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Guest Author Week: Tom/Discord by RainbowBob

Discord opened one eye, then the other. His head was rigid, and he could see his surroundings in a clear vision, which meant he sure wasn't sober at the moment.

Yawning, he grunted and cracked his back. ''Ugh, what did I do last night? Felt like I slept on rocks.'' Looking down, he discovered the stoic expression of Tom staring at him disapprovingly beneath him.

''Oh man... did we do it?''


''Did I at least use protection?''


''You're clean, right?''


''What, me? Oh...'' Discord gulped, scratching the back of his neck.


''Yeeeeeeah, might wanna get yourself checked up.''

Author's Note:

Many thanks to the one, the only, the fabulous RainbowBob! For more crackship goodness from him, check out his Pinkie x Sombra story Feeling Pinkie Mean!

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