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Guest Author Week: Spitfire/Tank by Dubs Rewatcher

Spitfire threw open the front door and galloped out onto the cloud lawn. A wing was draped over her face, but it wasn't nearly enough to stifle her sobs. ''I-I can't do this anymore!''

Rainbow flew out after her. ''What the Tartarus, Spitfire?! Cheating on me? First you insult my rap demo tape, and now this?!''

''Shut up!'' Spitfire screamed, spinning around. ''You never appreciated me. At least now I'm with a man who cares about me!''

''Oh, yeah?'' Rainbow snorted. ''Who?''

Spitfire pointed to the doorway, eyes narrowed. Ten minutes passed. Tank stepped into the doorway.

Author's Note:

Thanks go to the wonderful Dubs Rewatcher. If you haven't checked out his stuff, you're seriously missing out. He is, after all, the author of perhaps the most (in)famous slash pairing on this site: Rainbow Dash x The Kitchen Sink! :rainbowlaugh:

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