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Rarity/A Body Pillow

''I love you, my prince!'' Rarity said as she spun round the room, her lover in her arms.

''I love you too,'' she said for the pillow she held. Blueblood’s face smiled at her. ''Shall we kiss?''

''Oh, Blueblood, you scoundrel, you!'' Rarity giggled to herself. ''A lady never kisses on the first date.''

''Perhaps an exception--'' A cough rang out from the doorway.

''Sweetie Belle?''

Sweetie stared wide-eyed at her sister.

Rarity tossed the pillow to the floor and cleared her throat. ''Let us never speak of this again.''

Sweetie grinned viciously. ''On one condition...''

''UGH! Stupid blackmail!''

Author's Note:

So I found this in the old unpublished chapters section about 75% done. Then I spent half an hour looking for something embarressing Sweetie could blackmail Rarity into doing and this was literally the only SFW picture I could find. :unsuresweetie:

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