


A smidge of all three, really - I did admit my original post was exaggerated; while I wasn't really happy, the series is hardly ruined.


I feel your equation of clop with forest fires distasteful and offensive, just so you know.
It is not only a perfectly valid form of literature, but also moral insofar as a rational, liberal, methodology can ascertain. Please refrain from what, especially on a mature story, could easily be construed as antagonizing comments.


Hrrm, I'd say his dislike ratio on that first comment puts it into antagonizing territory, though obviously that is a subjective matter, so this is only my opinion.


Ah, sorry about my most recent post, then. It seems somewhat agressive in this case, having seen what you've most recently written.

I appreciate your calmness in the later half of the matter.

2536912 Having just read that, I'd agree, I didn't notice it before, and purely in my dealing with him he seems reasonable and fine.


I really meant that along the lines of 'just because you can't see it, it doesn't mean it isn't there.'

I tend to have my own way of expressing things. You should hear me swear - I do it in three diferent languages instead of english.

He does seem reasonable and rational, except the strong aversion to clop.
It makes it all the harder to be angry when he's casually disparaging of an entire genre.


Well, the negative aspects of the metaphor were not lost on me, but I can appreciate that it was not your primary concern, but I would like to know why it bothers you to know that it's out there at all.

2536949 Eh, to each their own. I hate the super dark, oh everything bad is happening to me, woe and so on kind of stories. It is just part of human nature, we don't all like everything.


It just feels wrong to me. I doubt this metaphor would translate well, but it's like having a big bag of apples, sweet and delicious and then every once in a while you'll come across a really sour one.

Soon, you find you're a bit nervous of taking one, because the next one might be sour.

I agree completely, but I feel it is about how we act when confronted with such things that is the problem here. You and I would most likely just "NopeNopeNope" out of there without leaving a comment at all. To be honest, it seems in-keeping with SuperGiantRobot's personality too...

My guess is that it was the Winningverse element that caused him to feel the need to post. It is pretty awesome. I'd probably be annoyed too, if I felt it was being mistreated. If I did think that, it would be down to how Chengar felt about the piece, and whether or not it fit established canon as to whether or not I'd be upset about it. I mean hell, if Chengar was announcing a Grimdark fic somepony had written, I wouldn't read it, I wouldn't like it, but I'd respect Chengar's opinion as the last word on the matter of its acceptability.


Hmm, fair enough. I can understand that clop isn't to all tastes, especially since some people like their ponies pristine and innocent. However, I'm not sure I understand why you'd like the Winningverse so much, despite all of CK's antics, if you were that set against pony sexytiems.

2536992 You have summed up my thoughts rather exactly. A fanfic series that you love just adds in emotions, which I think is the real problem, since when people feel like something is being mistreated and they love it, then they want to defend it, and help it, even if their help isn't needed, or helpful. In the end though it shouldn't matter too much, if you talk to someone you can usually figure out if they are reasonable or idiots, and in this case SuperGiantRobot falls into the first category, and we can all come away without feeling attacked or crushed, hopefully.


Thank you for your agreement, and for so succinctly summarizing an argument which I fear may have been in need of a tl;dr. :twilightsmile:

2537014 No thanks needed. I always like discussion and debate, so this kind of thing is usually fun for me.

2537025 Ah yes, I feel the same, in general. My only problem is that I have found that such comment chain arguments often upset others in the comments due to agression, length, or tangents, so I have endeavored to keep such issues to a minimum. It is nice to be able to have a civil enough discussion not to feel guilty about it.


It's more the graphic element I dislike. There's a big difference between 'we made out' and giving us a play-by-play.

2537047 Understandable, but why such a strong reaction? I mean, even with an over-reactions there's still an element of reason behind it.


Because I've just found the first sour apple in the bag.


Hmm, I see. But why, I suppose, is the apple so sour as to upset you as much as you were, rather than tossing it to one side, feeling a little annoyed, and picking out another?


Because it might be sour, too.

I don't think I could explain how my thought-processes work in a manner that would make sense to either of us.


So, you're upset at Winning having clop, since it's the first step on a slippery slope to more clop?
Why not just ignore the mature stories? I'm guessing Chengar's going to be keeping things teen, and most others as well.

2537142 2537163>>2537025
*sighs* JJ's gonna feel bad about this, and he was already a little iffy about releasing a clop story...

Next time can you take your discussion elsewhere, rather than filling up a story's comments? No one likes to see that their newest story received 20+ comments, then find that 75% of those are just the same few people bickering back and forth.

As for you, JJ, you already heard my opinion on you doing a clop story. I'll be read this soon, just to see how you did. You're a success and you know it. Keep on, man.


My apologies. I did already say that I tried to keep myself civil, for the sake of JJ and the comments as a whole. While I appreciate that the bickering cannot be pleasant, I wanted to defend JJ against the rather rude and unfortunate remark made earlier. I would hope that having fans willing to fight to defend him will, in some way, make JJ happier about the whole situation. And hey, maybe that guy learnt a lesson.

JJ, if you read this, I apologize again about the discussion. Thanks for writing this excellent story - it had feels, story, and clop, and I for one was very impressed. I'm glad you weren't too unsure to release this story.

And hey, go gingers!

Cloudkicker the pornomancer, lol.

I was skeptical starting this, but it was an extremely good read.

So, finally read this. I haven't read much clop to be honest Although I have read quite a bit of erotica in general. The only real reason I read this one was that it's winningverse.

Couple comments:
CK seemed shy, almost, there when they began getting intimate. Seemed like the story was about two virgins feeling their way forward to be honest. I know this is much earlier in her life than most of the rest, but it still felt a bit un-CK-ish to me. Especially after the initial way she was coming on to Lyra.
Anatomy seemed off (i think you confused the clit for the g spot at one point).
The buildup felt WAY too fast. You knew where you wanted to take the story(erotica), which is good, but it felt really forced the way you brought it there. Why was Lyra willing to just go off with this random pony? WE know it's CK and that she's cool and all, but Lyra just had a strange pony walk up and proposition her. You may have hung a lantern on it, but it still felt off.
You cut out half the clop scene, which was really odd in my opinion.

All in all... You get points for daring to write the first winningverse clop, but the execution needs some work IMHO. Primarily more character development(for Lyra. CK doesn't really need extra. That's all in the other stories) before the actual clop scene.

Oh. And I know saying that erotica needs more story is like saying that ice cream needs more chocolate sprinkles... but I LIKE SPRINKLES DAMMIT!

Well, since most of the comments have been an argument, I'll see about posting something refreshing.
That flashback... We didn't see it, but Celestia, did we see it.

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